package org.rzo.yajsw.wrapper; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; public interface WrappedProcess { /** The Constant STATE_IDLE. */ static final int STATE_IDLE = 0; /** The Constant STATE_STARTING. */ static final int STATE_STARTING = 1; /** The Constant STATE_RESTART. */ static final int STATE_RESTART = 2; /** The Constant STATE_STOP. */ static final int STATE_STOP = 3; /** The Constant STATE_RUNNING. */ static final int STATE_RUNNING = 4; /** The Constant STATE_RESTART_START. */ static final int STATE_RESTART_START = 5; /** The Constant STATE_RESTART_STOP. */ static final int STATE_RESTART_STOP = 6; /** The Constant STATE_RESTART_WAIT. */ static final int STATE_RESTART_WAIT = 7; /** The Constant STATE_USER_STOP. */ static final int STATE_USER_STOP = 8; /** The Constant STATE_ABORT. */ static final int STATE_ABORT = 9; static final int STATE_SHUTDOWN = 10; /** * Inits the. */ public void init(); /** * Start. */ public void start(); /** * Stop. */ public void stop(); /** * Restart. */ public void restart(); /** * Gets the pid. * * @return the pid */ public int getAppPid(); /** * Reconnect. * * @param pid * the pid * * @return true, if successful */ public boolean reconnect(int pid); /** * Gets the local configuration. * * @return the local configuration */ public Configuration getLocalConfiguration(); /** * Gets the exit code. * * @return the exit code */ public int getExitCode(); /** * Sets the use system properties. * * @param useSystemProperties * the new use system properties */ public void setUseSystemProperties(boolean useSystemProperties); public int getState(); public void stopTimer(); public void restartInternal(); public void startByTimer(); public void restartByTimer(); public void setDebug(boolean b); public void addStateChangeListener(int state, StateChangeListener listener); public void addStateChangeListener(StateChangeListener listener); public void addTriggerListener(TriggerListener listener); public int getRestartCount(); public String getStringState(); public String getName(); public void startDrain(); public String readDrainLine(); public void stopDrain(); public OutputStream getOutputStream(); public Date getAppStarted(); public Date getAppStopped(); public Date getWrapperStarted(); public int getAppThreads(); public long getAppMemory(); public int getAppCpu(); public int getAppHandles(); public int getWrapperPid(); public boolean isTimerActive(); public boolean isConditionActive(); public void threadDump(); public void stopTimerCondition(); public boolean isOSProcessRunning(); public void waitFor(); public void waitFor(long duration); public int getTotalRestartCount(); public String getType(); public Logger getWrapperLogger(); public void removeStateChangeListener(StateChangeListener listener); public void shutdown(); public void setLocalConfiguration(Configuration config); public void osProcessTerminated(); public boolean isHaltWrapperOnApp(); public boolean isHaltAppOnWrapper(); public void removeStateChangeListener(int state); public void setExiting(); public boolean isExiting(); public TrayIconProxy getTrayIcon(); public void setService(Object service); public long getMaxStartTime(); }