package; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import; import; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.TextWatcher; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.WeakHashMap; @TargetApi(MPConfig.UI_FEATURES_MIN_API) /* package */ abstract class ViewVisitor implements Pathfinder.Accumulator { /** * OnEvent will be fired when whatever the ViewVisitor installed fires * (For example, if the ViewVisitor installs watches for clicks, then OnEvent will be called * on click) */ public interface OnEventListener { void OnEvent(View host, String eventName, boolean debounce); } public interface OnLayoutErrorListener { void onLayoutError(LayoutErrorMessage e); } public static class LayoutErrorMessage { public LayoutErrorMessage(String errorType, String name) { mErrorType = errorType; mName = name; } public String getErrorType() { return mErrorType; } public String getName() { return mName; } private final String mErrorType; private final String mName; } /** * Attempts to apply mutator to every matching view. Use this to update properties * in the view hierarchy. If accessor is non-null, it will be used to attempt to * prevent calls to the mutator if the property already has the intended value. */ public static class PropertySetVisitor extends ViewVisitor { public PropertySetVisitor(List<Pathfinder.PathElement> path, Caller mutator, Caller accessor) { super(path); mMutator = mutator; mAccessor = accessor; mOriginalValueHolder = new Object[1]; mOriginalValues = new WeakHashMap<View, Object>(); } @Override public void cleanup() { for (Map.Entry<View, Object> original:mOriginalValues.entrySet()) { final View changedView = original.getKey(); final Object originalValue = original.getValue(); if (null != originalValue) { mOriginalValueHolder[0] = originalValue; mMutator.applyMethodWithArguments(changedView, mOriginalValueHolder); } } } @Override public void accumulate(View found) { if (null != mAccessor) { final Object[] setArgs = mMutator.getArgs(); if (1 == setArgs.length) { final Object desiredValue = setArgs[0]; final Object currentValue = mAccessor.applyMethod(found); if (desiredValue == currentValue) { return; } if (null != desiredValue) { if (desiredValue instanceof Bitmap && currentValue instanceof Bitmap) { final Bitmap desiredBitmap = (Bitmap) desiredValue; final Bitmap currentBitmap = (Bitmap) currentValue; if (desiredBitmap.sameAs(currentBitmap)) { return; } } else if (desiredValue instanceof BitmapDrawable && currentValue instanceof BitmapDrawable) { final Bitmap desiredBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) desiredValue).getBitmap(); final Bitmap currentBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) currentValue).getBitmap(); if (desiredBitmap != null && desiredBitmap.sameAs(currentBitmap)) { return; } } else if (desiredValue.equals(currentValue)) { return; } } if (currentValue instanceof Bitmap || currentValue instanceof BitmapDrawable || mOriginalValues.containsKey(found)) { ; // Cache exactly one non-image original value } else { mOriginalValueHolder[0] = currentValue; if (mMutator.argsAreApplicable(mOriginalValueHolder)) { mOriginalValues.put(found, currentValue); } else { mOriginalValues.put(found, null); } } } } mMutator.applyMethod(found); } protected String name() { return "Property Mutator"; } private final Caller mMutator; private final Caller mAccessor; private final WeakHashMap<View, Object> mOriginalValues; private final Object[] mOriginalValueHolder; } private static class CycleDetector { /** * This function detects circular dependencies for all the views under the parent * of the updated view. The basic idea is to consider the views as a directed * graph and perform a DFS on all the nodes in the graph. If the current node is * in the DFS stack already, there must be a circle in the graph. To speed up the * search, all the parsed nodes will be removed from the graph. */ public boolean hasCycle(TreeMap<View, List<View>> dependencyGraph) { final List<View> dfsStack = new ArrayList<View>(); while (!dependencyGraph.isEmpty()) { View currentNode = dependencyGraph.firstKey(); if (!detectSubgraphCycle(dependencyGraph, currentNode, dfsStack)) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean detectSubgraphCycle(TreeMap<View, List<View>> dependencyGraph, View currentNode, List<View> dfsStack) { if (dfsStack.contains(currentNode)) { return false; } if (dependencyGraph.containsKey(currentNode)) { final List<View> dependencies = dependencyGraph.remove(currentNode); dfsStack.add(currentNode); int size = dependencies.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (!detectSubgraphCycle(dependencyGraph, dependencies.get(i), dfsStack)) { return false; } } dfsStack.remove(currentNode); } return true; } } public static class LayoutUpdateVisitor extends ViewVisitor { public LayoutUpdateVisitor(List<Pathfinder.PathElement> path, List<LayoutRule> args, String name, OnLayoutErrorListener onLayoutErrorListener) { super(path); mOriginalValues = new WeakHashMap<View, int[]>(); mArgs = args; mName = name; mAlive = true; mOnLayoutErrorListener = onLayoutErrorListener; mCycleDetector = new CycleDetector(); } @Override public void cleanup() { // TODO find a way to optimize this.. remove this visitor and trigger a re-layout?? for (Map.Entry<View, int[]> original:mOriginalValues.entrySet()) { final View changedView = original.getKey(); final int[] originalValue = original.getValue(); final RelativeLayout.LayoutParams originalParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) changedView.getLayoutParams(); for (int i = 0; i < originalValue.length; i++) { originalParams.addRule(i, originalValue[i]); } changedView.setLayoutParams(originalParams); } mAlive = false; } @Override public void visit(View rootView) { // this check is necessary - if the layout change is invalid, accumulate will send an error message // to the Web UI; before Web UI removes such change, this visit may get called by Android again and // thus send another error message to Web UI which leads to lots of weird problems if (mAlive) { getPathfinder().findTargetsInRoot(rootView, getPath(), this); } } // layout changes are performed on the children of found according to the LayoutRule @Override public void accumulate(View found) { ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) found; SparseArray<View> idToChild = new SparseArray<View>(); int count = parent.