package com.forgeessentials.commons.selections;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.util.ChunkCoordinates;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
import net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager;
public class WarpPoint
protected int dim;
protected float pitch;
protected float yaw;
protected double xd;
protected double yd;
protected double zd;
@Expose(serialize = false)
protected WorldServer world;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
public WarpPoint(int dimension, double x, double y, double z, float playerPitch, float playerYaw)
this.dim = dimension;
this.xd = x;
this.yd = y;
this.zd = z;
this.pitch = playerPitch;
this.yaw = playerYaw;
public WarpPoint(WorldServer world, double x, double y, double z, float playerPitch, float playerYaw)
{ = world;
this.dim = world.provider.dimensionId;
this.xd = x;
this.yd = y;
this.zd = z;
this.pitch = playerPitch;
this.yaw = playerYaw;
public WarpPoint(int dimension, ChunkCoordinates location, float pitch, float yaw)
this(dimension, location.posX + 0.5, location.posY, location.posZ + 0.5, pitch, yaw);
public WarpPoint(Point point, int dimension, float pitch, float yaw)
this(dimension, point.getX(), point.getY(), point.getZ(), pitch, yaw);
public WarpPoint(WorldPoint point, float pitch, float yaw)
this(point.getDimension(), point.getX() + 0.5, point.getY(), point.getZ() + 0.5, pitch, yaw);
public WarpPoint(WorldPoint point)
this(point, 0, 0);
public WarpPoint(Entity entity)
this(entity.worldObj instanceof WorldServer ? (WorldServer) entity.worldObj : null, entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ, entity.rotationPitch,
public WarpPoint(WarpPoint point)
this(point.dim, point.xd, point.yd, point.zd, point.pitch, point.yaw);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
public int getDimension()
return dim;
public double getX()
return xd;
public double getY()
return yd;
public double getZ()
return zd;
public int getBlockX()
return (int) Math.floor(xd);
public int getBlockY()
return (int) Math.floor(yd);
public int getBlockZ()
return (int) Math.floor(zd);
public float getPitch()
return pitch;
public float getYaw()
return yaw;
public void setDimension(int dim)
this.dim = dim;
public WorldServer getWorld()
if (world == null || world.provider.dimensionId != dim)
world = DimensionManager.getWorld(dim);
return world;
public void setX(double value)
xd = value;
public void setY(double value)
yd = value;
public void setZ(double value)
zd = value;
public void setPitch(float value)
pitch = value;
public void setYaw(float value)
yaw = value;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the length of this vector
public double length()
return Math.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd + zd * zd);
* Returns the distance to another point
public double distance(WarpPoint v)
return Math.sqrt((xd - v.xd) * (xd - v.xd) + (yd - v.yd) * (yd - v.yd) + (zd - v.zd) * (zd - v.zd));
* Returns the distance to another entity
public double distance(Entity e)
return Math.sqrt((xd - e.posX) * (xd - e.posX) + (yd - e.posY) * (yd - e.posY) + (zd - e.posZ) * (zd - e.posZ));
public void validatePositiveY()
if (yd < 0)
yd = 0;
public Vec3 toVec3()
return Vec3.createVectorHelper(xd, yd, zd);
public WorldPoint toWorldPoint()
return new WorldPoint(this);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
public String toString()
return "[" + xd + "," + yd + "," + zd + ",dim=" + dim + ",pitch=" + pitch + ",yaw=" + yaw + "]";
public String toReadableString()
return String.format("%.0f %.0f %.0f dim=%d", xd, yd, zd, dim);
public boolean equals(Object object)
if (object instanceof WarpPoint)
WarpPoint p = (WarpPoint) object;
return xd == p.xd && yd == p.yd && zd == p.zd;
if (object instanceof Point)
Point p = (Point) object;
return (int) xd == p.getX() && (int) yd == p.getY() && (int) zd == p.getZ();
if (object instanceof WorldPoint)
WorldPoint p = (WorldPoint) object;
return dim == p.getDimension() && (int) xd == p.getX() && (int) yd == p.getY() && (int) zd == p.getZ();
return false;
public int hashCode()
int h = 1 + Double.valueOf(xd).hashCode();
h = h * 31 + Double.valueOf(yd).hashCode();
h = h * 31 + Double.valueOf(zd).hashCode();
h = h * 31 + Double.valueOf(pitch).hashCode();
h = h * 31 + Double.valueOf(yaw).hashCode();
h = h * 31 + dim;
return h;