package org.rzo.yajsw.wrapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.FileLock; import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry; import java.rmi.registry.Registry; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler; import java.util.logging.FileHandler; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections.MultiMap; import; import org.apache.commons.configuration.BaseConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.rzo.yajsw.Constants; import org.rzo.yajsw.action.Action; import org.rzo.yajsw.action.ActionFactory; import org.rzo.yajsw.cache.Cache; import org.rzo.yajsw.condition.Condition; import org.rzo.yajsw.config.YajswConfigurationImpl; import org.rzo.yajsw.controller.Message; import org.rzo.yajsw.controller.jvm.Controller; import; import org.rzo.yajsw.log.DateFileHandler; import org.rzo.yajsw.log.MyLogger; import org.rzo.yajsw.log.PatternFormatter; import org.rzo.yajsw.os.OperatingSystem; import org.rzo.yajsw.os.Process; import org.rzo.yajsw.os.StopableService; import; import org.rzo.yajsw.script.Script; import org.rzo.yajsw.script.ScriptFactory; import org.rzo.yajsw.timer.Timer; import org.rzo.yajsw.timer.TimerFactory; import org.rzo.yajsw.tray.WrapperTrayIconFactory; import org.rzo.yajsw.tray.ahessian.server.AHessianJmxServer; import org.rzo.yajsw.util.DaemonThreadFactory; import org.rzo.yajsw.util.SimpleThreadFactory; import org.rzo.yajsw.util.Utils; import com.sun.jna.Platform; public abstract class AbstractWrappedProcess implements WrappedProcess, Constants, AbstractWrappedProcessMBean { /** The _os process. */ volatile public Process _osProcess; /** The _controller. */ protected Controller _controller; /** The _debug. */ protected boolean _debug = false; /** The _config. */ protected YajswConfigurationImpl _config; /** The _restarts. */ // protected int _restarts; /** The _gobler_err. */ volatile protected Gobler _gobler_err; /** The _gobler_in. */ volatile protected Gobler _gobler_in; /** The Constant executor. */ protected static final Executor executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new DaemonThreadFactory("wrappedProcess")); protected static final Executor scriptExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new SimpleThreadFactory("scriptExecutor")); /** The _first restart time. */ protected long _firstRestartTime; /** The _state. */ protected volatile int _state = STATE_IDLE; /** The _startup exit codes. */ Set _startupExitCodes = new HashSet(); /** The _shutdown exit codes. */ Set _shutdownExitCodes = new HashSet(); /** The _exit code default restart. */ boolean _exitCodeDefaultRestart = false; /** The _local configuration. */ protected Configuration _localConfiguration = new BaseConfiguration(); /** The _app logger. */ Logger _appLogger; /** The _tmp path. */ protected String _tmpPath; /** The _wrapper logger. */ Logger _wrapperLogger; /** The _wrapper logger name. */ String _wrapperLoggerName = "wrapper"; /** The _app logger name. */ String _appLoggerName; String _appLoggerPid; /** The _use system properties. */ boolean _useSystemProperties = true; /** The Constant PATHSEP. */ protected static final String PATHSEP = System.getProperty("path.separator"); /** The _restart count. */ int _restartCount; int _totalRestartCount = 0; /** The _timer. */ Timer _timer; /** The _lock. */ FileLock _lock; /** The _lock file. */ File _lockFile; /** The _lock file channel. */ FileChannel _lockFileChannel; /** The _pid file. */ File _pidFile; /** The _successful invocation time. */ long _successfulInvocationTime; MultiMap _listeners = MultiValueMap.decorate(new HashMap(), HashSet.class); String _triggerLine; Condition _condition; Process _trayIconProcess; volatile Date _appStarted; volatile Date _appStopped; Date _wrapperStarted; volatile boolean _drainActive = false; volatile int _exitCode = -99; boolean _haltWrapperOnApp = false; boolean _haltAppOnWrapper = false; Object _cluster = null; ClusterNodeChangeListener _clusterListener; boolean _clusterTriggered = false; Cache _cache = null; boolean _exiting = false; volatile TrayIconProxy _trayIconMessages = null; Script _restartDelayScript = null; Object _service = null; boolean _stopRequested = false; boolean _startRequested = false; MBeanServer _mbeanServer = null; AHessianJmxServer _ahessianServer = null; boolean _reconnecting = false; boolean _init = false; public static final int MIN_PROCESS_LINES_TO_LOG = 40; List<Thread> _shutdownHooks = new ArrayList<Thread>(); /** * Inits the. */ @Override public void init() { Map utils = new HashMap(); utils.put("util", new Utils(this)); _config = new YajswConfigurationImpl(_localConfiguration, _useSystemProperties, utils); getWrapperLogger().info("init "); if (!_config.isLocalFile()) if (_cache == null) { _cache = new Cache(); _cache.load(_config); } String dbg = _config.getString("wrapper.debug"); _debug = dbg == null ? false : dbg.equals("true"); _successfulInvocationTime = _config.getLong("wrapper.successful_invocation_time", DEFAULT_SUCCESSFUL_INVOCATION_TIME) * 1000; String control = _config.getString("wrapper.control", DEFAULT_CONTROL); if ("TIGHT".equals(control) || "WRAPPER".equals(control)) _haltWrapperOnApp = true; if ("TIGHT".equals(control) || "APPLICATION".equals(control)) _haltAppOnWrapper = true; for (Iterator it = _config.getKeys("wrapper.on_exit"); it.hasNext();) { String key = (String); String value = _config.getString(key); if ("RESTART".equals(value)) { String postfix = key.substring(key.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); if ("default".equals(postfix)) _exitCodeDefaultRestart = true; else try { _startupExitCodes.add(Integer.parseInt(postfix)); } catch (Exception ex) { getWrapperLogger().info("error evaluating " + key + " " + ex.getMessage()); } } if ("SHUTDOWN".equals(value)) { String postfix = key.substring(key.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); if ("default".equals(postfix)) // do nothing { } else try { _shutdownExitCodes.add(Integer.parseInt(postfix)); } catch (Exception ex) { getWrapperLogger().info("error evaluating " + key + " " + ex.getMessage()); } } } if (_timer == null) _timer = TimerFactory.createTimer(_config, this); _timer.init(); if (_condition == null) _condition = new Condition(_config, this, getWrapperLogger()); _condition.init(); _restartCount = 0; // in case of active triggers control == LOOSE if (_timer.isHasTrigger() || _condition.isHasTrigger()) { _haltWrapperOnApp = false; // do not halt app on wrapper -> service stop takes too long // _haltAppOnWrapper = false; } // if we need the tray or jmx -> create and register a wrapper mbean if (_config.getBoolean("wrapper.tray", false) || _config.getBoolean("wrapper.jmx", false)) registerMBean(); // if we need a try -> start asynch hessian jmx remote service & create // a tray proxy for displaying messages if (_config.getBoolean("wrapper.tray", false)) { startAhessianService(); _trayIconMessages = new TrayIconProxy(); } // if we are not running as a sevice -> spawn the tray icon as a // separate process if ((!_reconnecting) && _config.getBoolean("wrapper.tray", false) && _trayIconProcess == null && !isService()) { _trayIconProcess = WrapperTrayIconFactory.startTrayIconProcess(_config); } // if jmx is required -> start jmx rmi remote service if (_config.getBoolean("wrapper.jmx", false)) startJMXRmiService(); configStateChangeListeners(); configShutdownHook(); String clusterScript = _config.getString("", null); configClusterScript(clusterScript); _init = true; } private void configClusterScript(String clusterScript) { if (clusterScript != null && !"".equals(clusterScript)) { List args = _config.getList("", new ArrayList()); int timeout = _config.getInt("", 0); final Script script = ScriptFactory.createScript(clusterScript, "", this, args, getWrapperLogger(), timeout); if (script == null) return; try { Class clazz = this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(""); _cluster = clazz.newInstance(); _clusterListener = new ClusterNodeChangeListener() { @Override public void nodeChanged() { script.execute(); } }; Method m = clazz.getMethod("addNodeChangeListener", ClusterNodeChangeListener.class); m.invoke(_cluster, _clusterListener); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void startCluster() { try { Class clazz = this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(""); _clusterTriggered = true; _clusterListener.nodeChanged(); Method m = clazz.getMethod("start"); m.invoke(_cluster); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void configShutdownHook() { // on windows services: shutdown is handeled by the onStop method not by // the hook if (OperatingSystem.instance().getOperatingSystemName().toLowerCase().startsWith("windows") && isService()) return; if (_haltAppOnWrapper) { Thread hook = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { getWrapperLogger().info("Shutting down Wrapper"); if (!