package com.vanhal.progressiveautomation; import com.vanhal.progressiveautomation.ref.ToolHelper; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; public class PAConfig { public static Configuration config; //config options public static int initialRange; public static int upgradeRange; public static int fuelCost; //blocks public static boolean minerEnabled; public static boolean chopperEnabled; public static boolean planterEnabled; public static boolean generatorEnabled; public static boolean crafterEnabled; public static boolean farmerEnabled; public static boolean killerEnabled; public static boolean capacitorEnabled; //allow levels public static boolean allowWoodenLevel; public static boolean allowStoneLevel; public static boolean allowIronLevel; public static boolean allowDiamondLevel; //special upgrades public static boolean allowCobbleUpgrade; public static boolean allowShearingUpgrade; public static boolean allowMilkerUpgrade; public static boolean allowFillerUpgrade; public static boolean allowWitherUpgrade; public static int witherMultiplier; //killer kills players? public static boolean allowKillPlayer; //rf options public static boolean rfSupport; public static int rfCost; public static int rfStored; public static int rfRate; public static int rfStorageFactor; //misc options public static boolean allowCoalPellets; public static boolean enableWitherTools; public static boolean allowPotatos; public static boolean allowWrench; public static boolean destroyTools; public static boolean shearTrees; public static boolean allowInventoryOverflow; public static boolean pauseOnFullInventory; public static int maxRangeUpgrades; //machine levels public static int woodLevel; public static int stoneLevel; public static int ironLevel; public static int diamondLevel; public static void init(Configuration handle) { config = handle; config.load(); config.addCustomCategoryComment("general", "General Settings"); config.addCustomCategoryComment("blocks", "Enable or disable the blocks, will remove them from the game entirely"); config.addCustomCategoryComment("upgrades", "Change the settings of how the various machine upgrades work"); config.addCustomCategoryComment("rfoptions", "Change the settings of how PA interacts with RF devices"); config.addCustomCategoryComment("toolLevels", "Here you can adjust the tools that each machine level can take.\n" +"Each option takes a mining level (0 being wood, 1 is stone etc)\n" +"Normally you would not have to change these options, but if you are using the likes of\n" +"Igunia tweaks then it is advised to change these to suit your set up"); config.addCustomCategoryComment("modcompatibility", "This section allows you to customise which mods will be compatible with the various machines\n" + "Please note however that disabling compatibilty does not mean the mod will not work with PA,\n" + "just that it will not work 100% as expected"); syncConfig(); } public static void syncConfig() { initialRange = config.getInt("InitialRange", "general", 1, 1, 1000, "The default range of the machines without upgrades (default is 1)"); upgradeRange = config.getInt("UpdateRange", "upgrades", 1, 1, 1000, "How many blocks does each upgrade add (default is 1)"); fuelCost = config.getInt("fuelCost", "general", 2, 1, 300, "Number to divide the normal burn time by for all machines."); if (fuelCost<=0) fuelCost = 1; //rf options rfSupport = config.getBoolean("enableRF", "general", true, "Set to false to disable RF support in this mod"); rfCost = config.getInt("rfCost", "rfoptions", 40, 1, 50000, "RF per tick that the machines use"); if (rfCost<=0) rfCost = 1000; //Cheater! Take that! :P rfStored = config.getInt("rfStored", "rfoptions", 40000, rfCost, 100000, "Amount of RF that the Engines store, needs to be at least the same as the cost"); if (rfStored<rfCost) rfStored = rfCost; rfRate = config.getInt("rfRate", "rfoptions", 1000, 1, 100000, "The max rate at which RF can flow into the machines"); if (rfRate<=0) rfRate = 1000; rfStorageFactor = config.getInt("rfStorageFactor", "rfoptions", 4, 1, 8, "The multiplier that is applied to the Capacitor RF storage size"); if (rfStorageFactor<=0) rfStorageFactor = 1; //misc options allowCoalPellets = config.getBoolean("coalPellets", "general", true, "Allow coal pellets (requires restart)"); allowPotatos = config.getBoolean("allowPotatos", "general", true, "Allow Potatos to be used as a fuel source in PA machines"); enableWitherTools = config.getBoolean("witherTools", "general", true, "Allow Wither tools and resources to create them"); allowWrench = config.getBoolean("allowWrench", "general", true, "Allows the wrench, you've got to be seriously evil to not allow this!"); destroyTools = config.getBoolean("destroyTools", "general", true, "Changing to false will make the machines spit a fully broken vanilla tool into it's inventory"); shearTrees = config.getBoolean("shearTrees", "general", true, "Allow the chopper to take a shearing upgrade in order to have a sheer to shear leaves"); allowInventoryOverflow = config.getBoolean("allowInventoryOverflow", "general", true, "Drop items on the ground if machine's inventory is full, setting this to false will destroy overflow items."); pauseOnFullInventory = config.getBoolean("pauseOnFullInventory", "general", false, "Pause machines when the are no open slots in their inventory."); //enable blocks minerEnabled = config.getBoolean("miner", "blocks", true, "Miner Block is enabled (requires restart)"); chopperEnabled = config.getBoolean("chopper", "blocks", true, "Tree Chopper Block is enabled (requires restart)"); planterEnabled = config.getBoolean("planter", "blocks", true, "Planter/Harvester Block is enabled (requires restart)"); generatorEnabled = config.getBoolean("generator", "blocks", true, "Generator Block is enabled (requires restart)"); crafterEnabled = config.getBoolean("crafter", "blocks", true, "Crafter Block is enabled (requires restart)"); farmerEnabled = config.getBoolean("farmer", "blocks", true, "Killer Block is enabled (requires restart)"); killerEnabled = config.getBoolean("killer", "blocks", true, "Animal Farmer Block is enabled (requires restart)"); capacitorEnabled = config.getBoolean("capacitor", "blocks", true, "Capacitor Block is enabled (requires restart)"); allowWoodenLevel = config.getBoolean("wooden", "upgrades", true, "Allow wooden level blocks (requires restart)"); allowStoneLevel = config.getBoolean("stone", "upgrades", true, "Allow stone level blocks (requires restart)"); allowIronLevel = config.getBoolean("iron", "upgrades", true, "Allow iron level blocks (requires restart)"); allowDiamondLevel = config.getBoolean("diamond", "upgrades", true, "Allow diamond level blocks (requires restart)"); allowCobbleUpgrade = config.getBoolean("cobblegen", "upgrades", true, "Allow cobble gen upgrade for the miner (requires restart)"); allowFillerUpgrade = config.getBoolean("filler", "upgrades", true, "Allow filler upgrade for the miner (requires restart)"); allowWitherUpgrade = config.getBoolean("wither", "upgrades", true, "Allow the wither upgrade (requires restart)"); allowShearingUpgrade = config.getBoolean("shearing", "upgrades", true, "Allow the shearing upgrade (requires restart)"); allowMilkerUpgrade = config.getBoolean("milker", "upgrades", true, "Allow the milker upgrade (requires restart)"); witherMultiplier = config.getInt("witherMultiplier", "upgrades", 4, 2, 10, "How much the wither upgrade extends the machines. (How much multiplies the upgrades by)"); allowKillPlayer = config.getBoolean("killPlayer", "upgrades", true, "Allow the Killer to kill players"); maxRangeUpgrades = config.getInt("maxRangeUpgrades", "upgrades", Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Max amount of range upgrades that can be put into a machine"); //toolLevels woodLevel = config.getInt("woodLevel", "toolLevels", ToolHelper.LEVEL_WOOD, 0, 100, "The max mining level of the tool that wooden machines will take"); stoneLevel = config.getInt("stoneLevel", "toolLevels", ToolHelper.LEVEL_STONE, 0, 100, "The max mining level of the tool that stone machines will take"); ironLevel = config.getInt("ironLevel", "toolLevels", ToolHelper.LEVEL_IRON, 0, 100, "The max mining level of the tool that iron machines will take"); diamondLevel = config.getInt("diamondLevel", "toolLevels", ToolHelper.LEVEL_MAX, 0, 100, "The max mining level of the tool that diamond machines will take"); //save if changed if (config.hasChanged()) save(); } public static int getToolConfigLevel(int level) { if (level == ToolHelper.LEVEL_WOOD) return woodLevel; else if (level == ToolHelper.LEVEL_STONE) return stoneLevel; else if (level == ToolHelper.LEVEL_IRON) return ironLevel; else if (level == ToolHelper.LEVEL_DIAMOND) return diamondLevel; return level; } public static boolean allowLevel(int level) { if (level == ToolHelper.LEVEL_WOOD) return allowWoodenLevel; else if (level == ToolHelper.LEVEL_STONE) return allowStoneLevel; else if (level == ToolHelper.LEVEL_IRON) return allowIronLevel; else if (level == ToolHelper.LEVEL_DIAMOND) return allowDiamondLevel; return false; } public static void save() {; } public static void postInit() { save(); } }