// Copyright (c) 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA, All Rights Reserved
package com.sas.unravl.extractors;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.sas.unravl.ApiCall;
import com.sas.unravl.BaseUnRAVLPlugin;
import com.sas.unravl.UnRAVL;
import com.sas.unravl.UnRAVLException;
import com.sas.unravl.UnRAVLPlugins;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
* The base implementation of an {@link UnRAVL} script extractor, which is run
* from the "bind" element of the script.
* <p>
* Extractor objects run after the script makes the API call. and can bind
* values from headers or response body, putting the result in the environment
* or elsewhere. An {@link UnRAVL} script will load UnRAVLExtractor objects
* while executing the "bind" member of the script. The first field in the
* assertion member is used as the key, i.e.
* <pre>
* { "headers" : [ ... ] }
* </pre>
* is a extractor which uses the key "headers". The extractor class is found in
* the {@link UnRAVLPlugins} list of extractors and instantiated. Then, the
* {@link #extract(UnRAVL, ObjectNode, ApiCall)} method is run, passing the
* currently executing {@link UnRAVL} script and the JsonNode element that
* defines the extractor.
* <p>
* Extractors should extend {@link BaseUnRAVLExtractor} and their extract()
* method should invoke super.extract(script,node)
* @author David.Biesack@sas.com
public class BaseUnRAVLExtractor extends BaseUnRAVLPlugin implements
UnRAVLExtractor {
protected static boolean unwrapOption(ObjectNode scriptlet)
throws UnRAVLException {
return booleanOption(scriptlet, "unwrap");
public ObjectNode extractor() {
return getScriptlet();
public void setExtractor(ObjectNode extractor) {
public void extract(UnRAVL current, ObjectNode spec, ApiCall call)
throws UnRAVLException {
* Used to register the extractor class with the UnRAVLRuntime This is
* called from Spring when the UnRAVLPlugins class is loaded.
* @param plugins
* a plugins instance
public void setPluginManager(UnRAVLPlugins plugins) {