package com.forgeessentials.economy.plots; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraftforge.permission.PermissionLevel; import com.forgeessentials.api.APIRegistry; import com.forgeessentials.api.UserIdent; import com.forgeessentials.api.permissions.AreaZone; import com.forgeessentials.api.permissions.FEPermissions; import com.forgeessentials.api.permissions.IPermissionsHelper; import com.forgeessentials.api.permissions.RootZone; import com.forgeessentials.api.permissions.ServerZone; import com.forgeessentials.api.permissions.WorldZone; import com.forgeessentials.api.permissions.Zone; import com.forgeessentials.commons.selections.AreaBase; import com.forgeessentials.commons.selections.WorldArea; import com.forgeessentials.commons.selections.WorldPoint; import com.forgeessentials.economy.ModuleEconomy; import; import com.forgeessentials.util.ServerUtil; import; import; import; import com.forgeessentials.util.output.ChatOutputHandler; public class Plot { public static final String GROUP_ALL = Zone.GROUP_DEFAULT; public static final String GROUP_PLOT_OWNER = "PLOT_OWNER"; public static final String GROUP_PLOT_MOD = "PLOT_MOD"; public static final String GROUP_PLOT_USER = "PLOT_USER"; public static final String SERVER_OWNER = "SERVER"; // Internal data permission properties (should NEVER be edited by hand) public static final String PERM_OWNER = FEPermissions.FE_INTERNAL + ".plot.owner"; // Basic plot permissions public static final String PERM = ModuleEconomy.PERM + ".plot"; public static final String PERM_PRICE = PERM + ".price"; public static final String PERM_COLUMN = PERM + ".column"; // public static final String PERM_ADMIN = PERM + ".admin"; public static final String PERM_COMMAND = PERM + ".command"; public static final String PERM_DEFINE = PERM_COMMAND + ".define"; public static final String PERM_CLAIM = PERM_COMMAND + ".claim"; public static final String PERM_DELETE = PERM_COMMAND + ".delete"; public static final String PERM_BUY = PERM_COMMAND + ".buy"; public static final String PERM_SELL = PERM_COMMAND + ".sell"; public static final String PERM_MODS = PERM_COMMAND + ".mods"; public static final String PERM_SET = PERM_COMMAND + ".set"; public static final String PERM_SET_PRICE = PERM_COMMAND + ".price"; public static final String PERM_SET_FEE = PERM_COMMAND + ".fee"; public static final String PERM_PERMS = PERM_COMMAND + ".perms"; public static final String PERM_PERMS_BUILD = PERM_SET + ".build"; public static final String PERM_PERMS_USE = PERM_SET + ".use"; public static final String PERM_PERMS_INTERACT = PERM_SET + ".interact"; public static final String PERM_PERMS_CHEST = PERM_SET + ".chest"; public static final String PERM_LIST = PERM_COMMAND + ".list"; public static final String PERM_LIST_OWN = PERM_LIST + ".own"; public static final String PERM_LIST_ALL = PERM_LIST + ".all"; public static final String PERM_LIST_SALE = PERM_LIST + ".sale"; // Maximum number and total size of plots a user is allowed to claim public static final String PERM_LIMIT = PERM + ".limit"; public static final String PERM_LIMIT_COUNT = PERM_LIMIT + ".count"; public static final String PERM_LIMIT_SIZE = PERM_LIMIT + ".size"; // Maximum and minimum size a plot can be public static final String PERM_SIZE = PERM + ".size"; public static final String PERM_SIZE_MIN = PERM_SIZE + ".min"; public static final String PERM_SIZE_MAX = PERM_SIZE + ".max"; // User editable plot data permissions public static final String PERM_DATA = PERM + ".data"; public static final String PERM_NAME = PERM_DATA + ".name"; public static final String PERM_FEE = PERM_DATA + ".fee"; public static final String PERM_FEE_TIMEOUT = PERM_DATA + ".fee.timeout"; public static final String PERM_SELL_PRICE = PERM_DATA + ".price"; private static Map<Integer, Plot> plots = new HashMap<>(); private AreaZone zone; private UserIdent owner; private Plot(AreaZone zone, UserIdent owner) { = zone; this.owner = owner; } public AreaZone getZone() { return zone; } public int getDimension() { return zone.getWorldZone().getDimensionID(); } public WorldPoint getCenter() { return new WorldPoint(getDimension(), zone.getArea().getCenter()); } public boolean hasOwner() { return