/* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * <p/> * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.rzo.yajsw.os.ms.win.w32; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import jnacontrib.win32.Registry; import jnacontrib.win32.Registry.REGISTRY_ROOT_KEY; import org.apache.commons.configuration.BaseConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.rzo.yajsw.boot.WrapperLoader; import org.rzo.yajsw.os.JavaHome; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class JavaHome. */ public class WindowsJavaHome implements JavaHome { /** The _config. */ Configuration _config; /** * Instantiates a new java home. * * @param config * the config */ WindowsJavaHome(Configuration config) { _config = config; } /** * Find java. * * @return the string */ public String findJava() { String java = null; String wrapperJava = _config.getString("wrapper.java.command"); try { // check if this is relative to wrapper home if (wrapperJava != null) { File f = new File(wrapperJava); if (!f.isAbsolute()) { File f2 = new File(WrapperLoader.getWrapperHome(), wrapperJava); if (f2.exists()) try { wrapperJava = f2.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in JavaHome.findJava(): " + e.getMessage()); } java = wrapperJava; String customProcName = _config.getString("wrapper.java.customProcName"); boolean useJavaw = _config.getBoolean("wrapper.java.command.javaw", (wrapperJava != null) && (wrapperJava.endsWith("javaw") || wrapperJava.endsWith("javaw.exe"))); if (java == null) { String minVersion = _config.getString("wrapper.java.command.minVersion"); String maxVersion = _config.getString("wrapper.java.command.maxVersion"); boolean b64bit = _config.getBoolean("wrapper.java.command.64bit", false); boolean jreOnly = _config.getBoolean("wrapper.java.command.jreOnly", false); boolean preferJdk = _config.getBoolean("wrapper.java.command.preferJdk", false); boolean preferJre = _config.getBoolean("wrapper.java.command.preferJre", true && !preferJdk); boolean jdkOnly = _config.getBoolean("wrapper.java.command.jdkOnly", false); if (!jdkOnly && (jreOnly || preferJre)) { java = findJavaInRegistry(new String[] { "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment", "SOFTWARE\\IBM\\Java2 Runtime Environment" }, minVersion, maxVersion, b64bit); } if (java == null && !jreOnly) java = findJavaInRegistry(new String[] { "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit", "SOFTWARE\\IBM\\Java Development Kit" }, minVersion, maxVersion, b64bit); } else if (customProcName != null) { String h = java; if (h.endsWith("java") || h.endsWith("javaw")) h += ".exe"; File f = new File(h); if (f.exists()) java = f.getParentFile().getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(); else // if we have to copy java, we need to find the path to java java = findJavaFromPath(java); } else // user has given us wrapper.java and we need not rename the exe -> // return user input return java; // we have no java path -> abort if (java == null) return null; // java is now set to a path, it must exist File javaFile = new File(java); if (!javaFile.exists()) return null; java = javaFile.getAbsolutePath() + "/bin"; if (!useJavaw) { java += "/java.exe"; } else java += "/javaw.exe"; if (customProcName != null) { java = copyTotmp(java, customProcName); } return java; } /** * Find java from path. * * @param java * the java * * @return the string */ private String findJavaFromPath(String java) { if (java != null) { File javaFile = new File(java); if (javaFile.exists()) return java; } // search java in environment path String[] paths = System.getenv("path").split(";"); for (String path : paths) { if (path.contains("jdk") || path.contains("jre")) { File javaFile = new File(path); if (javaFile.exists()) { return path.substring(0, path.length() - 4); } } } return null; } /** * Copy totmp. * * @param java * the java * @param customProcName * the custom proc name * * @return the string */ private String copyTotmp(String java, String customProcName) { try { File javaFile = new File(java); // Create temp file. customProcName = customProcName.endsWith(".exe") ? customProcName.substring(0, customProcName.length() - 4) : customProcName; String exeName = "java_" + customProcName + "_"; File tmpJavaFile = File.createTempFile(exeName, ".exe"); // Delete temp file when program exits. tmpJavaFile.deleteOnExit(); copyFile(javaFile, tmpJavaFile); return tmpJavaFile.getAbsolutePath(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Copy file. * * @param in * the in * @param out * the out * * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ void copyFile(File in, File out) throws IOException { System.out.println("copying : " + in.getAbsolutePath() + " -> " + out.getAbsolutePath()); FileChannel inChannel = new FileInputStream(in).getChannel(); FileChannel outChannel = new FileOutputStream(out).getChannel(); try { inChannel.transferTo(0, inChannel.size(), outChannel); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } finally { if (inChannel != null) inChannel.close(); if (outChannel != null) outChannel.close(); } } /** * Find java from java home env. * * @return the string */ private String findJavaFromJavaHomeEnv() { return System.getenv("JAVA_HOME"); } /** * Find java in registry. * * @param keys * the keys * @param minVersion * the min version * @param maxVersion * the max version * @param b64bit * the b64bit * * @return the string */ private String findJavaInRegistry(String[] keys, String minVersion, String maxVersion, boolean b64bit) { String[] values = null; String result = null; String resultKey = null; String resultDir = null; minVersion = minVersion == null ? "1.1.0" : minVersion; maxVersion = maxVersion == null ? "99.99.99" : maxVersion; for (String key : keys) { try { values = Registry.getSubKeys(REGISTRY_ROOT_KEY.LOCAL_MACHINE, key); for (String value : values) { String dir = Registry.getStringValue(REGISTRY_ROOT_KEY.LOCAL_MACHINE, key + "\\" + value, "JavaHome"); boolean exists = false; try { exists = dir != null && new File(dir).exists(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("wrong registry key value: " + dir); } if (exists && value.compareTo(maxVersion) <= 0 && value.compareTo(minVersion) >= 0) { if (result == null) { result = value; resultKey = key; resultDir = dir; } else if (value.compareTo(result) >= 0) { result = value; resultKey = key; resultDir = dir; } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return resultDir; } /** * The main method. * * @param args * the arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { Configuration conf = new BaseConfiguration(); conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.command", "java"); WindowsJavaHome javaHome = new WindowsJavaHome(conf); System.out.println(javaHome.findJava()); conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.customProcName", "test"); javaHome = new WindowsJavaHome(conf); System.out.println(javaHome.findJava()); conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.command", "javaw"); javaHome = new WindowsJavaHome(conf); System.out.println(javaHome.findJava()); conf.clear(); conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.minversion", "1.5.0"); conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.maxversion", "1.5.99"); conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.customProcName", "test"); javaHome = new WindowsJavaHome(conf); System.out.println(javaHome.findJava()); conf.clear(); conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.minversion", "1.6.0"); conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.customProcName", "test"); conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.preferJdk", true); javaHome = new WindowsJavaHome(conf); System.out.println(javaHome.findJava()); } }