/* * Copyright 2011 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MultithreadedTestUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MultithreadedTestUtil.TestThread; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.HeapSize; public class CacheTestUtils { /*Just checks if heapsize grows when something is cached, and gets smaller when the same object is evicted*/ public static void testHeapSizeChanges(final BlockCache toBeTested, final int blockSize){ HFileBlockPair[] blocks = generateHFileBlocks(blockSize, 1); long heapSize = ((HeapSize) toBeTested).heapSize(); toBeTested.cacheBlock(blocks[0].blockName, blocks[0].block); /*When we cache something HeapSize should always increase */ assertTrue(heapSize < ((HeapSize) toBeTested).heapSize()); toBeTested.evictBlock(blocks[0].blockName); /*Post eviction, heapsize should be the same */ assertEquals(heapSize, ((HeapSize) toBeTested).heapSize()); } public static void testCacheMultiThreaded(final BlockCache toBeTested, final int blockSize, final int numThreads, final int numQueries, final double passingScore) throws Exception { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); MultithreadedTestUtil.TestContext ctx = new MultithreadedTestUtil.TestContext( conf); final AtomicInteger totalQueries = new AtomicInteger(); final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<HFileBlockPair> blocksToTest = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<HFileBlockPair>(); final AtomicInteger hits = new AtomicInteger(); final AtomicInteger miss = new AtomicInteger(); HFileBlockPair[] blocks = generateHFileBlocks(numQueries, blockSize); blocksToTest.addAll(Arrays.asList(blocks)); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { TestThread t = new MultithreadedTestUtil.RepeatingTestThread(ctx) { @Override public void doAnAction() throws Exception { if (!blocksToTest.isEmpty()) { HFileBlockPair ourBlock = blocksToTest.poll(); // if we run out of blocks to test, then we should stop the tests. if (ourBlock == null) { ctx.setStopFlag(true); return; } toBeTested.cacheBlock(ourBlock.blockName, ourBlock.block); Cacheable retrievedBlock = toBeTested.getBlock(ourBlock.blockName, false); if (retrievedBlock != null) { assertEquals(ourBlock.block, retrievedBlock); toBeTested.evictBlock(ourBlock.blockName); hits.incrementAndGet(); assertNull(toBeTested.getBlock(ourBlock.blockName, false)); } else { miss.incrementAndGet(); } totalQueries.incrementAndGet(); } } }; t.setDaemon(true); ctx.addThread(t); } ctx.startThreads(); while (!blocksToTest.isEmpty() && ctx.shouldRun()) { Thread.sleep(10); } ctx.stop(); if (hits.get() / ((double) hits.get() + (double) miss.get()) < passingScore) { fail("Too many nulls returned. Hits: " + hits.get() + " Misses: " + miss.get()); } } public static void testCacheSimple(BlockCache toBeTested, int blockSize, int numBlocks) throws Exception { HFileBlockPair[] blocks = generateHFileBlocks(numBlocks, blockSize); // Confirm empty for (HFileBlockPair block : blocks) { assertNull(toBeTested.getBlock(block.blockName, true)); } // Add blocks for (HFileBlockPair block : blocks) { toBeTested.cacheBlock(block.blockName, block.block); } // Check if all blocks are properly cached and contain the right // information, or the blocks are null. // MapMaker makes no guarantees when it will evict, so neither can we. for (HFileBlockPair block : blocks) { HFileBlock buf = (HFileBlock) toBeTested.getBlock(block.blockName, true); if (buf != null) { assertEquals(block.block, buf); } } // Re-add some duplicate blocks. Hope nothing breaks. for (HFileBlockPair block : blocks) { try { if (toBeTested.getBlock(block.blockName, true) != null) { toBeTested.cacheBlock(block.blockName, block.block); fail("Cache should not allow re-caching a block"); } } catch (RuntimeException re) { // expected } } } public static void hammerSingleKey(final BlockCache toBeTested, int BlockSize, int numThreads, int numQueries) throws Exception { final BlockCacheKey key = new BlockCacheKey("key", 0); final byte[] buf = new byte[5 * 1024]; Arrays.fill(buf, (byte) 5); final ByteArrayCacheable bac = new ByteArrayCacheable(buf); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); MultithreadedTestUtil.TestContext