/* * Copyright 2010 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.replication; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Abortable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Server; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperListener; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperNodeTracker; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperWatcher; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.ConnectionLossException; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.SessionExpiredException; /** * This class serves as a helper for all things related to zookeeper * in replication. * <p/> * The layout looks something like this under zookeeper.znode.parent * for the master cluster: * <p/> * <pre> * replication/ * state {contains true or false} * clusterId {contains a byte} * peers/ * 1/ {contains a full cluster address} * 2/ * ... * rs/ {lists all RS that replicate} * startcode1/ {lists all peer clusters} * 1/ {lists hlogs to process} * {contains nothing or a position} * * ... * 2/ * ... * startcode2/ * ... * </pre> */ public class ReplicationZookeeper { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ReplicationZookeeper.class); // Name of znode we use to lock when failover private final static String RS_LOCK_ZNODE = "lock"; // Our handle on zookeeper private final ZooKeeperWatcher zookeeper; // Map of peer clusters keyed by their id private Map<String, ReplicationPeer> peerClusters; // Path to the root replication znode private String replicationZNode; // Path to the peer clusters znode private String peersZNode; // Path to the znode that contains all RS that replicates private String rsZNode; // Path to this region server's name under rsZNode private String rsServerNameZnode; // Name node if the replicationState znode private String replicationStateNodeName; private final Configuration conf; // Is this cluster replicating at the moment? private AtomicBoolean replicating; // The key to our own cluster private String ourClusterKey; // Abortable private Abortable abortable; private ReplicationStatusTracker statusTracker; /** * Constructor used by clients of replication (like master and HBase clients) * @param conf conf to use * @param zk zk connection to use * @throws IOException */ public ReplicationZookeeper(final Abortable abortable, final Configuration conf, final ZooKeeperWatcher zk) throws KeeperException { this.conf = conf; this.zookeeper = zk; this.replicating = new AtomicBoolean(); setZNodes(abortable); } /** * Constructor used by region servers, connects to the peer cluster right away. * * @param server * @param replicating atomic boolean to start/stop replication * @throws IOException * @throws KeeperException */ public ReplicationZookeeper(final Server server, final AtomicBoolean replicating) throws IOException, KeeperException { this.abortable = server; this.zookeeper = server.getZooKeeper(); this.conf = server.getConfiguration(); this.replicating = replicating; setZNodes(server); this.peerClusters = new HashMap<String, ReplicationPeer>(); ZKUtil.createWithParents(this.zookeeper, ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.replicationZNode, this.replicationStateNodeName)); this.rsServerNameZnode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(rsZNode, server.getServerName().toString()); ZKUtil.createWithParents(this.zookeeper, this.rsServerNameZnode); connectExistingPeers(); } private void setZNodes(Abortable abortable) throws KeeperException { String replicationZNodeName = conf.get("zookeeper.znode.replication", "replication"); String peersZNodeName = conf.get("zookeeper.znode.replication.peers", "peers"); this.replicationStateNodeName = conf.get("zookeeper.znode.replication.state", "state"); String rsZNodeName = conf.get("zookeeper.znode.replication.rs", "rs"); this.ourClusterKey = ZKUtil.getZooKeeperClusterKey(this.conf); this.replicationZNode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.zookeeper.baseZNode, replicationZNodeName); this.peersZNode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(replicationZNode, peersZNodeName); ZKUtil.createWithParents(this.zookeeper, this.peersZNode); this.rsZNode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(replicationZNode, rsZNodeName); ZKUtil.createWithParents(this.zookeeper, this.rsZNode); // Set a tracker on replicationStateNodeNode this.statusTracker = new ReplicationStatusTracker(this.zookeeper, abortable); statusTracker.start(); readReplicationStateZnode(); } private void connectExistingPeers() throws IOException, KeeperException { List<String> znodes = ZKUtil.listChildrenNoWatch(this.zookeeper, this.peersZNode); if (znodes != null) { for (String z : znodes) { connectToPeer(z); } } } /** * List this cluster's peers' IDs * @return list of all peers' identifiers */ public List<String> listPeersIdsAndWatch() { List<String> ids = null; try { ids = ZKUtil.listChildrenAndWatchThem(this.zookeeper, this.peersZNode); } catch (KeeperException e) { this.abortable.abort("Cannot get the list of peers ", e); } return ids; } /** * Map of this cluster's peers for display. * @return A map of peer ids to peer cluster keys */ public Map<String,String> listPeers() { Map<String,String> peers = new TreeMap<String,String>(); List<String> ids = null; try { ids = ZKUtil.listChildrenNoWatch(this.zookeeper, this.peersZNode); for (String id : ids) { peers.put(id, Bytes.toString(ZKUtil.getData(this.zookeeper, ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.peersZNode, id)))); } } catch (KeeperException e) { this.abortable.abort("Cannot get the list of peers ", e); } return peers; } /** * Returns all region servers from given peer * * @param peerClusterId (byte) the cluster to interrogate * @return addresses of all region servers */ public List<ServerName> getSlavesAddresses(String peerClusterId) { if (this.peerClusters.size() == 0) { return new ArrayList<ServerName>(0); } ReplicationPeer peer = this.peerClusters.get(peerClusterId); if (peer == null) { return new ArrayList<ServerName>(0); } List<ServerName> addresses; try { addresses = fetchSlavesAddresses(peer.getZkw()); } catch (KeeperException ke) { if (ke instanceof ConnectionLossException || ke instanceof SessionExpiredException) { LOG.warn( "Lost the ZooKeeper connection for peer " + peer.getClusterKey(), ke); try { peer.reloadZkWatcher(); } catch(IOException io) { LOG.warn( "Creation of ZookeeperWatcher failed for peer " + peer.getClusterKey(), io); } } addresses = Collections.emptyList(); } peer.setRegionServers(addresses); return peer.getRegionServers(); } /** * Get the list of all the region servers from the specified peer * @param zkw zk connection to use * @return list of region server addresses or an empty list if the slave * is unavailable */ private List<ServerName> fetchSlavesAddresses(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw) throws KeeperException { return listChildrenAndGetAsServerNames(zkw, zkw.rsZNode); } /** * Lists the children of the specified znode, retrieving the data of each * child as a server address. * * Used to list the currently online regionservers and their addresses. * * Sets no watches at all, this method is best effort. * * Returns an empty list if the node has no children. Returns null if the * parent node itself does not exist. * * @param zkw zookeeper reference * @param znode node to get children of as addresses * @return list of data of children of specified znode, empty if no children, * null if parent does not exist * @throws KeeperException if unexpected zookeeper exception */ public static List<ServerName> listChildrenAndGetAsServerNames( ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, String znode) throws KeeperException { List<String> children = ZKUtil.listChildrenNoWatch(zkw, znode); if(children == null) { return null; } List<ServerName> addresses = new ArrayList<ServerName>(children.size()); for (String child : children) { addresses.add(ServerName.parseServerName(child)); } return addresses; } /** * This method connects this cluster to another one and registers it * in this region server's replication znode * @param peerId id of the peer cluster * @throws KeeperException */ public boolean connectToPeer(String peerId) throws IOException, KeeperException { if (peerClusters == null) { return false; } if (this.peerClusters.containsKey(peerId)) { return false; } ReplicationPeer peer = getPeer(peerId); if (peer == null) { return false; } this.peerClusters.put(peerId, peer); ZKUtil.createWithParents(this.zookeeper, ZKUtil.joinZNode( this.rsServerNameZnode, peerId)); LOG.info("Added new peer cluster " + peer.getClusterKey()); return true; } /** * Helper method to connect to a peer * @param peerId peer's identifier * @return object representing the peer * @throws IOException * @throws KeeperException */ public ReplicationPeer getPeer(String peerId) throws IOException, KeeperException{ String znode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.peersZNode, peerId); byte [] data = ZKUtil.getData(this.zookeeper, znode); String otherClusterKey = Bytes.toString(data); if (this.ourClusterKey.equals(otherClusterKey)) { LOG.debug("Not connecting to " + peerId + " because it's us"); return null; } // Construct the connection to the new peer Configuration