_exiting) { setExiting(); AbstractWrappedProcess.this.stop(); AbstractWrappedProcess.this.shutdown(); } // give eventually running scripts time to terminate try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } }; Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(hook); // remember the hook so that we can remove it to avoid mem leaks _shutdownHooks.add(hook); } } private void configStateChangeListeners() { Iterator listeners = _config.getKeys("wrapper.script"); for (Iterator it = listeners; it.hasNext();) { String key = (String); if (!key.endsWith(".args")) { String value = _config.getString(key); List args = _config.getList(key + ".args", new ArrayList()); int timeout = _config.getInt(key + ".timeout", 0); String state = key.substring(key.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); final Script script = ScriptFactory.createScript(value, state, this, args, getWrapperLogger(), timeout); int iState = toIntState(state); if (iState >= 0 && script != null) addStateChangeListener(iState, new StateChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChange(int newState, int oldState) { script.executeWithTimeout(); } }); } } if (_haltWrapperOnApp) addStateChangeListener(STATE_IDLE, new StateChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChange(int newState, int oldState) { if (_exiting) return; _exiting = true; executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // if this is a service: do not exit here so that we // can inform the service controller if (!isService()) System.exit(0); else { Object service = getService(); if (service != null) { // windows service getWrapperLogger().info("calling onStop"); ((StopableService) service).onStop(); ((StopableService) service).waitOnStop(); Runtime.getRuntime().halt(0); } else if (isService() && _haltWrapperOnApp) { // posix service try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } Runtime.getRuntime().halt(0); } } } }); } }); } private int toIntState(String state) { if ("START".equals(state)) return STATE_STARTING; else if ("RUN".equals(state)) return STATE_RUNNING; else if ("RESTART".equals(state)) return STATE_RESTART; else if ("STOP".equals(state)) return STATE_USER_STOP; else if ("ABORT".equals(state)) return STATE_ABORT; else if ("SHUTDOWN".equals(state)) return STATE_SHUTDOWN; else if ("IDLE".equals(state)) return STATE_IDLE; else return -1; } private void startJMXRmiService() { try { int port = _config.getInt("wrapper.jmx.rmi.port", Constants.DEFAULT_RMI_PORT); if (port > 0) { Registry rmiRegistry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(port); JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:" + port + "/server"); Map environment = null; if (_config.getString("wrapper.jmx.rmi.user", null) != null) { final String myUser = _config.getString("wrapper.jmx.rmi.user"); final String myPassword = _config.getString("wrapper.jmx.rmi.password", ""); environment = new HashMap(); JMXAuthenticator authenticator = new JMXAuthenticator() { @Override public Subject authenticate(Object credentials) { if (!(credentials instanceof String[])) throw new SecurityException("Bad credentials"); String[] creds = (String[]) credentials; if (creds.length != 2) throw new SecurityException("Bad credentials"); String user = creds[0]; String password = creds[1]; if (password == null) password = ""; if (!myUser.equals(user)) throw new SecurityException("Unknown user " + user); if (!myPassword.equals(password)) throw new SecurityException("Bad password"); Set principals = new HashSet(); principals.add(new JMXPrincipal(user)); return new Subject(true, principals, Collections.EMPTY_SET, Collections.EMPTY_SET); } }; environment.put(JMXConnectorServer.AUTHENTICATOR, authenticator); } JMXConnectorServer cs = JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(url, environment, _mbeanServer); cs.start(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private void startAhessianService() { if (_ahessianServer != null) return; String canonName; try { canonName = new File(_config.getString("wrapper.config")).getCanonicalPath(); _ahessianServer = new AHessianJmxServer(_mbeanServer, "+n:localhost, -n:*", canonName, _config.getInt("wrapper.tray.port", 0), getWrapperLogger()); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private void registerMBean() { ArrayList servers = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null); try { if (servers != null && servers.size() > 0) _mbeanServer = (MBeanServer) servers.get(0); if (_mbeanServer == null) _mbeanServer = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(); if (_mbeanServer != null) { String name = _config.getString("wrapper.console.title"); if (name == null) name = _config.getString(""); if (name == null) name = "yajsw.noname"; ObjectName oName = new ObjectName("org.rzo.yajsw", "name", name); _mbeanServer.registerMBean(this, oName); } else getWrapperLogger().severe("ERROR: no mbean server found "); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Gets the priority. * * @param priority * the priority * * @return the priority */ protected int getPriority(String priority) { if ("LOW".equals(priority)) return Process.PRIORITY_LOW; else if ("BELOW_NORMAL".equals(priority)) return Process.PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL; else if ("NORMAL".equals(priority)) return Process.PRIORITY_NORMAL; else if ("ABOVE_NORMAL".equals(priority)) return Process.PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL; else if ("HIGH".equals(priority)) return Process.PRIORITY_HIGH; return Process.PRIORITY_UNDEFINED; } /** * Gets the affinity. * * @param affinity * the affinity * * @return the affinity */ protected int getAffinity(String affinity) { try { return Integer.parseInt(affinity); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return 0; } } /** * Exit code restart. * * @return true, if successful */ protected boolean exitCodeRestart() { if (_state == STATE_USER_STOP || _state == STATE_SHUTDOWN) return false; if (_startupExitCodes.contains(_osProcess.getExitCode())) { getWrapperLogger().info("restart process due to exit code rule"); return true; } else if (_exitCodeDefaultRestart) { getWrapperLogger().info("restart process due to default exit code rule"); return true; } return false; } /** * Exit code shutdown. * * @return true, if successful */ protected boolean exitCodeShutdown() { if (_shutdownExitCodes.contains(_osProcess.getExitCode())) { getWrapperLogger().info("shutdown process due to exit code rule"); return true; } return false; } /** * Sets the state. * * @param state * the new state */ protected void setState(int state) { int oldState = _state; if (_state != state) { getWrapperLogger().info("set state " + getStringState(_state) + "->" + getStringState(state)); _state = state; if (state == STATE_IDLE) { removeLockFile(); } Collection listeners = (Collection) _listeners.get(_state); Collection listeners999 = (Collection) _listeners.get(999); Collection allListeners = new HashSet(); if (listeners != null) allListeners.addAll(listeners); if (listeners999 != null) allListeners.addAll(listeners999); for (Iterator it = allListeners.