ctx = new MultithreadedTestUtil.TestContext( conf); final AtomicInteger totalQueries = new AtomicInteger(); toBeTested.cacheBlock(key, bac); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { TestThread t = new MultithreadedTestUtil.RepeatingTestThread(ctx) { @Override public void doAnAction() throws Exception { ByteArrayCacheable returned = (ByteArrayCacheable) toBeTested .getBlock(key, false); assertArrayEquals(buf, returned.buf); totalQueries.incrementAndGet(); } }; t.setDaemon(true); ctx.addThread(t); } ctx.startThreads(); while (totalQueries.get() < numQueries && ctx.shouldRun()) { Thread.sleep(10); } ctx.stop(); } public static void hammerEviction(final BlockCache toBeTested, int BlockSize, int numThreads, int numQueries) throws Exception { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); MultithreadedTestUtil.TestContext ctx = new MultithreadedTestUtil.TestContext( conf); final AtomicInteger totalQueries = new AtomicInteger(); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { final int finalI = i; final byte[] buf = new byte[5 * 1024]; TestThread t = new MultithreadedTestUtil.RepeatingTestThread(ctx) { @Override public void doAnAction() throws Exception { for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { BlockCacheKey key = new BlockCacheKey("key_" + finalI + "_" + j, 0); Arrays.fill(buf, (byte) (finalI * j)); final ByteArrayCacheable bac = new ByteArrayCacheable(buf); ByteArrayCacheable gotBack = (ByteArrayCacheable) toBeTested .getBlock(key, true); if (gotBack != null) { assertArrayEquals(gotBack.buf, bac.buf); } else { toBeTested.cacheBlock(key, bac); } } totalQueries.incrementAndGet(); } }; t.setDaemon(true); ctx.addThread(t); } ctx.startThreads(); while (totalQueries.get() < numQueries && ctx.shouldRun()) { Thread.sleep(10); } ctx.stop(); assertTrue(toBeTested.getStats().getEvictedCount() > 0); } private static class ByteArrayCacheable implements Cacheable { final byte[] buf; public ByteArrayCacheable(byte[] buf) { this.buf = buf; } @Override public long heapSize() { return 4 + buf.length; } @Override public int getSerializedLength() { return 4 + buf.length; } @Override public void serialize(ByteBuffer destination) { destination.putInt(buf.length); Thread.yield(); destination.put(buf); destination.rewind(); } @Override public CacheableDeserializer<Cacheable> getDeserializer() { return new CacheableDeserializer<Cacheable>() { @Override public Cacheable deserialize(ByteBuffer b) throws IOException { int len = b.getInt(); Thread.yield(); byte buf[] = new byte[len]; b.get(buf); return new ByteArrayCacheable(buf); } }; } } private static HFileBlockPair[] generateHFileBlocks(int blockSize, int numBlocks) { HFileBlockPair[] returnedBlocks = new HFileBlockPair[numBlocks]; Random rand = new Random(); HashSet<String> usedStrings = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) { // The buffer serialized size needs to match the size of BlockSize. So we // declare our data size to be smaller than it by the serialization space // required. ByteBuffer cachedBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(blockSize - HFileBlock.EXTRA_SERIALIZATION_SPACE); rand.nextBytes(cachedBuffer.array()); cachedBuffer.rewind(); int onDiskSizeWithoutHeader = blockSize - HFileBlock.EXTRA_SERIALIZATION_SPACE; int uncompressedSizeWithoutHeader = blockSize - HFileBlock.EXTRA_SERIALIZATION_SPACE; long prevBlockOffset = rand.nextLong(); BlockType.DATA.write(cachedBuffer); cachedBuffer.putInt(onDiskSizeWithoutHeader); cachedBuffer.putInt(uncompressedSizeWithoutHeader); cachedBuffer.putLong(prevBlockOffset); cachedBuffer.rewind(); HFileBlock generated = new HFileBlock(BlockType.DATA, onDiskSizeWithoutHeader, uncompressedSizeWithoutHeader, prevBlockOffset, cachedBuffer, false, blockSize); String strKey; /* No conflicting keys */ for (strKey = new Long(rand.nextLong()).toString(); !usedStrings .add(strKey); strKey = new Long(rand.nextLong()).toString()) ; returnedBlocks[i] = new HFileBlockPair(); returnedBlocks[i].blockName = new BlockCacheKey(strKey, 0); returnedBlocks[i].block = generated; } return returnedBlocks; } private static class HFileBlockPair { BlockCacheKey blockName; HFileBlock block; } }