package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import net.minecraft.command.CommandException; import net.minecraft.command.ICommand; import net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.event.ClickEvent.Action; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation; import net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import net.minecraftforge.event.ServerChatEvent; import; import org.pircbotx.PircBotX; import org.pircbotx.User; import org.pircbotx.exception.IrcException; import org.pircbotx.exception.NickAlreadyInUseException; import org.pircbotx.hooks.ListenerAdapter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.forgeessentials.core.ForgeEssentials; import com.forgeessentials.core.misc.Translator; import com.forgeessentials.core.moduleLauncher.config.ConfigLoader; import com.forgeessentials.util.output.ChatOutputHandler; import com.forgeessentials.util.output.LoggingHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.EventPriority; import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedOutEvent; public class IrcHandler extends ListenerAdapter<PircBotX> implements ConfigLoader { private static final String CATEGORY = ModuleChat.CONFIG_CATEGORY + ".IRC"; private static final String CHANNELS_HELP = "List of channels to connect to, together with the # character"; private static final String ADMINS_HELP = "List of priviliged users that can use more commands via the IRC bot"; public static final String COMMAND_CHAR = "%"; public static final String COMMAND_MC_CHAR = "!"; private PircBotX bot; private String server; private int port; private String botName; private String serverPassword; private String nickPassword; private Set<String> channels = new HashSet<>(); private Set<String> admins = new HashSet<>(); private boolean twitchMode; private boolean showEvents; private boolean showGameEvents; private boolean showMessages; private boolean sendMessages; private String ircHeader; private String ircHeaderGlobal; private String mcHeader; private int messageDelay; private boolean allowCommands; private boolean allowMcCommands; public final Map<String, IrcCommand> commands = new HashMap<>(); // This map is used to keep the ICommandSender from being recycled by the garbage collector, // so they can be used as WeakReferences in CommandReply public final Map<User, IrcCommandSender> ircUserCache = new HashMap<>(); /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public IrcHandler() { ForgeEssentials.getConfigManager().registerLoader(ModuleChat.CONFIG_FILE, this); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); registerCommand(new CommandHelp()); registerCommand(new CommandListPlayers()); registerCommand(new CommandMessage()); registerCommand(new CommandReply()); } public static IrcHandler getInstance() { return ModuleChat.instance.ircHandler; } public void registerCommand(IrcCommand command) { for (String commandName : command.getCommandNames()) if (commands.put(commandName, command) != null) LoggingHandler.felog.warn(String.format("IRC command name %s used twice!", commandName)); } public void connect() { if (bot != null) disconnect();"Initializing IRC connection"); bot = new PircBotX(); bot.getListenerManager().addListener(this); bot.setName(botName); bot.setLogin(botName); bot.setVerbose(false); bot.setAutoNickChange(true); bot.setMessageDelay(messageDelay); bot.setCapEnabled(!twitchMode); if (twitchMode) // Prevent pesky messages from jtv because we are sending too fast bot.setMessageDelay(3000); try {"Attempting to join IRC server %s on port %d", server, port)); bot.connect(server, port, serverPassword.isEmpty() ? null : serverPassword); bot.identify(nickPassword);"Attempting to join channels..."); for (String channel : channels) {"Attempting to join #%s", channel)); bot.joinChannel(channel); }"IRC bot connected"); } catch (NickAlreadyInUseException e) { LoggingHandler.felog.warn("[IRC] Connection failed, assigned nick already in use"); } catch (IOException e) { LoggingHandler.felog.warn("[IRC] Connection failed, could not reach the server"); } catch (IrcException e) { LoggingHandler.felog.warn("[IRC] Connection failed: " + e.getMessage()); } } public void disconnect() { if (bot != null) { bot.shutdown(); ircUserCache.clear(); bot = null; } } public boolean isConnected() { return bot != null && bot.isConnected(); } public Set<User> getIrcUsers() { return bot.getUsers(); } public Collection<String> getIrcUserNames() { List<String> users = new ArrayList<>(); for (User user : bot.getUsers()) users.add(user.getNick()); return users; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ @Override public void load(Configuration config, boolean isReload) { config.addCustomCategoryComment(CATEGORY, "Configure the built-in IRC bot here"); server = config.get(CATEGORY, "server", "", "Server address").getString(); port = config.get(CATEGORY, "port", 5555, "Server port").getInt(); botName = config.get(CATEGORY, "botName", "FEIRCBot", "Bot name").getString(); serverPassword = config.get(CATEGORY, "serverPassword", "", "Server password").getString(); nickPassword = config.get(CATEGORY, "nickPassword", "", "NickServ password").getString(); twitchMode = config.get(CATEGORY, "twitchMode", false, "If set to true, sets connection to twitch mode").getBoolean(); showEvents = config.get(CATEGORY, "showEvents", true, "Show IRC events ingame (e.g., join, leave, kick, etc.)").getBoolean(); showGameEvents = config.get(CATEGORY, "showGameEvents", true, "Show game events in IRC (e.g., join, leave, death, etc.)").getBoolean(); showMessages = config.get(CATEGORY, "showMessages", true, "Show chat messages from IRC ingame").getBoolean(); sendMessages = config.get(CATEGORY, "sendMessages", false, "If enabled, ingame messages will be sent to IRC as well").getBoolean(); ircHeader = config.get(CATEGORY, "ircHeader", "[\u00a7cIRC\u00a7r]<%s> ", "Header for messages sent from IRC. Must contain one \"%s\"").getString(); ircHeaderGlobal = config.get(CATEGORY, "ircHeaderGlobal", "[\u00a7cIRC\u00a7r] ", "Header for IRC events. Must NOT contain any \"%s\"").getString(); mcHeader = config.get(CATEGORY, "mcHeader", "<%s> %s", "Header for messages sent from MC to IRC. Must contain two \"%s\"").getString(); messageDelay = config.get(CATEGORY, "messageDelay", 0, "Delay between messages sent to IRC").getInt(); allowCommands = config.get(CATEGORY, "allowCommands", true, "If enabled, allows usage of bot commands").getBoolean(); allowMcCommands = config.get(CATEGORY, "allowMcCommands", true, "If enabled, allows usage of MC commands through the bot (only if the IRC user is in the admins list)").getBoolean(); channels.clear(); for (String channel : config.get(CATEGORY, "channels", new String[] { "#someChannelName" }, CHANNELS_HELP).getStringList()) channels.add(channel); admins.clear(); for (String admin : config.get(CATEGORY, "admins", new String[] {}, ADMINS_HELP).getStringList()) admins.add(admin); // mcHeader = config.get(CATEGORY, "mcFormat", "<%username> %message", // "String for formatting messages posted to the IRC channel by the bot").getString(); boolean connectToIrc = config.get(CATEGORY, "enable", false, "Enable IRC interoperability?").getBoolean(false); if (connectToIrc) connect(); else disconnect(); } @Override public void save(Configuration config) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public boolean supportsCanonicalConfig() { return true; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public void sendMessage(User user, String message) { if (!isConnected()) return; // ignore messages to jtv if (twitchMode && user.getNick() == "jtv") return; user.sendMessage(message); } public void sendMessage(String message) { if (isConnected()) for (String channel : channels) bot.sendMessage(channel, message); } public void sendPlayerMessage(ICommandSender sender, IChatComponent message) { if (isConnected()) sendMessage(String.format(mcHeader, sender.getCommandSenderName(), ChatOutputHandler.stripFormatting(message.getUnformattedText()))); } private void mcSendMessage(String message, User user) { String filteredMessage = ModuleChat.instance.censor.filterIRC(message); ModuleChat.instance.logChatMessage("IRC-" + user.getNick(), filteredMessage); String headerText = String.format(ircHeader, user.getNick()); IChatComponent header = ModuleChat.clickChatComponent(headerText, Action.SUGGEST_COMMAND, "/ircpm " + user.getNick() + " "); IChatComponent messageComponent = ModuleChat.filterChatLinks(ChatOutputHandler.formatColors(filteredMessage)); ChatOutputHandler.broadcast(new ChatComponentTranslation("%s%s", header, messageComponent)); } private void mcSendMessage(String message) { String filteredMessage = ModuleChat.instance.censor.filterIRC(message); IChatComponent header = ModuleChat.clickChatComponent(ircHeaderGlobal, Action.SUGGEST_COMMAND, "/irc "); IChatComponent messageComponent = ModuleChat.filterChatLinks(ChatOutputHandler.formatColors(filteredMessage)); ChatOutputHandler.broadcast(new ChatComponentTranslation("%s%s", header, messageComponent)); } public ICommandSender getIrcUser(String username) { if (!isConnected()) return null; for (User user : bot.getUsers()) { if (user.getNick().equals(username)) { IrcCommandSender sender = new IrcCommandSender(user); ircUserCache.put(sender.getUser(), sender); return sender; } } return null; } private void processCommand(User user, String cmdLine) { String[] args = cmdLine.split(" "); String commandName = args[0].substring(1); args = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length); IrcCommand command = commands.get(commandName); if (command == null) { sendMessage(user, String.format("Error: Command %s not found!", commandName)); return; } IrcCommandSender sender = new IrcCommandSender(user); ircUserCache.put(sender.getUser(), sender); try { command.processCommand(sender, args); } catch (CommandException e) { sendMessage(user, "Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void processMcCommand(User user, String cmdLine) { if (!admins.contains(user.getNick())) { sendMessage(user, "Permission denied. You are not an admin"); return; } String[] args = cmdLine.split(" "); String commandName = args[0].substring(1); args = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length); ICommand command = (ICommand) MinecraftServer.getServer().getCommandManager().getCommands().get(commandName); if (command == null) { sendMessage(user, String.format("Error: Command %s not found!", commandName)); return; } IrcCommandSender sender = new IrcCommandSender(user); ircUserCache.put(sender.getUser(), sender); try { command.processCommand(sender, args); } catch (CommandException e) { sendMessage(user, "Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.LOW) public void chatEvent(ServerChatEvent event) { if (isConnected() && sendMessages) sendMessage(ChatOutputHandler.stripFormatting(event.component.getUnformattedText())); } @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST) public void playerLoginEvent(PlayerLoggedInEvent event) { if (showGameEvents) sendMessage(Translator.format("%s joined the game", event.player.getCommandSenderName())); } @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST) public void playerLoginEvent(PlayerLoggedOutEvent event) { if (showGameEvents) sendMessage(Translator.format("%s left the game", event.player.getCommandSenderName())); } @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST) public void playerDeathEvent(LivingDeathEvent event) { if (!(event.entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer)) return; if (showGameEvents) sendMessage(Translator.format("%s died", event.entityLiving.getCommandSenderName())); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ @Override public void onPrivateMessage(PrivateMessageEvent<PircBotX> event) { String raw = event.getMessage().trim(); while (raw.startsWith(":")) raw.replace(":", ""); // Check to see if it is a command if (raw.startsWith(COMMAND_CHAR) && allowCommands) { processCommand(event.getUser(), raw); } else if (raw.startsWith(COMMAND_MC_CHAR) && allowMcCommands) { processMcCommand(event.getUser(), raw); } else { if (twitchMode && (event.getUser().getNick() == "jtv")) return; sendMessage(event.getUser(), String.format("Hello %s, use %%help for commands", event.getUser().getNick())); } } @Override public void onMessage(MessageEvent<PircBotX> event) { if (event.getUser().getNick().equalsIgnoreCase(bot.getNick())) return; String raw = event.getMessage().trim(); while (raw.startsWith(":")) raw.replace(":", ""); if (raw.startsWith(COMMAND_CHAR) && allowCommands) { processCommand(event.getUser(), raw); } else if (raw.startsWith(COMMAND_MC_CHAR) && allowMcCommands) { processMcCommand(event.getUser(), raw); } else if (showMessages) mcSendMessage(raw, event.getUser()); } @Override public void onKick(KickEvent<PircBotX> event) { if (event.getRecipient() != bot.getUserBot()) { if (showEvents) mcSendMessage(String.format("%s has been kicked from %s by %s: %s", event.getRecipient().getNick(), event.getChannel().getName(), event .getSource().getNick(), event.getReason())); } else { LoggingHandler.felog.warn(String.format("The IRC bot was kicked from %s by %s: ", event.getChannel().getName(), event.getSource().getNick(), event.getReason())); } } @Override public void onQuit(QuitEvent<PircBotX> event) { if (!showEvents || event.getUser() == bot.getUserBot()) return; mcSendMessage(String.format("%s left the channel %s: %s", event.getUser().getNick(), event.getReason())); } @Override public void onNickChange(NickChangeEvent<PircBotX> event) { if (!showEvents || event.getUser() == bot.getUserBot()) return; mcSendMessage(Translator.format("%s changed his nick to %s", event.getOldNick(), event.getNewNick())); } @Override public void onJoin(JoinEvent<PircBotX> event) throws Exception { if (!showEvents || event.getUser() == bot.getUserBot()) return; mcSendMessage(Translator.format("%s joined the channel %s", event.getUser().getNick(), event.getChannel().getName())); } @Override public void onPart(PartEvent<PircBotX> event) throws Exception { ircUserCache.remove(event.getUser()); if (!showEvents || event.getUser() == bot.getUserBot()) return; mcSendMessage(Translator.format("%s left the channel %s: %s", event.getUser().getNick(), event.getChannel().getName(), event.getReason())); } @Override public void onConnect(ConnectEvent<PircBotX> event) throws Exception { mcSendMessage("IRC bot connected to the network"); } @Override public void onDisconnect(DisconnectEvent<PircBotX> event) throws Exception { mcSendMessage("IRC bot disconnected from the network"); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public boolean isSendMessages() { return sendMessages; } public void setSendMessages(boolean sendMessages) { this.sendMessages = sendMessages; } }