package; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Expand {varName} or {varName|alt text} or {U+nnnn} in strings. * <ol> * <li>Variables (bound with "env" elements or "groovy" elements) may be * referenced in strings via {varName} and replaced with their corresponding * string value. * <li> * If a variable is not bound, alternate text is substituted instead. * <li>Any Unicode code point may be inserted by referencing it using U+nnnn * where nnnn is four hex digits naming a Unicode code point. For example, * {U+002D} will be replaced with the right curly (close) brace, '}', and * {U+03C0} will be replaced with the Unicode GREEK SMALL LETTER PI π * </ol> * * @author */ public class VariableResolver { private static final char OPENING_BRACE = '{'; private static final char DELIMITER = '|'; private static final char CLOSING_BRACE = '}'; public final static Pattern VAR_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern .compile("^[-\\w.\\$]+$"); public final static Pattern UNICODE_CHARACTER_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern .compile("^[Uu]\\+[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}$"); private String input; // the input string that we will expand private final Map<String, Object> env; private int len; private StringBuilder result; private int index; // position in the input string /** * Construct a reusable resolver that uses an environment. After creating, * call {@link #expand(String)}. * * @param environment * Non-null mapping of variable names to values */ public VariableResolver(Map<String, Object> environment) { this.env = environment; } /** * Expand variable references {varname} or {undefinedVarName|alt value} in * the input string source * * @param input * the input source string * @return the result of expanding variables in the input */ public String expand(String input) { this.input = input; return expand(); } /** * Expand variable references in the input * * @return the expanded input string */ private synchronized String expand() { if (input.indexOf(OPENING_BRACE) == -1 || input.indexOf(CLOSING_BRACE) == -1) return input; result = new StringBuilder(); index = 0; len = input.length(); while (index < len) { char c = input.charAt(index); if (c == OPENING_BRACE) { resolveVar(); } else { result.append(c); index++; } } return result.toString(); } /** * Resolve a variable of the form {varName} or {varName|alt text}. If * varName is bound in the environment, append the toString() value of the * variable to the result (dropping the braces around the varName). If * varName is not defined, the braces and varName are appended to the * result. If the form is {varName|alt text} and the varName is not bound, * the alt text is appended to the result (recursively expanding it.) if the * first portion is not a valid variable name, then the remainder is * parsed/expanded recursively. * <p> * The input is on a '{'. This will consume characters until to the matching * '}' and leave index pointing after the matching '}'. If there is no * matching '}', simply append the '{' to the result and return. */ private void resolveVar() { index++; // skip opening { if (hasMatchingCloseBrace()) { int varPos = index; while (index < len) { char c = input.charAt(index); switch (c) { case OPENING_BRACE: { result.append(input, varPos - 1, index); resolveVar(); scanToCloseBrace(true); result.append(CLOSING_BRACE); return; } case CLOSING_BRACE: { String candidateVarName = input.substring(varPos, index); if (isValidVarName(candidateVarName) && env.containsKey(candidateVarName)) { Object val = env.get(candidateVarName); result.append(val == null ? "null" : val.toString()); } else if (isUnicodeCodePointName(candidateVarName)) { result.append(unicodeCharacter(candidateVarName)); } else { result.append(OPENING_BRACE) // .append(candidateVarName) // .append(CLOSING_BRACE); } index++; return; } case DELIMITER: { String candidateVarName = input.substring(varPos, index); index++; if (isValidVarName(candidateVarName)) { if (env.containsKey(candidateVarName)) { Object val = env.get(candidateVarName); result.append(val == null ? "null" : val.toString()); scanToCloseBrace(false); } else { scanToCloseBrace(true); } } else { result.append(OPENING_BRACE) // .append(candidateVarName) // .append(DELIMITER); scanToCloseBrace(true); result.append(CLOSING_BRACE); } return; } default: index++; } } } else // no matching close result.append(OPENING_BRACE); } // return true if there is a matching } for the current { private boolean hasMatchingCloseBrace() { int matchDepth = 1; for (int i = index; i < len; i++) { char ch = input.charAt(i); if (ch == OPENING_BRACE) matchDepth++; else if (ch == CLOSING_BRACE) { matchDepth--; if (matchDepth == 0) return true; } } return false; } // process characters until we find the match } // If copy is true, those characters and any nested // variable references are copied/expanded, // else we simply skip over them. // This method assumes a matching } exists private void scanToCloseBrace(boolean copy) { while (index < len) { char c = input.charAt(index); switch (c) { case OPENING_BRACE: { if (copy) resolveVar(); else { index++; scanToCloseBrace(false); } break; } case CLOSING_BRACE: { index++; return; } default: if (copy) result.append(c); index++; } } } // Return true iff candidateVarName matches a valid variable name syntax: // [alphanumeric, _, ., #, -]+ private static boolean isValidVarName(String candidateVarName) { return VAR_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(candidateVarName).matches(); } /** * Test if a string is a Unicode code point that matches the pattern * "U+hhhh". * * @param string * the input string * @return True if string matches "U+hhhh" where hhhh is four hex digits. * Case is ignored. */ public static boolean isUnicodeCodePointName(String string) { return UNICODE_CHARACTER_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(string).matches(); } // Convert "U+hhhh to a Unicode character, where hhhh is four hex digits private static char unicodeCharacter(String spec) { assert spec.matches(UNICODE_CHARACTER_NAME_PATTERN.pattern()); int codePoint = Integer.parseInt(spec.substring(2), 16); return (char) codePoint; } }