package com.forgeessentials.commons.selections; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class AreaBase { protected Point high; protected Point low; /** * Points are inclusive. * * @param p1 * @param p2 */ public AreaBase(Point p1, Point p2) { low = getMinPoint(p1, p2); high = getMaxPoint(p1, p2); } public int getXLength() { return high.getX() - low.getX() + 1; } public int getYLength() { return high.getY() - low.getY() + 1; } public int getZLength() { return high.getZ() - low.getZ() + 1; } public Point getHighPoint() { return high; } public Point getLowPoint() { return low; } public Point getSize() { return new Point(high.x - low.x, high.y - low.y, high.z - low.z); } /** * Get the lowest XYZ coordinate in OOBB [p1,p2] */ public static Point getMinPoint(Point p1, Point p2) { return new Point(Math.min(p1.getX(), p2.getX()), Math.min(p1.getY(), p2.getY()), Math.min(p1.getZ(), p2.getZ())); } /** * Get the highest XYZ coordinate in OOBB [p1,p2] */ public static Point getMaxPoint(Point p1, Point p2) { return new Point(Math.max(p1.getX(), p2.getX()), Math.max(p1.getY(), p2.getY()), Math.max(p1.getZ(), p2.getZ())); } /** * Determines if a given point is within the bounds of an area. * * @param p * Point to check against the Area * @return True, if the Point p is inside the area. */ public boolean contains(Point p) { return high.isGreaterEqualThan(p) && low.isLessEqualThan(p); } /** * checks if this area contains with another * * @param area * to check against this area * @return True, AreaBAse area is completely within this area */ public boolean contains(AreaBase area) { return this.contains(area.high) && this.contains(area.low); } /** * checks if this area is overlapping with another * * @param area * to check against this area * @return True, if the given area overlaps with this one. */ public boolean intersectsWith(AreaBase area) { return this.getIntersection(area) != null; } /** * @param area * The area to be checked. * @return NULL if the areas to do not intersect. Argument if this area completely contains the argument. */ public AreaBase getIntersection(AreaBase area) { if (area == null) { return null; } boolean hasIntersection = false; Point p = new Point(0, 0, 0); Point minp = new Point(0, 0, 0); Point maxp = new Point(0, 0, 0); int[] xs = { this.low.x, this.high.x, area.low.x, area.high.x }; int[] ys = { this.low.y, this.high.y, area.low.y, area.high.y }; int[] zs = { this.low.z, this.high.z, area.low.z, area.high.z }; for (int x : xs) { p.setX(x); for (int y : ys) { p.setY(y); for (int z : zs) { p.setZ(z); if (this.contains(p) && area.contains(p)) { if (!hasIntersection) { hasIntersection = true; minp = p; maxp = p; } else { minp = AreaBase.getMinPoint(minp, p); maxp = AreaBase.getMaxPoint(maxp, p); } } } } } if (!hasIntersection) { return null; } else { return new AreaBase(minp, maxp); } } public boolean makesCuboidWith(AreaBase area) { boolean alignX = low.getX() == area.low.getX() && high.getX() == area.high.getX(); boolean alignY = low.getY() == area.low.getY() && high.getY() == area.high.getY(); boolean alignZ = low.getZ() == area.low.getZ() && high.getZ() == area.high.getZ(); return alignX || alignY || alignZ; } /** * @param area * The area to be checked. * @return NULL if the areas to do not make a cuboid together. */ public AreaBase getUnity(AreaBase area) { if (!makesCuboidWith(area)) { return null; } else { return new AreaBase(getMinPoint(low, area.low), getMaxPoint(high, area.high)); } } public void redefine(Point p1, Point p2) { low = getMinPoint(p1, p2); high = getMaxPoint(p1, p2); } public AreaBase copy() { return new AreaBase(low, high); } @Override public String toString() { return "{" + high.toString() + " , " + low.toString() + " }"; } private static final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\{\\s*(\\[.*\\])\\s*,\\s*(\\[.*\\])\\s*\\}\\s*"); public static AreaBase fromString(String value) { Matcher match = pattern.matcher(value); if (!match.matches()) return null; Point p1 = Point.fromString(; Point p2 = Point.fromString(; if (p1 == null || p2 == null) return null; return new AreaBase(p1, p2); } public Point getCenter() { return new Point((high.x + low.x) / 2, (high.y + low.y) / 2, (high.z + low.z) / 2); } }