package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class JCLParser { List<String> _classpath = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> _vmOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> _args = new ArrayList<String>(); String _java = null; String _mainClass = null; String _jar = null; private JCLParser(String commandLine) { parseInternal(commandLine); } public static JCLParser parse(String commandLine) { JCLParser result = null; result = new JCLParser(commandLine); return result; } // TODO this should cover most cases but is not complete private void parseInternal(String commandLine) { Matcher mr; Pattern p; // last position of _java in commandLine int posJ = 0; // last position of _classpath in commandLine int posCp = 0; // last position of __vmOptions in commandLine int posOpts = 0; // last position of _mainClass int posclp = 0; // last position of _jar int posJar = 0; // parse java p = Pattern.compile("\\A(\"[^\"]+\")|(\\S+) "); mr = p.matcher(commandLine); if (mr.find()) { _java =; _java = _java.replaceAll("\"", ""); _java = _java.trim(); posJ = mr.end() - 1; } else throw new RuntimeException("could not parse command line " + commandLine); // parse jar p = Pattern.compile(" -jar +((\"[^\"]+\")|(\\S+)) "); mr = p.matcher(commandLine); if (mr.find(posJ)) { _jar =; _jar = _jar.replaceAll("\"", ""); _jar = _jar.trim(); posJar = mr.end() - 1; } // parse classpath p = Pattern.compile("(( -cp)|( -classpath)|( \"-classpath\")) +((\"[^\"]+\")|(\\S+)) "); mr = p.matcher(commandLine); if (mr.find(posJ)) { String cp =; posCp = mr.end() - 1; cp = cp.substring(cp.indexOf(' ')); String[] cpArr = cp.split(File.pathSeparator); for (String cc : cpArr) { cc = cc.replaceAll("\"", ""); _classpath.add(cc.trim()); } } // parse main class if (_jar == null) { p = Pattern.compile(" ([^- ])+( |$)"); mr = p.matcher(commandLine); int max = Math.max(posJ, posCp); if (mr.find(max)) { _mainClass =; _mainClass = _mainClass.replaceAll("\"", ""); _mainClass = _mainClass.trim(); posclp = mr.end() - 1; } } // parse JVM options p = Pattern.compile("(( -\\S+)|( -\"[^\"]+\")|( \"-[^\"]+\")) "); mr = p.matcher(commandLine); int max = Math.max(posJar, posclp); while (mr.find()) { String opt =; opt = opt.replaceAll("\"", ""); if (!opt.startsWith("-jar") && !opt.startsWith("-cp") && !opt.startsWith("-classpath") && mr.end() < max) { _vmOptions.add(opt); posOpts = mr.end(); } } // parse args p = Pattern.compile(" ((\"[^\"]+\")|(\\S+))( |$)"); mr = p.matcher(commandLine); max = Math.max(posclp, posJar); max = Math.max(max, posOpts); if (mr.find(max)) { String arg =; arg = arg.replaceAll("\"", ""); _args.add(arg.trim()); max = mr.end() - 1; while (mr.find(max)) { arg =; arg = arg.replaceAll("\"", ""); _args.add(arg.trim()); max = mr.end() - 1; } } if (_java == null || "".equals(_java) || ((_mainClass == null || "".equals(_mainClass)) && ((_jar == null || "".equals(_jar))))) throw new RuntimeException("error parsing java command line "); } public List<String> getClasspath() { return _classpath; } public List<String> getVmOptions() { return _vmOptions; } public List<String> getArgs() { return _args; } public String getJava() { return _java; } public String getMainClass() { return _mainClass; } public String getJar() { return _jar; } public static void main(String[] args) { String cmd = "\"java\" -cp \"C:\\Program Files\\yajsw-alpha-9.5\\bat\\/../wrapper.jar\" test.HelloWorld"; cmd = "java -Xrs -jar \"Z:\\dev\\yajsw\\bat\\/..\\wrapper.jar\" -c conf/wrapper.conf "; cmd = "java -cp wrapper.jar -Xrs x.Test -c conf/wrapper.conf "; cmd = "\"java\" -cp \"C:\\Program Files\\yajsw-alpha-9.5\\bat\\/../wrapper.jar\" test.HelloWorld"; cmd = "\"java\" test.HelloWorld"; JCLParser p = JCLParser.parse(cmd); System.out.println(p.getJar()); System.out.println(p.getJava()); System.out.println(p.getMainClass()); System.out.println(p.getArgs()); System.out.println(p.getClasspath()); System.out.println(p.getVmOptions()); } }