/** * Copyright 2011 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.slab; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.HeapSize; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.BlockCache; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.BlockCacheColumnFamilySummary; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.BlockCacheKey; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.CacheStats; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.Cacheable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ClassSize; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.HasThread; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder; /** * SlabCache is composed of multiple SingleSizeCaches. It uses a TreeMap in * order to determine where a given element fits. Redirects gets and puts to the * correct SingleSizeCache. * **/ public class SlabCache implements SlabItemActionWatcher, BlockCache, HeapSize { private final ConcurrentHashMap<BlockCacheKey, SingleSizeCache> backingStore; private final TreeMap<Integer, SingleSizeCache> sizer; static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SlabCache.class); static final int STAT_THREAD_PERIOD_SECS = 60 * 5; private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduleThreadPool = Executors .newScheduledThreadPool(1, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("Slab Statistics #%d") .build()); long size; private final CacheStats stats; final SlabStats requestStats; final SlabStats successfullyCachedStats; private final long avgBlockSize; private static final long CACHE_FIXED_OVERHEAD = ClassSize.estimateBase( SlabCache.class, false); /** * Default constructor, creates an empty SlabCache. * * @param size Total size allocated to the SlabCache. (Bytes) * @param avgBlockSize Average size of a block being cached. **/ public SlabCache(long size, long avgBlockSize) { this.avgBlockSize = avgBlockSize; this.size = size; this.stats = new CacheStats(); this.requestStats = new SlabStats(); this.successfullyCachedStats = new SlabStats(); backingStore = new ConcurrentHashMap<BlockCacheKey, SingleSizeCache>(); sizer = new TreeMap<Integer, SingleSizeCache>(); this.scheduleThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(new StatisticsThread(this), STAT_THREAD_PERIOD_SECS, STAT_THREAD_PERIOD_SECS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * A way of allocating the desired amount of Slabs of each particular size. * * This reads two lists from conf, hbase.offheap.slab.proportions and * hbase.offheap.slab.sizes. * * The first list is the percentage of our total space we allocate to the * slabs. * * The second list is blocksize of the slabs in bytes. (E.g. the slab holds * blocks of this size). * * @param conf Configuration file. */ public void addSlabByConf(Configuration conf) { // Proportions we allocate to each slab of the total size. String[] porportions = conf.getStrings( "hbase.offheapcache.slab.proportions", "0.80", "0.20"); String[] sizes = conf.getStrings("hbase.offheapcache.slab.sizes", new Long( avgBlockSize * 11 / 10).toString(), new Long(avgBlockSize * 21 / 10) .toString()); if (porportions.length != sizes.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "SlabCache conf not " + "initialized, error in configuration. hbase.offheap.slab.proportions specifies " + porportions.length + " slabs while hbase.offheap.slab.sizes specifies " + sizes.length + " slabs " + "offheapslabporportions and offheapslabsizes"); } /* * We use BigDecimals instead of floats because float rounding is annoying */ BigDecimal[] parsedProportions = stringArrayToBigDecimalArray(porportions); BigDecimal[] parsedSizes = stringArrayToBigDecimalArray(sizes); BigDecimal sumProportions = new BigDecimal(0); for (BigDecimal b : parsedProportions) { /* Make sure all proportions are greater than 0 */ Preconditions .checkArgument(b.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 1, "Proportions in hbase.offheap.slab.proportions must be greater than 0!"); sumProportions = sumProportions.add(b); } /* If the sum is greater than 1 */ Preconditions .checkArgument(sumProportions.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) != 1, "Sum of all proportions in hbase.offheap.slab.proportions must be less than 1"); /* If the sum of all proportions is less than 0.99 */ if (sumProportions.compareTo(new BigDecimal("0.99")) == -1) { LOG.warn("Sum of hbase.offheap.slab.proportions is less than 0.99! Memory is being wasted"); } for (int i = 0; i < parsedProportions.length; i++) { int blockSize = parsedSizes[i].intValue(); int numBlocks = new BigDecimal(this.size).multiply(parsedProportions[i]) .divide(parsedSizes[i], BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN).intValue(); addSlab(blockSize, numBlocks); } } /** * Gets the size of the slab cache a ByteBuffer of this size would be * allocated to. * * @param size Size of the ByteBuffer we are checking. * * @return the Slab that the above bytebuffer would be allocated towards. If * object is too large, returns null. */ Entry<Integer, SingleSizeCache> getHigherBlock(int size) { return sizer.higherEntry(size - 1); } private BigDecimal[] stringArrayToBigDecimalArray(String[] parsee) { BigDecimal[] parsed = new BigDecimal[parsee.