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { StateChangeListener listener = (StateChangeListener); if (listener != null) listener.stateChange(state, oldState); } } } /** * String state. * * @param state * the state * * @return the string */ static public String getStringState(int state) { switch (state) { case STATE_IDLE: return "IDLE"; case STATE_RESTART: return "RESTART"; case STATE_RESTART_START: return "RESTART_START"; case STATE_RESTART_STOP: return "RESTART_STOP"; case STATE_RESTART_WAIT: return "RESTART_WAIT"; case STATE_RUNNING: return "RUNNING"; case STATE_STARTING: return "STARTING"; case STATE_STOP: return "STOP"; case STATE_USER_STOP: return "STATE_USER_STOP"; case STATE_ABORT: return "STATE_ABORT"; case STATE_SHUTDOWN: return "STATE_SHUTDOWN"; default: return "?"; } } /** The _start by timer. */ boolean _startByTimer = false; /** * Start by timer. */ @Override public synchronized void startByTimer() { _startByTimer = true; start(); _startByTimer = false; } @Override public synchronized void start() { if (!_init) init(); _startRequested = true; _stopRequested = false; startInternal(); } /** * Start. */ public synchronized void startInternal() { if (!saveLockFile()) return; savePidFile(); if (_timer.isHasTrigger() && !_timer.isTriggered()) _timer.start(); if (_condition.isHasTrigger() && !_condition.isTriggered()) { _condition.start(); return; } if (!_timer.isStartImmediate() && !_startByTimer) return; if (_cluster != null && !_clusterTriggered) { startCluster(); return; } if (_state == STATE_IDLE) setState(STATE_STARTING); else if (_state == STATE_RESTART_WAIT) setState(STATE_RESTART_START); else return; if (_shutdownHooks.isEmpty()) configShutdownHook(); long startTimeout = _config.getLong("wrapper.startup.delay", 0); if (_state == STATE_STARTING && startTimeout > 0) { try { getWrapperLogger().info("startup delay " + startTimeout + "sec"); Thread.sleep(startTimeout * 1000); if (_stopRequested) { setState(STATE_IDLE); return; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } getWrapperLogger().info("starting Process"); if (_wrapperStarted == null) _wrapperStarted = new Date(); if (_config.getBoolean("wrapper.restart.reload_configuration", DEFAULT_RELOAD_CONFIGURATION)) _config.reload(); if (_debug) getWrapperLogger().info("starting controller"); if (_controller != null) { // release resources if controller was running before this call to // start // otherwise resources will be released by gc -> finalize _controller.reset(); _controller.setDebug(isDebug()); _controller.setLogger(getWrapperLogger()); configController(); if (!_controller.start()) { getWrapperLogger().info("could not start controller -> abort"); setState(STATE_ABORT); setState(STATE_IDLE); return; } else if (_debug) getWrapperLogger().info("controller started"); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } if (_osProcess == null) { _osProcess = OperatingSystem.instance().processManagerInstance().createProcess(); } else { // release resources if _osProcess was running before this call to // start // otherwise resources will be released by gc -> finalize if (_debug) getWrapperLogger().info("_osProcess destroyed"); _osProcess.destroy(); } configProcess(); _firstRestartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // _restartCount++; Map triggerActions = getTriggerActions(); Map regexTriggerActions = getRegexTriggerActions(); Map missingTriggerActions = getMissingTriggerActions(); Map missingRegexTriggerActions = getMissingRegexTriggerActions(); _osProcess.setLogger(getWrapperLogger()); _exitCode = -3; getWrapperLogger().info("spawning wrapped process"); if (_osProcess.start()) { _controller.processStarted(); _totalRestartCount++; postStart(); getWrapperLogger().info("started process with pid " + _osProcess.getPid()); if (pipeStreams()) { _gobler_in = new Gobler(_osProcess.getInputStream(), getAppLogger(), triggerActions, regexTriggerActions, missingTriggerActions, missingRegexTriggerActions, "OUTPUT " + _osProcess.getPid(), _osProcess.getPid()); _gobler_err = new Gobler(_osProcess.getErrorStream(), getAppLogger(), triggerActions, regexTriggerActions, missingTriggerActions, missingRegexTriggerActions, "ERROR " + _osProcess.getPid(), _osProcess.getPid()); executor.execute(_gobler_err); executor.execute(_gobler_in); } if (getState() != STATE_IDLE) { _appStarted = new Date(); setState(STATE_RUNNING); updateAppLoggerName(); } writeToFile( getJavaProcessFileName(), "STARTED" ); } else { getWrapperLogger().severe("failed to spawn wrapped process"); _controller.processFailed(); } // win 64 test // WindowsXPProcess.getProcess(getPid()); } private void writeToFile( File file, String string ) { FileWriter writer = null; try { writer = new FileWriter( file ); writer.write( string ); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } finally { if ( writer != null ) { try { writer.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } abstract void configController(); private File getJavaProcessFileName() { String pidFileName = _config.getString( "wrapper.pidfile" ); File pidFile = new File( pidFileName ); return new File( pidFile.getParentFile(), fileNameWithoutExtension( pidFile.getName() ) + ".java.status" ); } private String fileNameWithoutExtension( String fileName ) { int dotIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf( '.' ); return dotIndex == -1 ? fileName : fileName.substring( 0, dotIndex ); } abstract void postStart(); void configProcess() { String priority = _config.getString("wrapper.priority"); if (priority != null) _osProcess.setPriority(getPriority(priority)); String affinity = _config.getString("wrapper.affinity"); if (affinity != null) _osProcess.setCpuAffinity(getAffinity(affinity)); String title = _config.getString("wrapper.console.title"); if (title != null) _osProcess.setTitle(title); _osProcess.setVisible(_config.getBoolean("wrapper.console.visible", Constants.DEFAULT_CONSOLE_VISIBLE) && !_config.getBoolean("wrapper.service", false)); _osProcess.setUser(_config.getString("")); _osProcess.setPassword(_config.getString("")); if (_debug) _osProcess.setDebug(true); String workingDir = _config.getString("wrapper.working.dir", "."); if (workingDir != null) { File wd = new File(workingDir); if (!wd.exists() || !wd.isDirectory()) getWrapperLogger().warning("working directory " + workingDir + " not found"); else _osProcess.setWorkingDir(wd.getAbsolutePath()); getWrapperLogger().info("working dir " + wd.getAbsolutePath()); } _osProcess.setEnvironment(getProcessEnvironment(_config)); } private List<String[]> getProcessEnvironment(YajswConfigurationImpl config) { if (!config.getKeys("").hasNext()) { //getWrapperLogger().info("env: no yajsw env"); return null; } List<String[]> env = OperatingSystem.instance().processManagerInstance().getProcess( OperatingSystem.instance().processManagerInstance().currentProcessId()).getEnvironment(); for (Iterator keys = config.getKeys(""); keys.hasNext();) { String key = (String); String value = config.getString(key); String envKey = key.substring("".length()); //getWrapperLogger().info("env: "+envKey+"="+value); updateEnvKey(envKey, value, env); } return env; } private void updateEnvKey(String envKey, String value, List<String[]> env) { String[] entry = findEnvEntry(envKey, env); if (entry != null) entry[1] = value; else env.add(new String[] { envKey, value }); } private String[] findEnvEntry(String envKey, List<String[]> env) { for (String[] entry : env) if (envKeyEqual(envKey, entry[0])) return entry; return null; } private boolean envKeyEqual(String envKey1, String envKey2) { if (Platform.isWindows()) return envKey1.toLowerCase().equals(envKey2.toLowerCase()); else return envKey1.equals(envKey2); } /** * Pipe streams. * * @return true, if successful */ protected boolean pipeStreams() { return true;// getAppLogger() != null; } /** The _file handler. */ Handler _fileHandler; /** * Restart log file. */ void restartLogFile() { if (_fileHandler == null) return; String rollMode = _config.getString("wrapper.logfile.rollmode", ""); boolean append = !