otherConf = new Configuration(this.conf); try { ZKUtil.applyClusterKeyToConf(otherConf, otherClusterKey); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Can't get peer because:", e); return null; } return new ReplicationPeer(otherConf, peerId, otherClusterKey); } /** * Set the new replication state for this cluster * @param newState */ public void setReplicating(boolean newState) throws KeeperException { ZKUtil.createWithParents(this.zookeeper, ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.replicationZNode, this.replicationStateNodeName)); ZKUtil.setData(this.zookeeper, ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.replicationZNode, this.replicationStateNodeName), Bytes.toBytes(Boolean.toString(newState))); } /** * Remove the peer from zookeeper. which will trigger the watchers on every * region server and close their sources * @param id * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown when the peer doesn't exist */ public void removePeer(String id) throws IOException { try { if (!peerExists(id)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot remove inexisting peer"); } ZKUtil.deleteNode(this.zookeeper, ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.peersZNode, id)); } catch (KeeperException e) { throw new IOException("Unable to remove a peer", e); } } /** * Add a new peer to this cluster * @param id peer's identifier * @param clusterKey ZK ensemble's addresses, client port and root znode * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown when the peer doesn't exist * @throws IllegalStateException Thrown when a peer already exists, since * multi-slave isn't supported yet. */ public void addPeer(String id, String clusterKey) throws IOException { try { if (peerExists(id)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add existing peer"); } ZKUtil.createWithParents(this.zookeeper, this.peersZNode); ZKUtil.createAndWatch(this.zookeeper, ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.peersZNode, id), Bytes.toBytes(clusterKey)); } catch (KeeperException e) { throw new IOException("Unable to add peer", e); } } private boolean peerExists(String id) throws KeeperException { return ZKUtil.checkExists(this.zookeeper, ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.peersZNode, id)) >= 0; } /** * This reads the state znode for replication and sets the atomic boolean */ private void readReplicationStateZnode() { try { this.replicating.set(getReplication()); LOG.info("Replication is now " + (this.replicating.get()? "started" : "stopped")); } catch (KeeperException e) { this.abortable.abort("Failed getting data on from " + getRepStateNode(), e); } } /** * Get the replication status of this cluster. If the state znode doesn't * exist it will also create it and set it true. * @return returns true when it's enabled, else false * @throws KeeperException */ public boolean getReplication() throws KeeperException { byte [] data = this.statusTracker.getData(false); if (data == null || data.length == 0) { setReplicating(true); return true; } return Boolean.parseBoolean(Bytes.toString(data)); } private String getRepStateNode() { return ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.replicationZNode, this.replicationStateNodeName); } /** * Add a new log to the list of hlogs in zookeeper * @param filename name of the hlog's znode * @param peerId name of the cluster's znode */ public void addLogToList(String filename, String peerId) throws KeeperException{ String znode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.rsServerNameZnode, peerId); znode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(znode, filename); ZKUtil.createWithParents(this.zookeeper, znode); } /** * Remove a log from the list of hlogs in zookeeper * @param filename name of the hlog's znode * @param clusterId name of the cluster's znode */ public void removeLogFromList(String filename, String clusterId) { try { String znode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(rsServerNameZnode, clusterId); znode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(znode, filename); ZKUtil.deleteNode(this.zookeeper, znode); } catch (KeeperException e) { this.abortable.abort("Failed remove from list", e); } } /** * Set the current position of the specified cluster in the current hlog * @param filename filename name of the hlog's znode * @param clusterId clusterId name of the cluster's znode * @param position the position in the file * @throws IOException */ public void writeReplicationStatus(String filename, String clusterId, long position) { try { String