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parsee.length; i++) { parsed[i] = new BigDecimal(parsee[i].trim()); } return parsed; } private void addSlab(int blockSize, int numBlocks) { LOG.info("Creating a slab of blockSize " + blockSize + " with " + numBlocks + " blocks."); sizer.put(blockSize, new SingleSizeCache(blockSize, numBlocks, this)); } /** * Cache the block with the specified key and buffer. First finds what size * SingleSlabCache it should fit in. If the block doesn't fit in any, it will * return without doing anything. * <p> * It is assumed this will NEVER be called on an already cached block. If that * is done, it is assumed that you are reinserting the same exact block due to * a race condition, and will throw a runtime exception. * * @param cacheKey block cache key * @param cachedItem block buffer */ public void cacheBlock(BlockCacheKey cacheKey, Cacheable cachedItem) { Entry<Integer, SingleSizeCache> scacheEntry = getHigherBlock(cachedItem .getSerializedLength()); this.requestStats.addin(cachedItem.getSerializedLength()); if (scacheEntry == null) { return; // we can't cache, something too big. } this.successfullyCachedStats.addin(cachedItem.getSerializedLength()); SingleSizeCache scache = scacheEntry.getValue(); /* * This will throw a runtime exception if we try to cache the same value * twice */ scache.cacheBlock(cacheKey, cachedItem); } /** * We don't care about whether its in memory or not, so we just pass the call * through. */ public void cacheBlock(BlockCacheKey cacheKey, Cacheable buf, boolean inMemory) { cacheBlock(cacheKey, buf); } public CacheStats getStats() { return this.stats; } /** * Get the buffer of the block with the specified name. * * @param key * @param caching * @return buffer of specified block name, or null if not in cache */ public Cacheable getBlock(BlockCacheKey key, boolean caching) { SingleSizeCache cachedBlock = backingStore.get(key); if (cachedBlock == null) { stats.miss(caching); return null; } Cacheable contentBlock = cachedBlock.getBlock(key, caching); if (contentBlock != null) { stats.hit(caching); } else { stats.miss(caching); } return contentBlock; } /** * Evicts a block from the cache. This is public, and thus contributes to the * the evict counter. */ public boolean evictBlock(BlockCacheKey cacheKey) { SingleSizeCache cacheEntry = backingStore.get(cacheKey); if (cacheEntry == null) { return false; } else { cacheEntry.evictBlock(cacheKey); return true; } } @Override public void onEviction(BlockCacheKey key, SingleSizeCache notifier) { stats.evicted(); backingStore.remove(key); } @Override public void onInsertion(BlockCacheKey key, SingleSizeCache notifier) { backingStore.put(key, notifier); } /** * Sends a shutdown to all SingleSizeCache's contained by this cache. * * Also terminates the scheduleThreadPool. */ public void shutdown() { for (SingleSizeCache s : sizer.values()) { s.shutdown(); } this.scheduleThreadPool.shutdown(); } public long heapSize() { long childCacheSize = 0; for (SingleSizeCache s : sizer.values()) { childCacheSize += s.heapSize(); } return SlabCache.CACHE_FIXED_OVERHEAD + childCacheSize; } public long size() { return this.size; } public long getFreeSize() { return 0; // this cache, by default, allocates all its space. } @Override public long getBlockCount() { long count = 0; for (SingleSizeCache cache : backingStore.values()) { count += cache.getBlockCount(); } return count; } public long getCurrentSize() { return size; } public long getEvictedCount() { return stats.getEvictedCount(); } /* * Statistics thread. Periodically prints the cache statistics to the log. */ static class StatisticsThread extends HasThread { SlabCache ourcache; public StatisticsThread(SlabCache slabCache) { super("SlabCache.StatisticsThread"); setDaemon(true); this.ourcache = slabCache; } @Override public void run() { for (SingleSizeCache s : ourcache.sizer.values()) { s.logStats(); } SlabCache.LOG.info("Current heap size is: " + StringUtils.humanReadableInt(ourcache.heapSize())); LOG.info("Request Stats"); ourcache.requestStats.logStats(); LOG.info("Successfully Cached Stats"); ourcache.successfullyCachedStats.logStats(); } } /** * Just like CacheStats, but more Slab specific. Finely grained profiling of * sizes we store using logs. * */ static class SlabStats { // the maximum size somebody will ever try to cache, then we multiply by // 10 // so we have finer grained stats. final int MULTIPLIER = 10; final int NUMDIVISIONS = (int) (Math.log(Integer.MAX_VALUE) * MULTIPLIER); private final AtomicLong[] counts = new AtomicLong[NUMDIVISIONS]; public SlabStats() { for (int i = 0; i < NUMDIVISIONS; i++) { counts[i] = new AtomicLong(); } } public void addin(int size) { int index = (int) (Math.log(size) * MULTIPLIER); counts[index].incrementAndGet(); } public AtomicLong[] getUsage() { return counts; } double getUpperBound(int index) { return Math.pow(Math.E, ((index + 0.5) / MULTIPLIER)); } double getLowerBound(int index) { return Math.pow(Math.E, ((index - 0.5) / MULTIPLIER)); } public void logStats() { AtomicLong[] fineGrainedStats = getUsage(); for (int i = 0; i < fineGrainedStats.length; i++) { if (fineGrainedStats[i].get() > 0) { SlabCache.LOG.info("From " + StringUtils.humanReadableInt((long) getLowerBound(i)) + "- " + StringUtils.humanReadableInt((long) getUpperBound(i)) + ": " + StringUtils.humanReadableInt(fineGrainedStats[i].get()) + " requests"); } } } } public int evictBlocksByHfileName(String hfileName) { int numEvicted = 0; for (BlockCacheKey key : backingStore.keySet()) { if (key.getHfileName().equals(hfileName)) { if (evictBlock(key)) ++numEvicted; } } return numEvicted; } /* * Not implemented. Extremely costly to do this from the off heap cache, you'd * need to copy every object on heap once */ @Override public List<BlockCacheColumnFamilySummary> getBlockCacheColumnFamilySummaries( Configuration conf) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }