package mcjty.deepresonance.config;
import elec332.core.config.Configurable;
* Created by Elec332 on 10-8-2015.
public class ConfigMachines {
public static class PlateBlock {
private static final String category = "PlateBlock";
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 100000, comment = "Strength of radiation that a plate block gives when it has a redstone signal. 0 to disable")
public static int radiationStrength = 20000;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 100000, comment = "Radius of radiation that a plate block gives when it has a redstone signal")
public static int radiationRadius = 10;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 100000, comment = "Amount of ticks that the radiation lasts from a plate block")
public static int radiationTicks = 100;
public static class Purifier {
private static final String category = "Purifier";
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10000, comment = "Amount of ticks needed to purify one unit of RCL")
public static int ticksPerPurify = 100;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10000, comment = "The amount of RCL we purify as one unit")
public static int rclPerPurify = 200;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 100, comment = "How much the purifier adds to the purity of a liquid (in %)")
public static int addedPurity = 25;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 100, comment = "Maximum purity that the purifier can handle (in %)")
public static int maxPurity = 85;
public static class Smelter {
private static final String category = "Smelter";
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 1000, comment = "How much RF/t this machine can input from a generator/capacitor")
public static int rfPerTick = 200;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 1000, comment = "How much RF/t this machine consumes during smelting ores")
public static int rfPerOre = 10;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 1000000000, comment = "Maximum RF that can be stored in this machine")
public static int rfMaximum = 50000;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 10, maxValue = 1000, comment = "The number of ticks to smelt one ore")
public static int processTime = 200;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 100, maxValue = 10000, comment = "The amount of lava to smelt one ore")
public static int lavaCost = 200;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 50, maxValue = 1000, comment = "The amount of RCL to produce with one ore")
public static int rclPerOre = 200;
public static class Crystalizer {
private static final String category = "Crystalizer";
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 1000, comment = "How much RF/t this machine can input from a generator/capacitor")
public static int rfPerTick = 200;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 1000, comment = "How much RF this machine consumes for one crystalizing step")
public static int rfPerRcl = 20;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 1000000000, comment = "Maximum RF that can be stored in this machine")
public static int rfMaximum = 50000;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 10, maxValue = 100000, comment = "The amount of RCL that is needed for one crystal")
public static int rclPerCrystal = 6000;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 100000, comment = "The amount of RCL/t that is consumed during crystalizing")
public static int rclPerTick = 1;
public static class Collector {
public static final String category = "Collector";
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 16, comment = "Maximum horizontal distance to look for crystals")
public static int maxHorizontalCrystalDistance = 10;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 16, comment = "Maximum vertical distance to look for crystals")
public static int maxVerticalCrystalDistance = 1;
public static class Valve {
public static final String category = "Valve";
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10000, comment = "Amount of ticks needed to transfer one unit of RCL")
public static int ticksPerOperation = 5;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10000, comment = "The amount of RCL we process in one operation")
public static int rclPerOperation = 100;
public static class Laser {
public static final String category = "Laser";
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 50000, comment = "How much RF/t this machine can input from a generator/capacitor")
public static int rfPerTick = 2000;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 50000, comment = "How much RF this machine consumes for infusing one catalyst item")
public static int rfUsePerCatalyst = 4000;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 10000, comment = "How many multiples of 10 ticks are needed to infuse one catalyst item")
public static int ticks10PerCatalyst = 4;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 1000000000, comment = "Maximum RF that can be stored in this machine")
public static int rfMaximum = 100000;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 100000000, comment = "The maximum amount of liquified crystal this machine can hold (this is not RCL!)")
public static int crystalLiquidMaximum = 20000;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10000000, comment = "The minimum amount of liquified crystal one crystal will yield (this is not RCL!). This value is for a 0% strength crystal")
public static int minCrystalLiquidPerCrystal = 2000;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10000000, comment = "The maximum amount of liquified crystal one crystal will yield (this is not RCL!). This value is for a 100% strength crystal")
public static int maxCrystalLiquidPerCrystal = 10000;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10000000, comment = "The amount of RCL we improve with one catalyst item")
public static int rclPerCatalyst = 500;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 10000000, comment = "The amount of crystal liquid we consume per catalyst item")
public static int crystalLiquidPerCatalyst = 25;
public static class Power {
public static final String category = "Power";
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 1, maxValue = 2000000000, comment = "The maximum kilo-RF (per 1000, so 1000 = 1milion RF) that a crystal with 100% power can hold")
public static int maximumKiloRF = 1000000;
@Configurable(category = category, minValue = 0, maxValue = 20000, comment = "The maximum RF/tick that a crystal with 100% efficiency can give")
public static int maximumRFPerTick = 20000;