package mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.collector; import mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.ModBlocks; import mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.crystals.ResonatingCrystalTileEntity; import mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.generator.GeneratorConfiguration; import mcjty.deepresonance.blocks.generator.GeneratorTileEntity; import mcjty.deepresonance.config.ConfigMachines; import mcjty.deepresonance.generatornetwork.DRGeneratorNetwork; import mcjty.deepresonance.radiation.DRRadiationManager; import mcjty.lib.entity.GenericTileEntity; import mcjty.lib.varia.Broadcaster; import mcjty.lib.varia.GlobalCoordinate; import mcjty.lib.varia.Logging; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.ITickable; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; public class EnergyCollectorTileEntity extends GenericTileEntity implements ITickable { // Minimum power before we stop using a crystal. public static final float CRYSTAL_MIN_POWER = .00001f; public static int MAXTICKS = 20; // Update radiation every second. // Relative coordinates of active crystals. private Set<BlockPos> crystals = new HashSet<>(); private boolean lasersActive = false; private int laserStartup = 0; // A mirror (for the client) of the network startup counter. private int radiationUpdateCount = MAXTICKS; private int networkID = -1; public EnergyCollectorTileEntity() { super(); } @Override public void update() { if (!worldObj.isRemote) { checkStateServer(); } } private void checkStateServer() { boolean active = false; int startup = 0; DRGeneratorNetwork.Network network = null; TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(getPos().down()); if (te instanceof GeneratorTileEntity) { GeneratorTileEntity generatorTileEntity = (GeneratorTileEntity) te; DRGeneratorNetwork generatorNetwork = DRGeneratorNetwork.getChannels(worldObj); if (networkID != generatorTileEntity.getNetworkId()) { if (networkID != -1) { generatorNetwork.getOrCreateNetwork(networkID).decCollectorBlocks(); } networkID = generatorTileEntity.getNetworkId(); generatorTileEntity.getNetwork().incCollectorBlocks();; } network = generatorTileEntity.getNetwork(); if (network != null) { if (network.isActive()) { int rfPerTick = calculateRF(); network.setLastRfPerTick(rfPerTick); int newEnergy = network.getEnergy() + rfPerTick; int maxEnergy = network.getGeneratorBlocks() * GeneratorConfiguration.rfPerGeneratorBlock; if (newEnergy > maxEnergy) { newEnergy = maxEnergy; } if (network.getEnergy() != newEnergy) { network.setEnergy(newEnergy);; } active = true; } else { network.setLastRfPerTick(0); } startup = network.getStartupCounter(); } } else { if (networkID != -1) { networkID = -1; markDirty(); } } if (active != lasersActive || startup != laserStartup) { // Only when active changes and the lasert started recently do we check for new crystals. boolean doFind = lasersActive != active || (laserStartup > (GeneratorConfiguration.startupTime - 5)); lasersActive = active; laserStartup = startup; markDirtyClient(); if (doFind && te instanceof GeneratorTileEntity) { findCrystals(network); } } } public void disableCrystalGlow() { for (BlockPos coordinate : crystals) { TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(new BlockPos(getPos().getX() + coordinate.getX(), getPos().getY() + coordinate.getY(), getPos().getZ() + coordinate.getZ())); if (te instanceof ResonatingCrystalTileEntity) { ResonatingCrystalTileEntity resonatingCrystalTileEntity = (ResonatingCrystalTileEntity) te; resonatingCrystalTileEntity.setGlowing(false); } } } private int calculateRF() { Set<BlockPos> tokeep = new HashSet<>(); boolean dirty = false; float radiationRadius = 0; float radiationStrength = 0; boolean doRadiation = false; radiationUpdateCount--; if (radiationUpdateCount <= 0) { radiationUpdateCount = MAXTICKS; doRadiation = true; } int rf = 0; for (BlockPos coordinate : crystals) { TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(new BlockPos(getPos().getX() + coordinate.getX(), getPos().getY() + coordinate.getY(), getPos().getZ() + coordinate.getZ())); if (te instanceof ResonatingCrystalTileEntity) { ResonatingCrystalTileEntity resonatingCrystalTileEntity = (ResonatingCrystalTileEntity) te; if (resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getPower() > CRYSTAL_MIN_POWER) { resonatingCrystalTileEntity.setGlowing(lasersActive); tokeep.add(coordinate); float power = resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getPower(); if (power < resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getPowerPerTick()) { // We are empty. resonatingCrystalTileEntity.setPower(0); // Crystal will be removed from the list of active crystals next tick. } else { power -= resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getPowerPerTick(); resonatingCrystalTileEntity.setPower(power); // @@@ No block update on crystal yet! int rfPerTick = resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getRfPerTick(); rf += rfPerTick; if (doRadiation) { float purity = resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getPurity(); float radius = DRRadiationManager.calculateRadiationRadius(resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getStrength(), resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getEfficiency(), purity); if (radius > radiationRadius) { radiationRadius = radius; } float strength = DRRadiationManager.calculateRadiationStrength(resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getStrength(), purity); radiationStrength += strength; } } } else { resonatingCrystalTileEntity.setGlowing(false); dirty = true; } } else { dirty = true; } } if (dirty) { crystals = tokeep; markDirtyClient(); } if (doRadiation && radiationRadius > 0.1f) { DRRadiationManager radiationManager = DRRadiationManager.getManager(worldObj); GlobalCoordinate thisCoordinate = new GlobalCoordinate(getPos(), worldObj.provider.getDimension()); if (radiationManager.getRadiationSource(thisCoordinate) == null) { Logging.log("Created radiation source with radius " + radiationRadius + " and strength " + radiationStrength); } DRRadiationManager.RadiationSource radiationSource = radiationManager.getOrCreateRadiationSource(thisCoordinate); radiationSource.update(radiationRadius, radiationStrength, MAXTICKS);; } return rf; } public void addCrystal(int x, int y, int z) { if (networkID == -1) { return; } DRGeneratorNetwork channels = DRGeneratorNetwork.getChannels(worldObj); DRGeneratorNetwork.Network network = channels.getChannel(networkID); if (network == null) { return; } int maxSupportedRF = network.getGeneratorBlocks() * GeneratorConfiguration.maxRFInputPerBlock; for (BlockPos coordinate : crystals) { TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(new BlockPos(getPos().getX() + coordinate.getX(), getPos().getY() + coordinate.getY(), getPos().getZ() + coordinate.getZ())); if (te instanceof ResonatingCrystalTileEntity) { ResonatingCrystalTileEntity resonatingCrystalTileEntity = (ResonatingCrystalTileEntity) te; if (resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getPower() > CRYSTAL_MIN_POWER) { maxSupportedRF -= resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getRfPerTick(); } } } if (addCrystal(x, y, z, network, crystals, crystals, maxSupportedRF) >= 0) { // Success. markDirtyClient(); } } private static int ERROR_TOOMANYCRYSTALS = -1; private static int ERROR_TOOMUCHPOWER = -2; // Returns remaining RF that is supported if crystal could be added. Otherwise one of the errors above. private int addCrystal(int x, int y, int z, DRGeneratorNetwork.Network network, Set<BlockPos> newCrystals, Set<BlockPos> oldCrystals, int maxSupportedRF) { int maxSupportedCrystals = network.getGeneratorBlocks() * GeneratorConfiguration.maxCrystalsPerBlock; TileEntity te = worldObj.getTileEntity(new BlockPos(x, y, z)); if (te instanceof ResonatingCrystalTileEntity) { ResonatingCrystalTileEntity resonatingCrystalTileEntity = (ResonatingCrystalTileEntity) te; if (resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getPower() > CRYSTAL_MIN_POWER) { BlockPos crystalCoordinate = new BlockPos(x - getPos().getX(), y - getPos().getY(), z - getPos().getZ()); if (resonatingCrystalTileEntity.isGlowing() && !oldCrystals.contains(crystalCoordinate)) { // The crystal is already glowing and is not in our 'old' crystal set. That means that it // is currently being managed by another generator. We ignore it then. return maxSupportedRF; } if (newCrystals.size() >= maxSupportedCrystals) { resonatingCrystalTileEntity.setGlowing(false); return ERROR_TOOMANYCRYSTALS; } else if (resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getRfPerTick() > maxSupportedRF) { resonatingCrystalTileEntity.setGlowing(false); return ERROR_TOOMUCHPOWER; } else { maxSupportedRF -= resonatingCrystalTileEntity.getRfPerTick(); newCrystals.add(crystalCoordinate); resonatingCrystalTileEntity.setGlowing(lasersActive); } } else { resonatingCrystalTileEntity.setGlowing(false); } } return maxSupportedRF; } private void findCrystals(DRGeneratorNetwork.Network network) { Set<BlockPos> newCrystals = new HashSet<>(); int maxSupportedRF = network.getGeneratorBlocks() * GeneratorConfiguration.maxRFInputPerBlock; boolean tooManyCrystals = false; boolean tooMuchPower = false; // @todo this is not a good algorithm. It should find the closest first. int xCoord = getPos().getX(); int yCoord = getPos().getY(); int zCoord = getPos().getZ(); for (int y = yCoord - ConfigMachines.Collector.maxVerticalCrystalDistance ; y <= yCoord + ConfigMachines.Collector.maxVerticalCrystalDistance ; y++) { if (y >= 0 && y < worldObj.getHeight()) { int maxhordist = ConfigMachines.Collector.maxHorizontalCrystalDistance; for (int x = xCoord - maxhordist; x <= xCoord + maxhordist; x++) { for (int z = zCoord - maxhordist; z <= zCoord + maxhordist; z++) { if (worldObj.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x, y, z)).getBlock() == ModBlocks.resonatingCrystalBlock) { maxSupportedRF = addCrystal(x, y, z, network, newCrystals, crystals, maxSupportedRF); if (maxSupportedRF == ERROR_TOOMANYCRYSTALS) { tooManyCrystals = true; } else if (maxSupportedRF == ERROR_TOOMUCHPOWER) { tooMuchPower = true; } } } } } } if (!newCrystals.equals(crystals)) { crystals = newCrystals; markDirtyClient(); } if (lasersActive && (tooManyCrystals || tooMuchPower)) { // @todo This should be put in the Logging class as a broadcast message if (tooManyCrystals) { Broadcaster.broadcast(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, "There are too many crystals for this size generator!", 100); } if (tooMuchPower) { Broadcaster.broadcast(worldObj, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, "Some crystals are too powerful for this size generator!!", 100); } } } public Set<BlockPos> getCrystals() { return crystals; } public boolean areLasersActive() { return lasersActive; } public int getLaserStartup() { return laserStartup; } public int getNetworkID() { return networkID; } public void setNetworkID(int networkID) { this.networkID = networkID; markDirty(); } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { super.readFromNBT(tagCompound); byte[] crystalX = tagCompound.getByteArray("crystalsX"); byte[] crystalY = tagCompound.getByteArray("crystalsY"); byte[] crystalZ = tagCompound.getByteArray("crystalsZ"); crystals.clear(); for (int i = 0 ; i < crystalX.length ; i++) { crystals.add(new BlockPos(crystalX[i], crystalY[i], crystalZ[i])); } lasersActive = tagCompound.getBoolean("lasersActive"); laserStartup = tagCompound.getInteger("laserStartup"); if (tagCompound.hasKey("networkId")) { networkID = tagCompound.getInteger("networkId"); } else { networkID = -1; } } @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound tagCompound) { super.writeToNBT(tagCompound); byte[] crystalX = new byte[crystals.size()]; byte[] crystalY = new byte[crystals.size()]; byte[] crystalZ = new byte[crystals.size()]; int i = 0; for (BlockPos crystal : crystals) { crystalX[i] = (byte) crystal.getX(); crystalY[i] = (byte) crystal.getY(); crystalZ[i] = (byte) crystal.getZ(); i++; } tagCompound.setByteArray("crystalsX", crystalX); tagCompound.setByteArray("crystalsY", crystalY); tagCompound.setByteArray("crystalsZ", crystalZ); tagCompound.setBoolean("lasersActive", lasersActive); tagCompound.setInteger("laserStartup", laserStartup); tagCompound.setInteger("networkId", networkID); } @Override public boolean shouldRenderInPass(int pass) { return pass == 1; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) @Override public AxisAlignedBB getRenderBoundingBox() { int xCoord = getPos().getX(); int yCoord = getPos().getY(); int zCoord = getPos().getZ(); return new AxisAlignedBB(xCoord - 7, yCoord - 1, zCoord - 7, xCoord + 8, yCoord + 2, zCoord + 8); } }