znode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.rsServerNameZnode, clusterId); znode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(znode, filename); // Why serialize String of Long and note Long as bytes? ZKUtil.setData(this.zookeeper, znode, Bytes.toBytes(Long.toString(position))); } catch (KeeperException e) { this.abortable.abort("Writing replication status", e); } } /** * Get a list of all the other region servers in this cluster * and set a watch * @return a list of server nanes */ public List<String> getRegisteredRegionServers() { List<String> result = null; try { result = ZKUtil.listChildrenAndWatchThem( this.zookeeper, this.zookeeper.rsZNode); } catch (KeeperException e) { this.abortable.abort("Get list of registered region servers", e); } return result; } /** * Get the list of the replicators that have queues, they can be alive, dead * or simply from a previous run * @return a list of server names */ public List<String> getListOfReplicators() { List<String> result = null; try { result = ZKUtil.listChildrenNoWatch(this.zookeeper, rsZNode); } catch (KeeperException e) { this.abortable.abort("Get list of replicators", e); } return result; } /** * Get the list of peer clusters for the specified server names * @param rs server names of the rs * @return a list of peer cluster */ public List<String> getListPeersForRS(String rs) { String znode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(rsZNode, rs); List<String> result = null; try { result = ZKUtil.listChildrenNoWatch(this.zookeeper, znode); } catch (KeeperException e) { this.abortable.abort("Get list of peers for rs", e); } return result; } /** * Get the list of hlogs for the specified region server and peer cluster * @param rs server names of the rs * @param id peer cluster * @return a list of hlogs */ public List<String> getListHLogsForPeerForRS(String rs, String id) { String znode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(rsZNode, rs); znode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(znode, id); List<String> result = null; try { result = ZKUtil.listChildrenNoWatch(this.zookeeper, znode); } catch (KeeperException e) { this.abortable.abort("Get list of hlogs for peer", e); } return result; } /** * Try to set a lock in another server's znode. * @param znode the server names of the other server * @return true if the lock was acquired, false in every other cases */ public boolean lockOtherRS(String znode) { try { String parent = ZKUtil.joinZNode(this.rsZNode, znode); if (parent.equals(rsServerNameZnode)) { LOG.warn("Won't lock because this is us, we're dead!"); return false; } String p = ZKUtil.joinZNode(parent, RS_LOCK_ZNODE); ZKUtil.createAndWatch(this.zookeeper, p, Bytes.toBytes(rsServerNameZnode)); } catch (KeeperException e) { // This exception will pop up if the znode under which we're trying to // create the lock is already deleted by another region server, meaning // that the transfer already occurred. // NoNode => transfer is done and znodes are already deleted // NodeExists => lock znode already created by another RS if (e instanceof KeeperException.NoNodeException || e instanceof KeeperException.NodeExistsException) { LOG.info("Won't transfer the queue," + " another RS took care of it because of: " + e.getMessage()); } else { LOG.info("Failed lock other rs", e); } return false; } return true; } /** * This methods copies all the hlogs queues from another region server * and returns them all sorted per peer cluster (appended with the dead * server's znode) * @param znode server names to copy * @return all hlogs for all peers of that cluster, null if an error occurred */ public SortedMap<String, SortedSet<String>> copyQueuesFromRS(String znode) { // TODO this method isn't atomic enough, we could start copying and then // TODO fail for some reason and we would end up with znodes we don't want. SortedMap<String,SortedSet<String>> queues = new TreeMap<String,SortedSet<String>>(); try { String nodePath = ZKUtil.joinZNode(rsZNode, znode); List<String> clusters = ZKUtil.listChildrenNoWatch(this.zookeeper, nodePath); // We have a lock znode in there, it will count as one. if (clusters == null || clusters.size() <= 1) { return queues; } // The lock isn't a peer cluster, remove it clusters.remove(RS_LOCK_ZNODE); for (String cluster : clusters) { // We add the name of the recovered RS to the new znode, we can even // do that for queues that were recovered 10 times giving a znode like // number-startcode-number-otherstartcode-number-anotherstartcode-etc String newCluster = cluster+"-"+znode; String newClusterZnode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(rsServerNameZnode, newCluster); ZKUtil.createNodeIfNotExistsAndWatch(this.zookeeper, newClusterZnode, HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY); String