owner != null; } public UserIdent getOwner() { return owner; } public void setOwner(UserIdent newOwner) { if (newOwner == owner || (newOwner != null && newOwner.equals(owner))) return; OwnerChanged event = new PlotEvent.OwnerChanged(this, owner); if (owner != null) zone.removePlayerFromGroup(owner, GROUP_PLOT_OWNER); // Set new owner owner = newOwner; if (owner == null) zone.clearGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, PERM_OWNER); else zone.setGroupPermissionProperty(GROUP_ALL, PERM_OWNER, owner.getOrGenerateUuid().toString()); if (owner != null) zone.addPlayerToGroup(newOwner, GROUP_PLOT_OWNER); APIRegistry.getFEEventBus().post(event); } public String getOwnerName() { if (owner == null) return SERVER_OWNER; else return owner.getUsernameOrUuid(); } public String getName() { String name = zone.getGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, PERM_NAME); if (name == null) name = APIRegistry.perms.getGroupPermissionProperty(GROUP_ALL, PERM_NAME); if (name == null) return null; return name.replaceAll("@p", owner.getUsernameOrUuid()); } public String getNameNotNull() { String name = getName(); if (name != null) return name; return "<unnamed>"; } public WorldPoint getPlotCenter() { return new WorldPoint(getDimension(), zone.getArea().getCenter()); } /** * Gets the size that counts for price / limit calculation. Depending on whether the column flag is set or not, this * is the area or volume of the plot. * * @return accounted size */ public long getAccountedSize() { AreaBase area = zone.getArea(); boolean columnMode = APIRegistry.perms.checkGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, zone, PERM_PRICE); return columnMode ? area.getXLength() * area.getZLength() : area.getXLength() * area.getYLength() * area.getZLength(); } public long getCalculatedPrice() { String priceStr = APIRegistry.perms.getGroupPermissionProperty(GROUP_ALL, getPlotCenter(), PERM_PRICE); if (priceStr == null) return 0; double pricePerUnit = ServerUtil.parseDoubleDefault(priceStr, 0); if (pricePerUnit == 0) return 0; return (long) (getAccountedSize() * pricePerUnit); } public long getPrice() { return ServerUtil.parseLongDefault(zone.getGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, PERM_SELL_PRICE), -1); } public void setPrice(long value) { if (value < 0) zone.clearGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, PERM_SELL_PRICE); else zone.setGroupPermissionProperty(GROUP_ALL, PERM_SELL_PRICE, Long.toString(value)); } public boolean isForSale() { return getPrice() >= 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public int getFee() { return Math.max(0, ServerUtil.parseIntDefault(zone.getGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, PERM_FEE), 0)); } public void setFee(int value) { if (value < 0) zone.setGroupPermissionProperty(GROUP_ALL, PERM_FEE, Long.toString(value)); else zone.clearGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, PERM_FEE); } public int getFeeTimeout() { return Math.max(0, ServerUtil.parseIntDefault(zone.getGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, PERM_FEE_TIMEOUT), 0)); } public void setFeeTimeout(int minutes) { if (minutes <= 0) zone.setGroupPermissionProperty(GROUP_ALL, PERM_FEE_TIMEOUT, Long.toString(minutes)); else zone.clearGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, PERM_FEE_TIMEOUT); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public void setPermission(String permission, boolean userPerm, boolean value) { zone.setGroupPermission(GROUP_PLOT_OWNER, permission, true); zone.setGroupPermission(GROUP_PLOT_MOD, permission, true); zone.setGroupPermission(userPerm ? GROUP_PLOT_USER : GROUP_ALL, permission, value); } public void setDefaultPermissions() { zone.setGroupPermissionProperty(GROUP_ALL, PERM_OWNER, owner == null ? SERVER_OWNER : owner.getOrGenerateUuid().toString()); if (owner != null) zone.addPlayerToGroup(owner, GROUP_PLOT_OWNER); setPermission(ModuleProtection.PERM_BREAK + Zone.ALL_PERMS, false, false); setPermission(ModuleProtection.PERM_PLACE + Zone.ALL_PERMS, false, false); setPermission(ModuleProtection.PERM_USE + Zone.ALL_PERMS, false, false); setPermission(ModuleProtection.PERM_INTERACT + Zone.ALL_PERMS, false, false); setPermission(ModuleProtection.PERM_BREAK + Zone.ALL_PERMS, true, false); setPermission(ModuleProtection.PERM_PLACE + Zone.ALL_PERMS, true, true); setPermission(ModuleProtection.PERM_USE + Zone.ALL_PERMS, true, true); setPermission(ModuleProtection.PERM_INTERACT + Zone.ALL_PERMS, true, true); zone.setGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, ModuleProtection.PERM_BREAK + Zone.ALL_PERMS, false); zone.setGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, ModuleProtection.PERM_PLACE + Zone.ALL_PERMS, false); zone.setGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, ModuleProtection.PERM_USE + Zone.ALL_PERMS, false); zone.setGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, ModuleProtection.PERM_INTERACT + Zone.ALL_PERMS, false); // zone.setGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, ModuleProtection.PERM_INTERACT_ENTITY + Zone.ALL_PERMS, false); } public void printInfo(ICommandSender sender) { ChatOutputHandler.chatNotification(sender, String.format("#%d: \"%s\" at %s", zone.getId(), getName(), getCenter().toString())); } public void printDetails(ICommandSender sender) { ChatOutputHandler.chatNotification(sender, String.format("Plot #%d: %s", zone.getId(), getName())); ChatOutputHandler.chatNotification(sender, String.format(" Owner: %s", owner.getUsernameOrUuid())); ChatOutputHandler.chatNotification(sender, String.format(" Location between %s and %s", zone.getArea().getHighPoint().toString(), zone.getArea().getLowPoint().toString())); long price = getPrice(); if (price >= 0) ChatOutputHandler.chatNotification(sender, String.format(" Price: %d", price)); else ChatOutputHandler.chatNotification(sender, " Not open for sale"); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Static plot management functions */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public static boolean isPlot(AreaZone zone) { return plots.containsKey(zone.getId()); } public static boolean isColumnMode(int dimension) { ServerZone s = APIRegistry.perms.getServerZone(); List<Zone> zones = new ArrayList<>(); zones.add(s.getWorldZone(dimension)); zones.add(s); zones.add(s.getRootZone()); String permValue = s.getPermissionProperty(zones, null, Arrays.asList(GROUP_ALL), PERM_COLUMN); return APIRegistry.perms.checkBooleanPermission(permValue); } /** * Gets the size that counts for price / limit calculation. Depending on whether the column flag is set or not, this * is the area or volume of the plot. * * @return accounted size */ public static long getAccountedSize(WorldArea area) { boolean columnMode = isColumnMode(area.getDimension()); return columnMode ? area.getXLength() * area.getZLength() : area.getXLength() * area.getYLength() * area.getZLength(); } public static long getCalculatedPrice(WorldArea area) { String priceStr = APIRegistry.perms.getGroupPermissionProperty(GROUP_ALL, area.getCenter(), PERM_PRICE); if (priceStr == null) return 0; double pricePerUnit = ServerUtil.parseDoubleDefault(priceStr, 0); if (pricePerUnit == 0) return 0; return (long) (getAccountedSize(area) * pricePerUnit); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public static Plot getPlot(int zoneId) { return plots.get(zoneId); } public static Plot getPlot(WorldPoint point) { List<Zone> zones = APIRegistry.perms.getServerZone().getZonesAt(point); for (Zone zone : zones) { Plot plot = plots.get(zone.getId()); if (plot != null) return plot; } return null; } public static Collection<Plot> getPlots() { return plots.values(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ private static void registerPlot(Plot plot) { plots.put(plot.getZone().getId(), plot); } public static Plot define(WorldArea area, UserIdent owner) throws EventCancelledException, PlotRedefinedException { WorldZone worldZone = APIRegistry.perms.getServerZone().getWorldZone(area.getDimension()); for (AreaZone zone : worldZone.getAreaZones()) if (isPlot(zone) && zone.getArea().contains(area)) throw new PlotRedefinedException(); if (isColumnMode(area.getDimension())) area = new WorldArea(area.getDimension(), area.getHighPoint().setY(MinecraftServer.getServer().getBuildLimit()), area.getLowPoint().setY(0)); AreaZone zone = new