package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.BooleanNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders; import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.http.MediaType; import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpRequest; import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpResponse; import org.springframework.web.client.HttpStatusCodeException; import org.springframework.web.client.RequestCallback; import org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException; import org.springframework.web.client.ResponseExtractor; import org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; /** * Encapsulate a runtime call to an API, as specified by an UnRAVL script. This * runs env bindings, preconditions, generates the request body, if any, and * uses the request headers, HTTP method, and URI defined by the UnRAVL script, * calls the API, and stores the HTTP status, response headers, and response * body, then binds results as per extractors defined in the script, and runs * assertions. * * @author sasdjb */ public class ApiCall { private static final String AUTHORIZATION = "Authorization"; private static final String MASK = "************"; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ApiCall.class); private static final String JSON_GENERATOR_KEY = "json"; private UnRAVL script; /** * @deprecated use requestStream instead */ private ByteArrayOutputStream requestBody; private ByteArrayOutputStream responseBody; private InputStream requestStream; private int httpStatus; private Header responseHeaders[]; private List<UnRAVLAssertion> passedAssertions, failedAssertions, skippedAssertions; private UnRAVLException exception; private Method method; private String uri; private boolean cancelled = false, skipped = false; private static final ObjectNode STATUS_ASSERTION = new ObjectNode( JsonNodeFactory.instance); static { STATUS_ASSERTION.set("status", new TextNode("2..")); } public ApiCall(UnRAVL script) throws UnRAVLException, IOException { this.script = script; passedAssertions = new ArrayList<UnRAVLAssertion>(); failedAssertions = new ArrayList<UnRAVLAssertion>(); skippedAssertions = new ArrayList<UnRAVLAssertion>(); script.getRuntime().addApiCall(this); } public ApiCall run() throws UnRAVLException { try { if (getScript().isRunnable() && conditionalExecution()) { defineEnv(); bind("unravlScript", getScript()); if (runAssertions(UnRAVLAssertion.Stage.PRECONDITIONS)) { defineBody(); executeAPI(); extract(); runAssertions(UnRAVLAssertion.Stage.ASSERT); } } } catch (UnRAVLException e) { throwException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throwException(e); } return this; } private boolean canceled() { cancelled = cancelled || getScript().getRuntime().isCanceled(); return cancelled; } public boolean wasCancelled() { return cancelled; } public boolean wasSkipped() { return skipped; } private boolean conditionalExecution() throws UnRAVLException { Boolean cond = conditionalExecution(getScript()); if (cond == null) cond = Boolean.valueOf(getRuntime().getFailedAssertionCount() == 0); skipped = !cond.booleanValue(); return cond.booleanValue(); } private Boolean conditionalExecution(UnRAVL script) throws UnRAVLException { if (script == null) return null; Boolean inherited = conditionalExecution(script.getTemplate()); if (inherited != null && !inherited.booleanValue()) return Boolean.FALSE; JsonNode cond = script.getRoot().get("if"); if (cond == null) return inherited; Object condition = null; if (cond.isBoolean()) condition = (BooleanNode) cond; else if (cond.isTextual()) { String condS = cond.textValue(); if (getScript().bound(condS)) condition = getScript().binding(condS); else { try { condition = script.eval(condS); } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.error("script '" + condS + "' threw a runtime exception " + e.getClass().getName() + ", " + e.getMessage()); throw new UnRAVLException(e.getMessage(), e); } } } if (condition instanceof Boolean) return (Boolean) condition; else if (condition instanceof BooleanNode) return Boolean.valueOf(((BooleanNode) condition).booleanValue()); else { throw new UnRAVLException( "Invalid condition value for if condition: " + cond); } } private void authenticate() throws UnRAVLException, IOException { authenticate(script); } private void authenticate(UnRAVL script) throws UnRAVLException, IOException { if (script == null) return; JsonNode auth = script.getRoot().get("auth"); if (auth == null) { authenticate(script.getTemplate()); // recurse on template return; } if (auth.isBoolean()) { if (auth.booleanValue()) { throw new UnRAVLException( "\"auth\" : true is invalid. Only \"auth\" : false is allowed (to disable inherited authentication.)"); } else {"authentication disabled in script."); return; } } ObjectNode spec = null; // If "auth" value is just a string and not an object, such as "auth" : // "basic", // convert to "auth" : { "basic" : true } to enable that auth type if (auth.isTextual()) { spec = Json.jsonNodeFactory().objectNode(); spec.put(auth.textValue(), true); } else spec = Json.object(auth); String authKey = Json.firstFieldName(spec); Class<? extends UnRAVLAuth> authClass = getPlugins().getAuth().get( authKey); try { UnRAVLAuth authInstance = authClass.newInstance(); authInstance.authenticate(getScript(), spec, this); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new UnRAVLException( "Could not instantiate authentication plugin for " + auth); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new UnRAVLException( "Could not instantiate authentication plugin for " + auth); } } private void defineBody() throws UnRAVLException, IOException { defineBody(script); } private void defineBody(UnRAVL script) throws UnRAVLException, IOException { if (canceled() || script == null) return; JsonNode body = script.getRoot().get("body"); if (body == null || body.isNull()) { defineBody(script.getTemplate()); return; } if (body.isTextual() && !isVariableHoldingJson(body.asText())) { String s = script.expand(body.asText()); if (!s.trim().startsWith(UnRAVL.REDIRECT_PREFIX)) { try { requestStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( s.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UnRAVLException( "Could not encode string using UTF-8 for body " + body); } return; } } ObjectNode bodyObj = null; String generatorKey = null; Class<? extends UnRAVLRequestBodyGenerator> bgClass = null; if (body.isObject() && body.fields().hasNext()) { bodyObj = Json.object(body); generatorKey = body.fields().next().getKey(); bgClass = getPlugins().getBodyGenerators().get(generatorKey); } if (bgClass == null || body.isArray() || body.isTextual()) { bodyObj = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); bodyObj.set(JSON_GENERATOR_KEY, body); generatorKey = JSON_GENERATOR_KEY; bgClass = JsonRequestBodyGenerator.class; } try { UnRAVLRequestBodyGenerator gen = bgClass.newInstance(); requestStream = gen.getBody(script, bodyObj, this); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new UnRAVLException( "Could not instantiate body generator plugin for " + body); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new UnRAVLException( "Could not instantiate body generator plugin for " + body); } } private boolean isVariableHoldingJson(String value) { if (value != null && !value.startsWith(UnRAVL.REDIRECT_PREFIX)) { Object ref = script.binding(value); if (ref instanceof JsonNode) { return true; } } return false; } private void extract() throws UnRAVLException { extract(script); } private void extract(UnRAVL script) throws UnRAVLException { try { if (canceled() || script == null) return; extract(script.getTemplate()); JsonNode bind = script.getRoot().get("bind"); if (bind == null) return; if (bind.isObject()) { bind = Json.wrapInArray(bind); } for (JsonNode j : Json.array(bind)) { if (canceled()) return; ObjectNode ob = Json.object(j); Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> first = Json.firstField(ob); String key = first.getKey(); Class<? extends UnRAVLExtractor> ec = getPlugins() .getExtractors().get(key); if (ec == null) if (!bind.isObject()) throw new UnRAVLException("No defined extractor " + key); UnRAVLExtractor ex; try { ex = ec.newInstance(); ex.extract(script, ob, this); } catch (InstantiationException e1) { throw new UnRAVLException( "Could not instantiate extractor " + key + " using class " + ec.getName(), e1); } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) { throw new UnRAVLException( "Could not instantiate extractor " + key + " using class " + ec.getName(), e1); } catch (RuntimeException e1) { throw new UnRAVLException(e1.getMessage(), e1); } } } finally { // Must do this after making more bindings getRuntime().resetBindings(); } } private ObjectNode statusAssertion(UnRAVL script) throws UnRAVLException { return UnRAVL.statusAssertion(script); } public Header getResponseHeader(String headerName) { for (Header h : responseHeaders) { if (h.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(headerName)) return h; } return null; } // read all the values in "env" and bind them to this instance's env // Scalars are bound as Java scalar types; JSON arrays and objects // are bound as JsonNode objects private void defineEnv() throws UnRAVLException { defineEnv(getScript()); } static void defineEnv(UnRAVL script) throws UnRAVLException { if (script == null) return; defineEnv(script.getTemplate()); JsonNode envNode = script.getRoot().get("env"); if (script.getName() != null) script.bind("name", script.getName()); if (envNode != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> e : Json.fields(envNode)) { String name = e.getKey(); JsonNode n = e.getValue(); Object value = null; if (n.isValueNode()) { JsonToken t = n.asToken(); switch (t) { case VALUE_FALSE: value = Boolean.FALSE; break; case VALUE_TRUE: value = Boolean.TRUE; break; case VALUE_NULL: value = null; break; case VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT: value = new Double(n.toString()); break; case VALUE_NUMBER_INT: value = new Long(n.toString()); break; case VALUE_STRING: value = script.expand(n.textValue()); break; default: value = n; break; } } else { value = Json.expand(n, script); } script.bind(name, value); } } } /** * Remove a binding from this script's environment. After this, * {@link #getVariable(String)} will return null and {@link #bound(String)} * will return false * * @param key * the var name * @see #bind(String, Object) * @see #bound(String) */ public void unbind(String key) { getRuntime().unbind(key); } /** * Return the value of a variable from this script's environment * * @param key * the variable name * @return the bound value, or null * @see #bind(String, Object) * @see #unbind(String) * @see #bound(String) */ public Object getVariable(String key) { return getRuntime().binding(key); } /** * Test if a variable is bound in this script's environment * * @param key * the variable name * @return true if the variable is bound, else false * @see #bind(String, Object) * @see #unbind(String) */ public boolean bound(String key) { return getRuntime().bound(key); } public InputStream getResponseBodyAsInputStream() { ByteArrayInputStream i = new ByteArrayInputStream(getResponseBody() .toByteArray()); return i; } public void executeAPI() throws UnRAVLException { if (canceled()) { cancelled = true; return; } if (script.getMethod() == null || script.getURI() == null) { logger.warn("Warning: Non-template script " + script.getName() + " does not define an HTTP method or URI."); return; } setMethod(script.getMethod()); RestTemplate restTemplate = getRuntime().getPlugins().getRestTemplate(); executeAPIWithRestTemplate(restTemplate); } private void executeAPIWithRestTemplate(RestTemplate restTemplate) throws UnRAVLException { // authenticate first, since this may add new (Authentication) headers. // Set the expanded URI first, since auth nodes may access it setURI(script.expand(script.getURI())); try { authenticate(); } catch (IOException e) { throwException(e); } // expand the URI after authenticating: OAuth2 or other auth may set env // vars that should // be expanded in the URI setURI(script.expand(getURI())); // Use RequestCallback and ResponseExtractor // to handle all request bodies, including binary. // can't handle binary byte[] body final RequestCallback requestCallback = new RequestCallback() { @Override public void doWithRequest(final ClientHttpRequest request) throws IOException { final HttpHeaders headers = mapHeaders(script .getRequestHeaders()); request.getHeaders().putAll(headers); if (requestStream != null) Binary.copy(requestStream, request.getBody()); ; } }; final ResponseExtractor<InternalResponse> responseExtractor = new ResponseExtractor<InternalResponse>() { @Override public InternalResponse extractData(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException { httpStatus = response.getStatusCode().value(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Binary.copy(response.getBody(), baos); return new InternalResponse(response.getStatusCode(), baos.toByteArray(), response.getHeaders()); } }; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { + " " + getURI()); // create response body and a valid HTTP response code before the // call // so that even on exceptions, we have a non-null response responseBody = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); httpStatus = HttpStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED.value(); InternalResponse response = restTemplate.execute(getURI(), HttpMethod.valueOf(, requestCallback, responseExtractor); setResponseHeaders(mapHeaders(response.headers)); responseBody.write(response.responseBody); responseBody.close(); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); + " took " + (end - start) + "ms, returned HTTP status " + response.status); log("Response body:", responseBody, "Response headers:", response.headers); assertStatus(httpStatus); } catch (IOException e) { throwException(e); } catch (HttpStatusCodeException e) { // this happens if the host name cannot be resolved. // This and other exceptions below won't happen with the // default RestTemplate created in UnRAVLPlugins, but may // occur if the client injects their own RestTemplate // instance that uses the default error handler which // throws exceptions. assertStatus(e.getStatusCode().value()); } catch (ResourceAccessException e) { // execute can also throw ResourceAccessException if host does not // resolve. assertStatus(httpStatus); } catch (RestClientException e) { // execute can also throw RestClientException // but that exception does not convey a HTTP status code. // We assume 400 if we get RestClientException