(rollMode.contains("WRAPPER") || rollMode.contains("JVM")); if (!append && _appLogger != null) { _fileHandler.close(); getFileHandler(); } } private boolean isMacPlatform() { return System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("mac"); } /** * Gets the console handler. * * @return the console handler */ public Handler getConsoleHandler() { Handler handler; String consoleLogLevel = _config.getString("wrapper.console.loglevel", "INFO"); if (consoleLogLevel.equals("NONE")) { if (isMacPlatform()) consoleLogLevel = "STATUS"; else return null; } // per default java console handler uses err -> use out instead handler = new ConsoleHandler() { @Override protected synchronized void setOutputStream(OutputStream out) throws SecurityException { super.setOutputStream(System.out); } }; handler.setFormatter( getConsoleFormatter() ); handler.setLevel( getLogLevel( consoleLogLevel ) ); return handler; } /** * Gets the file handler. * * @return the file handler */ public Handler getFileHandler() { if (_fileHandler != null) return _fileHandler; String fileName = getLogFile(); String fileLogLevel = _config.getString("wrapper.logfile.loglevel", "INFO"); if ((fileName.equals("") || fileLogLevel.equals("NONE"))) return null; File f = new File(fileName).getParentFile(); if (!f.exists()) try { f.mkdirs(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } try { String rollMode = _config.getString("wrapper.logfile.rollmode", ""); boolean append = !(rollMode.contains("WRAPPER") || rollMode.contains("JVM")); int count = _config.getInt("wrapper.logfile.maxfiles", 1); int limit = getLogLimit(); _fileHandler = fileName.contains("%d") ? new DateFileHandler(fileName, limit, count, append) : new FileHandler(fileName, limit, count, append); _fileHandler.setFormatter(getFileFormatter()); _fileHandler.setLevel(getLogLevel(fileLogLevel)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return _fileHandler; } /** * Update app logger name. */ private void updateAppLoggerName() { if (_appLogger == null) return; _appLoggerPid = getAppPid() + "/" + _restartCount; ((MyLogger) _appLogger).setPID(_appLoggerPid); _appLoggerName = getName() == null ? "" : getName(); ((MyLogger) _appLogger).setName(_appLoggerName); } /** * Gets the app logger. * * @return the app logger */ protected Logger getAppLogger() { if (_appLogger != null) return _appLogger; if (_appLogger == null) { _appLogger = new MyLogger(); updateAppLoggerName(); _appLogger.setUseParentHandlers(false); } if (getFileHandler() != null) _appLogger.addHandler(getFileHandler()); if ( getConsoleHandler() != null ) _appLogger.addHandler( getConsoleHandler() ); return _appLogger; } /** * Gets the log level. * * @param logLevel * the log level * * @return the log level */ private Level getLogLevel(String logLevel) { if ( "INFO".equals( logLevel ) ) return Level.ALL; else if ( "FATAL".equals( logLevel ) ) return Level.SEVERE; else if ( "ERROR".equals( logLevel ) ) return Level.WARNING; else return Level.INFO; } /** * Gets the log limit. * * @return the log limit */ private int getLogLimit() { String res = _config.getString("wrapper.logfile.maxsize"); String units = ""; if (res == null) return 0; res = res.toLowerCase(); if (res.endsWith("m")) { res = res.substring(0, res.length() - 1); units = "m"; } else if (res.endsWith("k")) { res = res.substring(0, res.length() - 1); units = "k"; } int result = Integer.parseInt(res); if (units.equals("m")) result = result * 1024 * 1024; else if (units.equals("k")) result = result * 1024; return result; } /** * Gets the file formatter. * * @return the file formatter */ private PatternFormatter getFileFormatter() { String wFormat = _config.getString("wrapper.logfile.format", Constants.DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT); return getFormatter(wFormat); } /** * Gets the console formatter. * * @return the console formatter */ private java.util.logging.Formatter getConsoleFormatter() { String wFormat = _config.getString("wrapper.console.format", Constants.DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT); return getFormatter(wFormat); } /** * Gets the formatter. * * @param wFormat * the w format * * @return the formatter */ private PatternFormatter getFormatter(String wFormat) { PatternFormatter formatter = new PatternFormatter(); String pattern = ""; if (wFormat.contains("Z")) { formatter.setTimeFormat("yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SS"); } else { formatter.setTimeFormat("yy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } for (int i = 0; i < wFormat.length(); i++) { if (i > 0) pattern += "|"; char c = wFormat.charAt(i); switch (c) { case 'L': pattern += "%LEVEL%"; break; case 'P': pattern += "%PARAM0%"; break; case 'N': pattern += "%PARAM1%"; break; case 'T': case 'Z': pattern += "%TIME%"; break; case 'M': pattern += "%MESSAGE%"; break; default: ; } } pattern += System.getProperty( "line.separator" ); formatter.setLogPattern(pattern); return formatter; } /** * Gets the log file. * * @return the log file */ private String getLogFile() { String result = _config.getString("wrapper.logfile", "wrapper.log"); File r = new File(result); File f = null; if (!r.isAbsolute()) { String wDir = _config.getString("wrapper.working.dir", "."); f = new File(wDir, result); } else f = new File(result); result = f.getAbsolutePath(); if (result.contains("ROLLNUM")) result = result.replace("ROLLNUM", "%g"); else result = result + ".%g"; if (result.contains("YYYYMMDD")) result = result.replace("YYYYMMDD", "%d"); return result; } protected Map getMissingTriggerActions() { Map result = new HashMap(); for (Iterator it = _config.getKeys("wrapper.filter.missing.trigger"); it.hasNext();) { String tKey = (String); List lValue = _config.getList(tKey); if (lValue == null || lValue.size() != 3) { getWrapperLogger().info("check parameters for " + tKey); continue; } String tValue = (String) lValue.get(0); // commons configuration does no accept <space>, 1, 1 as valid list // -> using * instead of space if ("*".equals(tValue)) tValue = ""; int countValue = -1; try { countValue = Integer.parseInt((String) lValue.get(1)); } catch (Exception ex) { getWrapperLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "check parameters for " + tKey, ex); } long periodValue = -1; try { periodValue = Long.parseLong((String) lValue.get(2)) * 1000; } catch (Exception ex) { getWrapperLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "check parameters for " + tKey, ex); } String tName = tKey.substring("wrapper.filter.missing.trigger.".length()); String aKey = "wrapper.filter.missing.action." + tName; String aValue = _config.getString(aKey, ""); Object action = getTriggerAction(aValue); String sKey = "wrapper.filter.missing.script." + tName; String sValue = _config.getString(sKey, ""); List args = _config.getList(sKey + ".args", null); int timeout = _config.getInt(sKey + ".timeout", 0); String[] strArgs = null; if (args != null && args.size() > 0) { strArgs = new String[args.