clusterPath = ZKUtil.joinZNode(nodePath, cluster); List<String> hlogs = ZKUtil.listChildrenNoWatch(this.zookeeper, clusterPath); // That region server didn't have anything to replicate for this cluster if (hlogs == null || hlogs.size() == 0) { continue; } SortedSet<String> logQueue = new TreeSet<String>(); queues.put(newCluster, logQueue); for (String hlog : hlogs) { String z = ZKUtil.joinZNode(clusterPath, hlog); byte [] position = ZKUtil.getData(this.zookeeper, z); LOG.debug("Creating " + hlog + " with data " + Bytes.toString(position)); String child = ZKUtil.joinZNode(newClusterZnode, hlog); ZKUtil.createAndWatch(this.zookeeper, child, position); logQueue.add(hlog); } } } catch (KeeperException e) { this.abortable.abort("Copy queues from rs", e); } return queues; } /** * Delete a complete queue of hlogs * @param peerZnode znode of the peer cluster queue of hlogs to delete */ public void deleteSource(String peerZnode, boolean closeConnection) { try { ZKUtil.deleteNodeRecursively(this.zookeeper, ZKUtil.joinZNode(rsServerNameZnode, peerZnode)); if (closeConnection) { this.peerClusters.get(peerZnode).getZkw().close(); this.peerClusters.remove(peerZnode); } } catch (KeeperException e) { this.abortable.abort("Failed delete of " + peerZnode, e); } } /** * Recursive deletion of all znodes in specified rs' znode * @param znode */ public void deleteRsQueues(String znode) { String fullpath = ZKUtil.joinZNode(rsZNode, znode); try { List<String> clusters = ZKUtil.listChildrenNoWatch(this.zookeeper, fullpath); for (String cluster : clusters) { // We'll delete it later if (cluster.equals(RS_LOCK_ZNODE)) { continue; } String fullClusterPath = ZKUtil.joinZNode(fullpath, cluster); ZKUtil.deleteNodeRecursively(this.zookeeper, fullClusterPath); } // Finish cleaning up ZKUtil.deleteNodeRecursively(this.zookeeper, fullpath); } catch (KeeperException e) { if (e instanceof KeeperException.NoNodeException || e instanceof KeeperException.NotEmptyException) { // Testing a special case where another region server was able to // create a lock just after we deleted it, but then was also able to // delete the RS znode before us or its lock znode is still there. if (e.getPath().equals(fullpath)) { return; } } this.abortable.abort("Failed delete of " + znode, e); } } /** * Delete this cluster's queues */ public void deleteOwnRSZNode() { try { ZKUtil.deleteNodeRecursively(this.zookeeper, this.rsServerNameZnode); } catch (KeeperException e) { // if the znode is already expired, don't bother going further if (e instanceof KeeperException.SessionExpiredException) { return; } this.abortable.abort("Failed delete of " + this.rsServerNameZnode, e); } } /** * Get the position of the specified hlog in the specified peer znode * @param peerId znode of the peer cluster * @param hlog name of the hlog * @return the position in that hlog * @throws KeeperException */ public long getHLogRepPosition(String peerId, String hlog) throws KeeperException { String clusterZnode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(rsServerNameZnode, peerId); String znode = ZKUtil.joinZNode(clusterZnode, hlog); String data = Bytes.toString(ZKUtil.getData(this.zookeeper, znode)); return data == null || data.length() == 0 ? 0 : Long.parseLong(data); } public void registerRegionServerListener(ZooKeeperListener listener) { this.zookeeper.registerListener(listener); } /** * Get a map of all peer clusters * @return map of peer cluster keyed by id */ public Map<String, ReplicationPeer> getPeerClusters() { return this.peerClusters; } /** * Extracts the znode name of a peer cluster from a ZK path * @param fullPath Path to extract the id from * @return the id or an empty string if path is invalid */ public static String getZNodeName(String fullPath) { String[] parts = fullPath.split("/"); return parts.length > 0 ? parts[parts.length-1] : ""; } /** * Get this cluster's zk connection * @return zk connection */ public ZooKeeperWatcher getZookeeperWatcher() { return this.zookeeper; } /** * Get the full path to the peers' znode * @return path to peers in zk */ public String getPeersZNode() { return peersZNode; } /** * Tracker for status of the replication */ public class ReplicationStatusTracker extends ZooKeeperNodeTracker { public ReplicationStatusTracker(ZooKeeperWatcher watcher, Abortable abortable) { super(watcher, getRepStateNode(), abortable); } @Override public synchronized void nodeDataChanged(String path) { if (path.equals(node)) { super.nodeDataChanged(path); readReplicationStateZnode(); } } } }