assertStatus(httpStatus); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Spring RestTemplate can // throw NestedRuntimeException throwException(e); } } private class InternalResponse { private HttpStatus status; private byte[] responseBody; private HttpHeaders headers; public InternalResponse(HttpStatus status, byte[] responseBody, HttpHeaders headers) { super(); this.status = status; this.responseBody = responseBody; this.headers = headers; } } // Convert from Apache Headers Spring Headers private HttpHeaders mapHeaders(List<Header> requestHeaders) { HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); for (Header h : requestHeaders) { String value = getScript().expand(h.getValue());"Request header: %s: %s", h.getName(), possiblyMaskedHeaderValue(h))); headers.add(h.getName(), value); } return headers; } // Convert from Spring Headers to Apache Headers private Header[] mapHeaders(HttpHeaders responseHeaders) { ArrayList<Header> h = new ArrayList<Header>(responseHeaders.size()); for (Entry<String, List<String>> es : responseHeaders.entrySet()) { String name = es.getKey(); for (String v : es.getValue()) { Header header = new BasicHeader(name, v); h.add(header); } } return h.toArray(new Header[h.size()]); } private void setMethod(Method method) { this.method = method; } public void setURI(String uri) { this.uri = uri; } public String getURI() { return uri; } public Method getMethod() { return method; } public void bind(String varName, Object value) { getRuntime().bind(varName, value); } /** * @return the request body, wrapped in a ByteArrayOutputStream * @deprecated Use getRequestStream() instead */ public ByteArrayOutputStream getRequestBody() { if (requestBody == null) { if (requestStream == null) return null; requestBody = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { Binary.copy(requestStream, requestBody); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e); } requestStream = null; } return requestBody; } public InputStream getRequestStream() { return requestStream; } public ByteArrayOutputStream getResponseBody() { return responseBody; } public int getHttpStatus() { return httpStatus; } public Header[] getResponseHeaders() { return responseHeaders; } public void setResponseHeaders(Header responseHeaders[]) { this.responseHeaders = responseHeaders; } // Check that the httpStatusCode matches the expected status // code of the API call. If no explicit status assertion exists, // assert the status is a 2xx code. private void assertStatus(int httpStatusCode) throws UnRAVLAssertionException, UnRAVLException { this.httpStatus = httpStatusCode; StatusAssertion sa = new StatusAssertion(); sa.setScript(script); sa.setScriptlet(STATUS_ASSERTION); try { bind("status", Integer.valueOf(httpStatusCode)); ObjectNode node = statusAssertion(); if (node != null) { sa.check(script, node, UnRAVLAssertion.Stage.ASSERT, this); } else { if (httpStatusCode < 200 || httpStatusCode >= 300) throw new UnRAVLAssertionException("http status " + httpStatusCode + " not a 2xx status."); } } catch (UnRAVLAssertionException e) { failedAssertions.add(sa); throw e; } } public void setException(UnRAVLException exception) { this.exception = exception; } public UnRAVLException getException() { return exception; } /** * Wrap exception in an UnRAVLException (unless it already is one), then * throw the UnRAVLException * * @param exception * an exception * @throws UnRAVLException * the wrapped exception */ public void throwException(Exception exception) throws UnRAVLException { if (exception instanceof UnRAVLException) setException((UnRAVLException) exception); else setException(new UnRAVLException(exception)); throw getException(); } public UnRAVLRuntime getRuntime() { return script.getRuntime(); } private ObjectNode statusAssertion() throws UnRAVLException { return statusAssertion(script); } private boolean runAssertions(Stage stage) throws UnRAVLException { return runAssertions(script, stage); } private boolean runAssertions(UnRAVL unravl, Stage stage) throws UnRAVLException { if (canceled() || unravl == null) return true; if (!runAssertions(unravl.getTemplate(), stage)) return false; if (canceled()) return true; JsonNode assertionNode = unravl.getRoot().get(stage.getName()); if (assertionNode == null) return true; ArrayNode assertions = assertionArray(assertionNode, stage); for (int i = 0; !canceled() && i < assertions.size(); i++) { JsonNode s = assertions.get(i); ObjectNode assertionScriptlet = null; UnRAVLAssertion a = null; Class<? extends UnRAVLAssertion> aClass = null; try { if (s.isTextual()) { ObjectNode o = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); o.set(getRuntime().getScriptLanguage(), (TextNode) s); s = o; } String aName = Json.firstFieldName(s); assertionScriptlet = Json.object(s); aClass = getPlugins().getAssertions().get(aName); if (aClass == null) throw new UnRAVLException( "No such assertion class registered