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < strArgs.length; i++) strArgs[i] = args.get(i).toString(); } Object script = getTriggerScript(sValue, tKey.substring(tKey.lastIndexOf('.')), strArgs, timeout); if (action != null || script != null) { result.put(tValue, new MissingTriggerAction(executor, periodValue, countValue, new TriggerAction[] { (TriggerAction) script, (TriggerAction) action })); } } return result; } /** * Gets the regex trigger actions. * * @return the regex trigger actions */ protected Map getMissingRegexTriggerActions() { Map result = new HashMap(); for (Iterator it = _config.getKeys("wrapper.filter.missing.trigger-regex"); it.hasNext();) { String tKey = (String); List lValue = _config.getList(tKey); if (lValue == null || lValue.size() != 3) { getWrapperLogger().info("check parameters for " + tKey); continue; } String tValue = (String) lValue.get(0); int countValue = -1; try { countValue = Integer.parseInt((String) lValue.get(1)); } catch (Exception ex) { getWrapperLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "check parameters for " + tKey, ex); } long periodValue = -1; try { getWrapperLogger().info("check parameters for " + tKey); periodValue = Long.parseLong((String) lValue.get(2)) * 1000; } catch (Exception ex) { getWrapperLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "check parameters for " + tKey, ex); } String tName = tKey.substring("wrapper.filter.missing.trigger.".length()); String aKey = "wrapper.filter.missing.action." + tName; String aValue = _config.getString(aKey, ""); Object action = getTriggerAction(aValue); String sKey = "wrapper.filter.missing.script." + tName; String sValue = _config.getString(sKey, ""); List args = _config.getList(sKey + ".args", null); int timeout = _config.getInt(sKey + ".timeout", 0); String[] strArgs = null; if (args != null && args.size() > 0) { strArgs = new String[args.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < strArgs.length; i++) strArgs[i] = args.get(i).toString(); } Object script = getTriggerScript(sValue, tKey.substring(tKey.lastIndexOf('.')), strArgs, timeout); if (action != null || script != null) { result.put(tValue, new MissingTriggerAction(executor, periodValue, countValue, new TriggerAction[] { (TriggerAction) script, (TriggerAction) action })); } } return result; } /** * Gets the trigger actions. * * @return the trigger actions */ protected Map getTriggerActions() { Map result = new HashMap(); List configList = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = _config.getKeys("wrapper.filter.trigger"); it.hasNext();) { configList.add(; } Collections.sort(configList, new AlphanumComparator()); for (Iterator it = configList.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { String tKey = (String); String tValue = _config.getString(tKey); if (tValue == null || tValue.length() == 0) continue; String tName = tKey.substring("wrapper.filter.trigger.".length()); String aKey = "wrapper.filter.action." + tName; String aValue = _config.getString(aKey, ""); Object action = getTriggerAction(aValue); String sKey = "wrapper.filter.script." + tName; String sValue = _config.getString(sKey, ""); List args = _config.getList(sKey + ".args", null); int timeout = _config.getInt(sKey + ".timeout", 0); String[] strArgs = null; if (args != null && args.size() > 0) { strArgs = new String[args.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < strArgs.length; i++) strArgs[i] = args.get(i).toString(); } Object script = getTriggerScript(sValue, tKey.substring(tKey.lastIndexOf('.')), strArgs, timeout); if (action != null && script != null) { addToActionMap(result, tValue, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { script, action })); } else if (action != null) addToActionMap(result, tValue, action); else if (script != null) addToActionMap(result, tValue, script); else addToActionMap(result, aKey, "RESTART"); } return result; } private void addToActionMap(Map actionsMap, String key, Object value) { Object c = actionsMap.get(key); if (c == null) { actionsMap.put(key, value); } else if (c instanceof Collection && value instanceof Collection) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); l.addAll((Collection) c); l.addAll((Collection) value); actionsMap.put(key, l); } else if (c instanceof Collection && !(value instanceof Collection)) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); l.addAll((Collection) c); l.add(value); actionsMap.put(key, l); } else if (!(c instanceof Collection) && value instanceof Collection) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); l.add(c); l.addAll((Collection) value); actionsMap.put(key, l); } else // c is not a collection && value is not a collection { actionsMap.put(key, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { c, value })); } } /** * Gets the regex trigger actions. * * @return the regex trigger actions */ protected Map getRegexTriggerActions() { Map result = new HashMap(); for (Iterator it = _config.getKeys("wrapper.filter.trigger-regex"); it.hasNext();) { String tKey = (String); String tValue = _config.getString(tKey); if (tValue == null || tValue.length() == 0) continue; String tName = tKey.substring("wrapper.filter.trigger-regex.".length()); String aKey = "wrapper.filter.action." + tName; String aValue = _config.getString(aKey, ""); Object action = getTriggerAction(aValue); String sKey = "wrapper.filter.script." + tName; String sValue = _config.getString(sKey, ""); List args = _config.getList(sKey + ".args", null); int timeout = _config.getInt(sKey + ".timeout", 0); String[] strArgs = null; if (args != null && args.size() > 0) { strArgs = new String[args.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < strArgs.length; i++) strArgs[i] = args.get(i).toString(); } Object script = getTriggerScript(sValue, tKey.substring(tKey.lastIndexOf('.')), strArgs, timeout); if (action != null && script != null) { addToActionMap(result, tValue, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { script, action })); } else if (action != null) addToActionMap(result, tValue, action); else if (script != null) addToActionMap(result, tValue, script); else addToActionMap(result, aKey, "RESTART"); } return result; } /** * Gets the trigger script. * * @param script * the script * @param key * the key * * @return the trigger script */ private Object getTriggerScript(String script, String key, String[] args, int timeout) { final Script s = ScriptFactory.createScript(script, key, this, args, getWrapperLogger(), timeout); if (s == null) { this.getWrapperLogger().info("error initializing script " + script); return null; } this.getWrapperLogger().info("found script " + s.getScript()); // final String id = key; return new TriggerAction() { @Override public Object execute(final String line) { scriptExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { AbstractWrappedProcess.this.getWrapperLogger().info("start script " + s.getScript()); s.executeWithTimeout(new String(line)); AbstractWrappedProcess.this.getWrapperLogger().info("end script " + s.getScript()); } }); return null; } }; } /** * Gets the trigger action. * * @param value * the value * * @return the trigger action */ private Object getTriggerAction(String value) { if ("RESTART".equals(value)) return new TriggerAction() { @Override public Object execute(String line) { if (allowRestart()) restartInternal(); else stop(); return null; } }; else if ("SHUTDOWN".equals(value)) return new TriggerAction() { @Override public Object execute(String line) { stop(); return null; } }; return null; } /** * Stop timer. */ @Override public synchronized void stopTimer() { _timer.stop(); } public synchronized void stopCondition() { _condition.stop(); } @Override public synchronized void stop() { _stopRequested = true; _startRequested = false; stopInternal(); } /** * Stop. */ public synchronized void stopInternal() { if (_state == STATE_RESTART) { _appStopped = new Date(); setState(STATE_RESTART_STOP); } else if (_state == STATE_RUNNING) { _appStopped = new Date(); setState(STATE_USER_STOP); } else return; // if (_debug) int shutdownWaitTime = _config.getInt("wrapper.shutdown.timeout", Constants.DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT) * 1000; shutdownWaitTime += _config.getInt("wrapper.jvm_exit.timeout", Constants.DEFAULT_JVM_EXIT_TIMEOUT) * 1000; getWrapperLogger().info("stopping process with pid/timeout " + _osProcess.getPid() + " " + shutdownWaitTime); stopController(shutdownWaitTime); stopOsProcess(shutdownWaitTime); if ( !getJavaProcessFileName().delete() ) { getJavaProcessFileName().deleteOnExit(); } _appStopped = new Date(); if (_state == STATE_USER_STOP) if (!