AreaZone(worldZone, "_PLOT_" + (APIRegistry.perms.getServerZone().getMaxZoneID() + 1), area); Plot plot = new Plot(zone, owner); registerPlot(plot); zone.setHidden(true); plot.setDefaultPermissions(); return plot; } public static void loadPlots() { plots.clear(); for (Zone zone : APIRegistry.perms.getZones()) if (zone instanceof AreaZone) { String ownerId = zone.getGroupPermission(GROUP_ALL, PERM_OWNER); if (ownerId != null) registerPlot(new Plot((AreaZone) zone, ownerId.equals(SERVER_OWNER) ? null : UserIdent.get(ownerId))); } } static void registerPermissions() { IPermissionsHelper perms = APIRegistry.perms; RootZone root = perms.getServerZone().getRootZone(); perms.registerPermissionDescription(PERM_OWNER, "UUID of the owner of this plot (DO NOT MODIFY!)"); perms.registerPermissionDescription(PERM, "Plot permissions"); perms.registerPermissionProperty(PERM_PRICE, "1", "Price multiplier for plots (plot size will be multiplied with this value)"); // perms.registerPermissionPropertyOp(PERM_PRICE, "0"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_COLUMN, PermissionLevel.TRUE, "If true, all plots will always extend from bottom to top of the world. Price will only depend on X and Z dimensions."); perms.registerPermissionProperty(PERM_LIMIT_COUNT, "20", "Maximum number of plots a player can claim"); perms.registerPermissionDescription(PERM_LIMIT_SIZE, "Maximum total size of all plots a player can claim"); perms.registerPermissionProperty(PERM_SIZE_MIN, "3", "Minimum size of one plot axis"); perms.registerPermissionDescription(PERM_SIZE_MAX, "Maximum size of one plot axis"); perms.registerPermissionDescription(PERM_DATA, "Individual settings for plots"); perms.registerPermissionProperty(PERM_NAME, "@p's plot", "Name of the plot (@p inserts owner name)"); perms.registerPermissionDescription(PERM_FEE, "Price players have to pay in order to enter this plot"); perms.registerPermissionDescription(PERM_FEE_TIMEOUT, "Duration that a player can access the plot after paying the fee"); perms.registerPermissionDescription(PERM_SELL_PRICE, "Price that the plot can be bought for by other players (sell offer)"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_COMMAND, PermissionLevel.TRUE, "Plot management command"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_DEFINE, PermissionLevel.OP, "Allows to define plots without paying"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_CLAIM, PermissionLevel.TRUE, "Allows to claim plots in exchange for money"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_BUY, PermissionLevel.TRUE, "Allows buying plots"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_SELL, PermissionLevel.OP, "Allows selling plots"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_MODS, PermissionLevel.OP, "Allows managing plot administrators"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_LIST, PermissionLevel.TRUE, "Allows listing plots"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_LIST_ALL, PermissionLevel.OP, "List all plots"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_LIST_OWN, PermissionLevel.TRUE, "List own plots"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_LIST_SALE, PermissionLevel.TRUE, "List plots open for sale"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_SET, PermissionLevel.OP, "Control plot settings"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_PERMS, PermissionLevel.OP, "Control plot settings"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_PERMS_BUILD, PermissionLevel.OP, "Control build permissions"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_PERMS_USE, PermissionLevel.OP, "Control item usage permissions"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_PERMS_INTERACT, PermissionLevel.OP, "Control interaction permissions"); perms.registerPermission(PERM_PERMS_CHEST, PermissionLevel.OP, "Control chest permissions"); root.setGroupPermission(GROUP_PLOT_OWNER, PERM_SET, true); root.setGroupPermission(GROUP_PLOT_OWNER, PERM_SELL, true); root.setGroupPermission(GROUP_PLOT_OWNER, PERM_PERMS, true); root.setGroupPermission(GROUP_PLOT_OWNER, PERM_MODS, true); } public static class PlotRedefinedException extends Exception { } }