package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import; import; import; import; import; /** * StatusAssertion asserts that the API call returned an HTTP status code that * matches the specification. There are three possible forms for this assertion: * * <pre> * { "status" : int } * { "status" : [ int, int, ..., int ] } * { "status" : "<em>pattern</em>" } * </pre> * * In the first form, the status must match the given int value exactly. <br> * Example: <code>{ "status" : 200 }</code> * <p> * In the second, the HTTP status code must match one of the int values. The int * values must be greater than or equal to 100 and less than 600. <br> * Example: <code>{ "status" : 200, 201, 204 }</code> * </p> * <p> * In the third, the string representation of the status code must regular * expression pattern. This is the "default" assertion. <br> * Example: <code>{ "status" : "2.." }</code> * </p> * <p> * If an UnRAVL script has no "status" assertion, an implicit assertion of <br> * <code>{ "status" : "2.." }</code><br> * is applied, which matches all 200-level status codes. * </p> * * @author * */ @UnRAVLAssertionPlugin("status") public class StatusAssertion extends BaseUnRAVLAssertion { @Override public void check(UnRAVL current, ObjectNode assertion, Stage when, ApiCall call) throws UnRAVLAssertionException, UnRAVLException { super.check(current, assertion, when, call); int httpStatus = call.getHttpStatus(); boolean found = false; JsonNode statusCodes = Json.firstFieldValue(assertion); if (statusCodes.isTextual()) { found |= check(statusCodes.textValue(), httpStatus); } else if (statusCodes.isArray()) { for (JsonNode j : Json.array(statusCodes)) found |= check(j, httpStatus); } else found = check(statusCodes, httpStatus); if (!found) throw new UnRAVLAssertionException("Actual HTTP status code " + httpStatus + " did not match the expected status, " + statusCodes); return; } private boolean check(String pattern, int httpStatus) throws UnRAVLAssertionException { return Integer.toString(httpStatus).matches(pattern); } private boolean check(JsonNode j, int httpStatus) throws UnRAVLException { if (j.isInt()) { int expected = j.intValue(); if (j.intValue() >= 100 && j.intValue() < 600) return expected == httpStatus; } throw new UnRAVLException( "status assertion must use integer values between 100 and 599"); } }