_exiting) setState(STATE_IDLE); // removeShutdownHooks(); // ABK: do this or not? seems illadvised to remove shutdown hooks during shutdown } private void removeShutdownHooks() { for (Thread hook : _shutdownHooks) { try { Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(hook); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { ; // ABK: ignore for now. Removing shutdown hooks during shutdown hooks seems wrong. Evaluate } } _shutdownHooks.clear(); } private void stopOsProcess(int shutdownWaitTime) { boolean externalStop = false; String stopConfigName = _config.getString("wrapper.stop.conf"); getWrapperLogger().info("stop config name " + stopConfigName); File stopConfigFile = null; if (stopConfigName != null) { stopConfigFile = new File(stopConfigName); try { stopConfigName = stopConfigFile.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } externalStop = stopConfigFile.isFile() && stopConfigFile.exists(); } WrappedProcess stopper = null; getWrapperLogger().info("externalStop " + externalStop); if (externalStop) { getWrapperLogger().info("starting stop application"); Configuration stopLocalConf = new BaseConfiguration(); stopLocalConf.setProperty("wrapper.config", stopConfigName); YajswConfigurationImpl stopConf = new YajswConfigurationImpl(stopLocalConf, _useSystemProperties); stopper = WrappedProcessFactory.createProcess(stopConf); stopper.getLocalConfiguration().setProperty("wrapper.config", stopConfigName); stopper.setUseSystemProperties(_useSystemProperties); // stopper.setDebug(true); stopper.init(); stopper.start(); } // else normally process is stopped by the controller // _osProcess.stop(shutdownWaitTime, 999); if (shutdownWaitTime > 0) _osProcess.waitFor(shutdownWaitTime); if (_osProcess.isRunning()) { getWrapperLogger().info("process did not stop after " + shutdownWaitTime + " sec. -> hard kill"); } _osProcess.kill(999); if (stopper != null && stopper.getState() != STATE_IDLE) stopper.stop(); // give the OS some time to clean up try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } _osProcess.destroy(); getWrapperLogger().info("process exit code: " + _osProcess.getExitCode()); } abstract void stopController(int timeout); /** * Allow restart. * * @return true, if successful */ protected boolean allowRestart() { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - _firstRestartTime > _successfulInvocationTime) _restartCount = 0; if (_state == STATE_USER_STOP || _state == STATE_RESTART || _state == STATE_RESTART_STOP || _state == STATE_RESTART_WAIT) return false; if (_restartCount < _config.getInt("wrapper.max_failed_invocations", DEFAULT_MAX_FAILED_INVOCATIONS)) return true; getWrapperLogger().info("too many restarts "); return false; } /** * Restart. */ @Override public void restart() { if (_state != STATE_RUNNING) return; restartInternal(); } /** * Restart by timer. */ boolean _timerRestart = false; @Override public void restartByTimer() { if (_timerRestart) return; _timerRestart = true; stop(); try { Thread.sleep(getRestartDelay()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (_debug) getWrapperLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, this.getClass().getName() + " restart", e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } startByTimer(); _timerRestart = false; } /** * Checks if is debug. * * @return true, if is debug */ boolean isDebug() { return _debug; } /** * Sets the debug. * * @param debug * the new debug */ @Override public void setDebug(boolean debug) { _debug = debug; } /** * Gets the pid. * * @return the pid */ @Override public int getAppPid() { if (_osProcess != null) return _osProcess.getPid(); else return -1; } /** * Save pid file. */ private void savePidFile() { String file = _config.getString("wrapper.pidfile"); if (file != null) { try { _pidFile = new File(file); if (!_pidFile.exists()) _pidFile.createNewFile(); FileWriter out = new FileWriter(_pidFile, false); out.write("" + OperatingSystem.instance().processManagerInstance().currentProcessId()); out.flush(); out.close(); Thread hook = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { removePidFile(); } }; Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(hook); _shutdownHooks.add(hook); if (_debug) getWrapperLogger().info("created pid file " + _pidFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Removes the pid file. */ private void removePidFile() { if (_pidFile != null) { try { _pidFile.delete(); if (_config.getBoolean("wrapper.service", false)) this.stop(); if (_debug) getWrapperLogger().info("removed pid file " + _pidFile.getAbsolutePath()); _pidFile = null; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Save lock file. * * @return true, if successful */ protected boolean saveLockFile() { if (_lock != null) return true; String file = _config.getString("wrapper.lockfile", null); if (file != null && !"".equals(file)) { try { _lockFile = new File(file); // Check if the lock exist if (_lockFile.exists()) { // if exist try to delete it _lockFile.delete(); } // Try to get the lock _lockFileChannel = new RandomAccessFile(_lockFile, "rw").getChannel(); _lock = _lockFileChannel.tryLock(); if (_lock == null) { // File is lock by other application _lockFileChannel.close(); getWrapperLogger().warning("Lock file " + file + " already locked by another application -> abort"); return false; } if (_debug) getWrapperLogger().info("created lock file " + _lockFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } return true; } /** * Removes the lock file. */ private void removeLockFile() { if (_lock != null) { // release and delete file lock try { _lock.release(); if (_debug) getWrapperLogger().info("removed lock file " + _lockFile.getAbsolutePath()); _lock = null; _lockFileChannel.close(); _lockFileChannel = null; _lockFile.delete(); _lockFile = null; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * File writer. * * @param file * the file * * @return the file writer */ private FileWriter FileWriter(String file) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } /** * Wait for. */ @Override public void waitFor() { waitFor(Long.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Wait for. * * @param t * the t */ @Override public void waitFor(long t) { if (_state == STATE_IDLE) return; final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); final java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition isIdle = lock.newCondition(); StateChangeListener listener = new StateChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChange(int newState, int oldState) { lock.lock(); isIdle.signal(); lock.unlock(); } }; this.addStateChangeListener(STATE_IDLE, listener); if (_state != STATE_IDLE) try { lock.lock(); isIdle.await(t, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } lock.unlock(); this.removeStateChangeListener(listener); } /** * Gets the local configuration. * * @return the local configuration */ @Override public Configuration getLocalConfiguration() { return _localConfiguration; } @Override public void setLocalConfiguration(Configuration config) { _localConfiguration = config; } /** * Gets the exit code. * * @return the exit code */ @Override public int getExitCode() { return _exitCode; } /** * Gets the wrapper logger. * * @return the wrapper logger */ @Override public Logger getWrapperLogger() { if (_wrapperLogger != null) return _wrapperLogger; _wrapperLogger = new MyLogger(); ((MyLogger) _wrapperLogger).setPID(_wrapperLoggerName); ((MyLogger) _wrapperLogger).setName(getName()); _wrapperLogger.setUseParentHandlers(false); if (_controller != null) _controller.setLogger(_appLogger); if (getFileHandler() != null) _wrapperLogger.addHandler(getFileHandler()); Handler console = getConsoleHandler(); if ( console != null ) { console.setLevel( Level.OFF ); if (isMacPlatform()) { console.setLevel( Level.INFO ); } _wrapperLogger.addHandler( console ); } return _wrapperLogger; } /** * Sets the use system properties. * * @param useSystemProperties * the new use system properties */ @Override public void setUseSystemProperties(boolean useSystemProperties) { _useSystemProperties = useSystemProperties; } /** * Gets the tmp path. * * @return the tmp path */ public String getTmpPath() { return _tmpPath; } /** * Start drain. */ @Override public synchronized void startDrain() { if (_gobler_err != null) _gobler_err.setDrain(true); if (_gobler_in != null) _gobler_in.setDrain(true); _drainActive = true; } /** * Stop drain. */ @Override public synchronized void stopDrain() { if (_gobler_err != null) _gobler_err.setDrain(false); if (_gobler_in != null) _gobler_in.setDrain(false); _drainActive = false; } /** * Read drain line. * * @return the string */ @Override public String readDrainLine() { String result = null; if (!