package me.tyler15555.minibosses.util; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; public class ConfigHelper { public ConfigHelper() { } public static boolean allowSlimeBlockCrafting; public static boolean enableGiantSpawn; public static boolean microBossesEnabled; public static boolean powersEnabled; public static int ironZombieSpawnRate; public static int forestGuardSpawnRate; public static int crawlerSpawnRate; public static int superSlimeSpawnRate; public static int stealthCreeperSpawnRate; public static int giantSpawnRate; public static int feederSpawnRate; public static int infernoGolemSpawnRate; public static boolean addMiniBossesToDungeons; public static boolean addLootToDungeons; public static boolean ironZombieFix; public static boolean enableLivingBlocks; public static int mobLootRarity; public static boolean canFeederEatSword; public static void setupConfig(Configuration config, Logger logger) { try { config.load(); allowSlimeBlockCrafting = config.get("General", "allowSlimeBlockCrafting", false).getBoolean(false); microBossesEnabled = config.get("Entities", "microBossesEnabled", true).getBoolean(true); ironZombieSpawnRate = config.get("Spawning", "ironZombieSpawnRate", 10).getInt(10); forestGuardSpawnRate = config.get("Spawning", "forestGuardSpawnRate", 10).getInt(10); crawlerSpawnRate = config.get("Spawning", "crawlerSpawnRate", 10).getInt(10); superSlimeSpawnRate = config.get("Spawning", "superSlimeSpawnRate", 10).getInt(10); stealthCreeperSpawnRate = config.get("Spawning", "stealthCreeperSpawnRate", 10).getInt(10); enableGiantSpawn = config.get("Spawning", "enableGiantSpawn", false).getBoolean(false); giantSpawnRate = config.get("Spawning", "giantSpawnRate", 10).getInt(10); feederSpawnRate = config.get("Spawning", "feederSpawnRate", 10).getInt(10); infernoGolemSpawnRate = config.get("Spawning", "infernoGolemSpawnRate", 10).getInt(10); addMiniBossesToDungeons = config.get("General", "addMiniBossesToDungeons", true).getBoolean(true); addLootToDungeons = config.get("General", "addLootToDungeons", true).getBoolean(true); powersEnabled = config.get("General", "powersEnabled", true).getBoolean(true); ironZombieFix = config.getBoolean("IronZombieFix", "General", false, "Kills all iron zombies in the world. Should only be used once to fix iron zombies broken in 1.8!!!!"); enableLivingBlocks = config.getBoolean("enableLivingBlocks", "Spawning", true, "Enables/Disables living blocks from spawning."); mobLootRarity = config.getInt("MobLootRarity", "General", 50, 0, 100, "How rare the loot dropped by crawlers and forest guard's is. Higher numbers(X/100) means rarer items. "); canFeederEatSword = config.getBoolean("CanFeederEatSword", "General", true, "Whether or not the feeder can eat your sword(1/40 chance of happening)"); } catch(Exception e) { logger.log(Level.ERROR, "A severe error has occured when attempting to load the config file for this mod! Some options may not be the way you set them!"); } finally { if(config.hasChanged()) {; } } } }