for " + stage + " keyword " + aName); a = aClass.newInstance(); a.setAssertion(assertionScriptlet); a.check(this.script, assertionScriptlet, stage, this); passedAssertions.add(a); } catch (InstantiationException e) { failedAssertions.add(BaseUnRAVLAssertion.of(script, assertionScriptlet)); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { failedAssertions.add(BaseUnRAVLAssertion.of(script, assertionScriptlet)); logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw new UnRAVLException("Assertion class " + aClass.getName() + " cannot be instantiated."); } catch (UnRAVLAssertionException e) { failedAssertions.add(a); for (int j = i + 1; j < assertions.size(); j++) { JsonNode skipped = assertions.get(j); if (skipped.isTextual()) { ObjectNode g = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); g.set("groovy", (TextNode) skipped); skipped = g; } skippedAssertions.add(BaseUnRAVLAssertion.of(getScript(), Json.object(skipped))); } throw e; } } return failedAssertions.size() == 0; } private UnRAVLPlugins getPlugins() { return getRuntime().getPlugins(); } /** * Convert the value of an assert or preconditions into an array. * * @param val * the "assert" or "preconditions" scriptlet * @param stage * which stage is running * @return an array of JSON assertions. If the input scriptlet value is a * string or an object, embed it in this array. If the value is * already an array, return it. * @throws UnRAVLException * if the value of the assertion node is not one of the three * expected forms. */ public static ArrayNode assertionArray(JsonNode val, Stage stage) throws UnRAVLException { if (val == null) return null; if (val.isArray()) return (ArrayNode) val; if (val.isTextual()) return Json.wrapInArray(val); if (val.isObject()) return Json.wrapInArray(val); throw new UnRAVLException("Value of " + stage.getName() + " must be a string, an object, or an array."); } private void log(String bodyLabel, ByteArrayOutputStream bytes, String headersLabel, HttpHeaders headers) { if (headers != null && headers.size() > 0) {; Header hs[] = mapHeaders(headers); for (Header h : hs) { // Don't log easily decoded credentials + ": " + possiblyMaskedHeaderValue(h)); } } MediaType contentType = headers.getContentType(); if (contentType == null) return; Header ct[] = new Header[] { new BasicHeader("Content-Type", contentType.toString()) }; if (script.bodyIsTextual(ct)) try { if (bytes == null || bytes.size() == 0) { if (getMethod() != Method.HEAD) logger.warn("Warning: Non-HEAD request returned a text Content-Type header but defines no body."); return; } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {; if (script.bodyIsJson(ct) && bytes.size() > 0) { try { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT); JsonNode json = Json.parse(bytes.toString("UTF-8")); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); os.write(mapper.writeValueAsBytes(json)); os.close(); bytes = os; } catch (UnRAVLException e) { // ignore parse/format errors; just print bytes w/o // pretty print. } } bytes.writeTo(System.out); System.out.println(); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e); } } private String possiblyMaskedHeaderValue(Header h) { return h.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(AUTHORIZATION) ? MASK : h .getValue(); } public UnRAVL getScript() { return script; } public List<UnRAVLAssertion> getPassedAssertions() { return passedAssertions; } public List<UnRAVLAssertion> getFailedAssertions() { return failedAssertions; } public List<UnRAVLAssertion> getSkippedAssertions() { return skippedAssertions; } /** * Print a report of the API call to a print stream (System.out) * * @param out * the report destination */ public void report(PrintStream out) { UnRAVL script = getScript(); // @formatter:off String title = "Script '" + script.getName() + "' " + (getMethod() == null ? "<no method>" : getMethod().toString()) + " " + (getURI() == null ? "<no URI>" : getURI()); // @formatter:on out.println(); for (int i = title.length(); i > 0; i--) out.print('-'); out.println(); out.println(title); if (getException() != null) { out.println("Caught exception running test " + title); out.println(getException().getMessage()); } report(getPassedAssertions(), "Passed", out); report(getFailedAssertions(), "Failed", out); report(getSkippedAssertions(), "Skipped", out); if (wasCancelled()) out.println("This call was cancelled."); if (wasSkipped()) out.println("This call was skipped because preconditions."); out.flush(); } private void report(List<UnRAVLAssertion> as, String label, PrintStream out) { out.println(as.size() + " " + label + ":"); if (as.size() > 0) { for (UnRAVLAssertion a : as) { out.println(label + " " + a.getStage().getName() + " " + a); out.flush(); UnRAVLAssertionException e = a.getUnRAVLAssertionException(); if (e != null) { out.println(e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage()); } } } } }