_drainActive) return null; if (_gobler_err != null) try { if (!_gobler_err.isDrain()) startDrain(); result = _gobler_err.getDrainReader().readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (result == null && _gobler_in != null) try { if (!_gobler_in.isDrain()) startDrain(); result = _gobler_in.getDrainReader().readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } @Override public int getState() { return _state; } /** * Restart internal. */ @Override public void restartInternal() { getWrapperLogger().info("restart internal " + getStringState()); if (_state == STATE_RUNNING || _state == STATE_STARTING || _state == STATE_RESTART_START) setState(STATE_RESTART); else return; _restartCount++; if (_debug) { getWrapperLogger().info("restarting " + _restartCount + " time"); } stopInternal(); if (!_stopRequested) { setState(STATE_RESTART_WAIT); try { Thread.sleep(getRestartDelay()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (_debug) getWrapperLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, this.getClass().getName() + " restart", e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } if (!_stopRequested) startInternal(); else { getWrapperLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Process " + getName() + " stop requested, setting IDLE in restart internal"); _stopRequested = false; if (!_osProcess.isRunning()) setState(STATE_IDLE); } } else { if (_debug) getWrapperLogger().info(" stop requested, setting IDLE in restart internal"); _stopRequested = false; if (!_osProcess.isRunning()) setState(STATE_IDLE); } } private long getRestartDelay() { Script script = getRestartDelayScript(); if (script != null) { Object time = script.execute(); if (time instanceof Number) return ((Number) time).longValue() * 1000; } return _config.getLong("wrapper.restart.delay", DEFAULT_RESTART_DELAY) * 1000; } private Script getRestartDelayScript() { if (_restartDelayScript != null) return _restartDelayScript; String script = _config.getString("wrapper.restart.delay.script", null); if (script != null) { List args = _config.getList("wrapper.restart.delay.script.args", null); int timeout = _config.getInt("wrapper.restart.delay.script.timeout", 0); _restartDelayScript = ScriptFactory.createScript(script, "", this, args, getWrapperLogger(), 0); } return _restartDelayScript; } /** * The Class Gobler. */ protected class Gobler implements Runnable { /** The _input stream. */ InputStream _inputStream; /** The _name. */ String _name; /** The _gobler log. */ Logger _goblerLog; /** The _actions regex. */ Map _actionsRegex; Map _missingActionsRegex; /** The _action triggers regex. */ com.karneim.util.collection.regex.Pattern[] _actionTriggersRegex; com.karneim.util.collection.regex.Pattern[] _missingActionTriggersRegex; /** The _actions. */ Map _actions; Map _missingActions; /** The _action triggers. */ String[] _actionTriggers; String[] _missingActionTriggers; /** The _drain. */ volatile boolean _drain; /** The _drain buffer. */ volatile CircularBuffer _drainBuffer; /** The _drain reader. */ volatile BufferedReader _drainReader; volatile int _pid; /** * Sets the drain. * * @param drain * the new drain */ public void setDrain(boolean drain) { if (drain && !_drain) { _drainBuffer = new CircularBuffer(16384, false); _drainReader = new BufferedReader(_drainBuffer); } else if (!drain && _drain) { try { _drainReader.close(); _drainBuffer = null; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } _drain = drain; } /** * Gets the drain reader. * * @return the drain reader */ public BufferedReader getDrainReader() { return _drainReader; } /** * Instantiates a new gobler. * * @param stream * the stream * @param log * the log * @param events * the events * @param eventsRegex * the events regex * @param name * the name */ public Gobler(InputStream stream, Logger log, Map events, Map eventsRegex, Map missingEvents, Map missingEventsRegex, String name, int pid) { _inputStream = stream; _name = name; _goblerLog = log; _actions = events; if (events != null) { _actionTriggers = new String[events.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator it = events.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { _actionTriggers[i] = (String); } } _actionsRegex = eventsRegex; if (eventsRegex != null) { _actionTriggersRegex = new com.karneim.util.collection.regex.Pattern[eventsRegex.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator it = eventsRegex.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { String s = (String); try { _actionTriggersRegex[i] = new com.karneim.util.collection.regex.Pattern(s); } catch (Throwable ex) { getWrapperLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "error in regular expression " + s, ex); } } } _missingActions = missingEvents; if (_missingActions != null) { _missingActionTriggers = new String[_missingActions.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator it = _missingActions.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { _missingActionTriggers[i] = (String); } } _missingActionsRegex = missingEventsRegex; if (_missingActionsRegex != null) { _missingActionTriggersRegex = new com.karneim.util.collection.regex.Pattern[_missingActionsRegex.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator it = missingEventsRegex.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { String s = (String); try { _missingActionTriggersRegex[i] = new com.karneim.util.collection.regex.Pattern(s); } catch (Throwable ex) { getWrapperLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "error in regular expression " + s, ex); } } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ @Override public void run() { try { if (_inputStream == null) {"cannot run stream gobler with a null stream"); return; } InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(_inputStream); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line = null; int k = 0; if (_missingActions != null) for (Iterator it = _missingActions.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ((MissingTriggerAction); } if (_missingActionsRegex != null) for (Iterator it = _missingActionsRegex.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ((MissingTriggerAction); } while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (_drain) _drainBuffer.write(line); if (k > MIN_PROCESS_LINES_TO_LOG) _goblerLog.finest(line); else {; k++; } if (_actionTriggers != null) for (int i = 0; i < _actionTriggers.length; i++) { if (line.contains(_actionTriggers[i])) { Object obj = _actions.get(_actionTriggers[i]); if (obj instanceof TriggerAction) { TriggerAction action = (TriggerAction) obj; getWrapperLogger().info("Trigger found: " + _actionTriggers[i]); action.execute(new String(line)); } else if (obj instanceof Collection) { Collection c = (Collection) obj; for (Iterator it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { TriggerAction action = (TriggerAction); getWrapperLogger().info("Trigger found: " + _actionTriggers[i]); action.execute(new String(line)); } } break; } } if (_actionTriggersRegex != null) for (int i = 0; i < _actionTriggersRegex.length; i++) { if (_actionTriggersRegex[i].contains(line)) { Object obj = _actionsRegex.get(_actionTriggersRegex[i].getRegEx()); if (obj instanceof TriggerAction) { TriggerAction action = (TriggerAction) obj; getWrapperLogger().info("Trigger found: " + _actionTriggersRegex[i]); action.execute(new String(line)); } else if (obj instanceof Collection) { Collection c = (Collection) obj; for (Iterator it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { TriggerAction action = (TriggerAction); getWrapperLogger().info("Trigger found: " + _actionTriggersRegex[i]); action.execute(new String(line)); } } break; } } if (_missingActionTriggers != null) for (int i = 0; i < _missingActionTriggers.length; i++) { if ("".equals(_missingActionTriggers[i]) || line.contains(_missingActionTriggers[i])) { Object obj = _missingActions.get(_missingActionTriggers[i]); if (obj instanceof TriggerAction) { TriggerAction action = (TriggerAction) obj; // getWrapperLogger().info("Trigger found: " // + _missingActionTriggers[i]); action.execute(new String(line)); } // break; } } if (_missingActionTriggersRegex != null) for (int i = 0; i < _missingActionTriggersRegex.length; i++) { if (_missingActionTriggersRegex[i].contains(line)) { Object obj = _actionsRegex.get(_missingActionTriggersRegex[i].getRegEx()); if (obj instanceof TriggerAction) { TriggerAction action = (TriggerAction) obj; // getWrapperLogger().info("Trigger found: " // + _missingActionTriggersRegex[i]); action.execute(new String(line)); } // break; } } Thread.yield(); } } catch (Exception ioe) { // ioe.printStackTrace(); //"gobler execption " + _name + " " + // ioe.getMessage()); if (_debug) _goblerLog.log(Level.INFO, " gobler exeception " + _name, ioe); } if (AbstractWrappedProcess.this._osProcess != null && _pid == AbstractWrappedProcess.this._osProcess.getPid() && AbstractWrappedProcess.this._osProcess.isRunning()) AbstractWrappedProcess.this.executor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (AbstractWrappedProcess.this._state != STATE_RESTART_START && AbstractWrappedProcess.this._state != STATE_RESTART && AbstractWrappedProcess.this._state != STATE_RESTART_STOP && AbstractWrappedProcess.this._state != STATE_RESTART_WAIT) { _goblerLog.warning("yajsw panicking: gobler stopped but process is still running -> restart process"); AbstractWrappedProcess.this.restartInternal(); } } }); if (_debug)"gobler terminated " + _name); if (_missingActions != null) for (Iterator it = _missingActions.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ((MissingTriggerAction); } if (_missingActionsRegex != null) for (Iterator it = _missingActionsRegex.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ((MissingTriggerAction); } } public boolean isDrain() { return _drain; } } @Override public void addStateChangeListener(int state, StateChangeListener listener) { _listeners.put(state, listener); } @Override public void addStateChangeListener(StateChangeListener listener) { _listeners.put(999, listener); } @Override public void removeStateChangeListener(StateChangeListener listener) { } @Override public void removeStateChangeListener(int state) { _listeners.remove(state); } @Override public int getRestartCount() { return _restartCount; } @Override public String getStringState() { return getStringState(_state); } @Override public String getName() { String result = ""; if (_config == null) return result; if (_config.getBoolean("wrapper.service", false)) result += "Service "; String name = _config.getString("wrapper.console.title"); if (name == null) name = _config.getString(""); if (name == null) name = _config.getString("wrapper.image"); if (name == null) name = _config.getString("wrapper.groovy"); if (name == null) name = _config.getString(""); if (name == null) name = _config.getString(""); if (name == null) name = ""; result += name; return result; } @Override public OutputStream getOutputStream() { if (_osProcess != null) return _osProcess.getOutputStream(); return null; } @Override public Date getAppStarted() { return _appStarted; } @Override public Date getAppStopped() { return _appStopped; } @Override public Date getWrapperStarted() { return _wrapperStarted; } @Override public int getAppThreads() { if (_osProcess != null) return _osProcess.getCurrentThreads(); else return -1; } @Override public long getAppMemory() { if (_osProcess != null) return _osProcess.getCurrentVirtualMemory(); else return -1; } @Override public int getAppCpu() { if (_osProcess != null) return _osProcess.getCurrentCpu(); else return -1; } @Override public int getAppHandles() { if (_osProcess != null) return _osProcess.getCurrentHandles(); else return -1; } @Override public void addTriggerListener(TriggerListener listener) { // TODO ; } @Override public int getWrapperPid() { return OperatingSystem.instance().processManagerInstance().currentProcessId(); } @Override public boolean isTimerActive() { return (_timer != null) && _timer.isTriggered(); } @Override public boolean isConditionActive() { return (_condition != null) && _condition.isTriggered(); } @Override public void threadDump() { if (_osProcess != null && this instanceof WrappedJavaProcess && _osProcess.isRunning()) ((WrappedJavaProcess) this).requestThreadDump(); } @Override public void wrapperThreadDump() { Message m = new Message(Constants.WRAPPER_MSG_THREAD_DUMP, null); Action a = ActionFactory.getAction(m); try { ByteArrayOutputStream str = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream pr = new PrintStream(str); a.execute(m, null, pr); pr.flush(); getWrapperLogger().info(str.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void stopTimerCondition() { stopTimer(); stopCondition(); } @Override public boolean isOSProcessRunning() { if (_osProcess == null) return false; else return _osProcess.isRunning(); } @Override public int getTotalRestartCount() { return _totalRestartCount; } public boolean isService() { return _config.getBoolean("wrapper.service", false); } @Override public String getType() { if (_config.getBoolean("wrapper.service", false)) return "Service"; else if (_config.getBoolean("wrapper.console.visible", false)) return "Console"; else return "Process"; } @Override public void shutdown() { setState(STATE_SHUTDOWN); } @Override public void osProcessTerminated() { Process process = _osProcess; if (process != null) _exitCode = process.getExitCode(); } @Override public boolean isHaltWrapperOnApp() { return _haltWrapperOnApp; } @Override public boolean isHaltAppOnWrapper() { return _haltAppOnWrapper; } @Override public void setExiting() { _exiting = true; } @Override public boolean isExiting() { return _exiting; } @Override public TrayIconProxy getTrayIcon() { return _trayIconMessages; } @Override public String[][] getTrayIconMessages() { if (_trayIconMessages == null) return null; return _trayIconMessages.toArrayAndClear(); } @Override public void stopWrapper() { if (_haltAppOnWrapper) stop(); shutdown(); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(0); } @Override public boolean hasOutput() { return getOutputStream() != null; } @Override public void writeOutput(String txt) { ((PrintStream) getOutputStream()).println(txt); } @Override public void setInquireResponse(String s) { if (_trayIconMessages != null) { _trayIconMessages._inquireResponse = s; _trayIconMessages._inquireMessage = null; } } @Override public String getInquireMessage() { if (_trayIconMessages != null) return _trayIconMessages._inquireMessage; else return null; } @Override public void setService(Object service) { _service = service; } public Object getService() { return _service; } @Override public void setProperty(String key, String value) { getWrapperLogger().info("set property " + key + " " + value); _localConfiguration.setProperty(key, value); } @Override public void resetCache() { getWrapperLogger().info("reset cache "); _cache = null; } @Override public long getMaxStartTime() { if (_config == null) return 0; long startDelay = _config.getLong("wrapper.startup.delay", 0); long startupTimeout = _config.getInt("wrapper.startup.timeout", DEFAULT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) * 1000; if (startDelay < Integer.MAX_VALUE && startupTimeout < Integer.MAX_VALUE) return startDelay + startupTimeout; else return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } public boolean isReconnecting() { return _reconnecting; } void setReconnecting(boolean reconnecting) { _reconnecting = reconnecting; } }