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { View child = parent.getChildAt(i); int childId = child.getId(); if (childId > 0) { idToChild.put(childId, child); } } int size = mArgs.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { LayoutRule layoutRule = mArgs.get(i); final View currentChild = idToChild.get(layoutRule.viewId); if (null == currentChild) { continue; } RelativeLayout.LayoutParams currentParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) currentChild.getLayoutParams(); final int[] currentRules = currentParams.getRules().clone(); if (currentRules[layoutRule.verb] == layoutRule.anchor) { continue; } if (mOriginalValues.containsKey(currentChild)) { ; // Cache exactly one set of rules per child view } else { mOriginalValues.put(currentChild, currentRules); } currentParams.addRule(layoutRule.verb, layoutRule.anchor); final Set<Integer> rules; if (mHorizontalRules.contains(layoutRule.verb)) { rules = mHorizontalRules; } else if (mVerticalRules.contains(layoutRule.verb)) { rules = mVerticalRules; } else { rules = null; } if (rules != null && !verifyLayout(rules, idToChild)) { cleanup(); mOnLayoutErrorListener.onLayoutError(new LayoutErrorMessage("circular_dependency", mName)); return; } currentChild.setLayoutParams(currentParams); } } private boolean verifyLayout(Set<Integer> rules, SparseArray<View> idToChild) { // We don't really care about the order, as long as it's always the same. final TreeMap<View, List<View>> dependencyGraph = new TreeMap<View, List<View>>(new Comparator<View>() { @Override public int compare(final View lhs, final View rhs) { if (lhs == rhs) { return 0; } else if (null == lhs) { return -1; } else if (null == rhs){ return 1; } else { return rhs.hashCode() - lhs.hashCode(); } } }); int size = idToChild.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final View child = idToChild.valueAt(i); final RelativeLayout.LayoutParams childLayoutParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams(); int[] layoutRules = childLayoutParams.getRules(); final List<View> dependencies = new ArrayList<View>(); for (int rule : rules) { int dependencyId = layoutRules[rule]; if (dependencyId > 0 && dependencyId != child.getId()) { dependencies.add(idToChild.get(dependencyId)); } } dependencyGraph.put(child, dependencies); } return mCycleDetector.hasCycle(dependencyGraph); } protected String name() { return "Layout Update"; } private final WeakHashMap<View, int[]> mOriginalValues; private final List<LayoutRule> mArgs; private final String mName; private static final Set<Integer> mHorizontalRules = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList( RelativeLayout.LEFT_OF, RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF, RelativeLayout.ALIGN_LEFT, RelativeLayout.ALIGN_RIGHT )); private static final Set<Integer> mVerticalRules = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList( RelativeLayout.ABOVE, RelativeLayout.BELOW, RelativeLayout.ALIGN_BASELINE, RelativeLayout.ALIGN_TOP, RelativeLayout.ALIGN_BOTTOM )); private boolean mAlive; private final OnLayoutErrorListener mOnLayoutErrorListener; private final CycleDetector mCycleDetector; } public static class LayoutRule { public LayoutRule(int vi, int v, int a) { viewId = vi; verb = v; anchor = a; } public final int viewId; public final int verb; public final int anchor; } /** * Adds an accessibility event, which will fire OnEvent, to every matching view. */ public static class AddAccessibilityEventVisitor extends EventTriggeringVisitor { public AddAccessibilityEventVisitor(List<Pathfinder.PathElement> path, int accessibilityEventType, String eventName, OnEventListener listener) { super(path, eventName, listener, false); mEventType = accessibilityEventType; mWatching = new WeakHashMap<View, TrackingAccessibilityDelegate>(); } @Override public void cleanup() { for (final Map.Entry<View, TrackingAccessibilityDelegate> entry:mWatching.entrySet()) { final View v = entry.getKey(); final TrackingAccessibilityDelegate toCleanup = entry.getValue(); final View.AccessibilityDelegate currentViewDelegate = getOldDelegate(v); if (currentViewDelegate == toCleanup) { v.setAccessibilityDelegate(toCleanup.getRealDelegate()); } else if (currentViewDelegate instanceof TrackingAccessibilityDelegate) { final TrackingAccessibilityDelegate newChain = (TrackingAccessibilityDelegate) currentViewDelegate; newChain.removeFromDelegateChain(toCleanup); } else { // Assume we've been replaced, zeroed out, or for some other reason we're already gone. // (This isn't too weird, for example, it's expected when views get recycled) } } mWatching.clear(); } @Override public void accumulate(View found) { final View.AccessibilityDelegate realDelegate = getOldDelegate(found); if (realDelegate instanceof TrackingAccessibilityDelegate) { final TrackingAccessibilityDelegate currentTracker = (TrackingAccessibilityDelegate) realDelegate; if (currentTracker.willFireEvent(getEventName())) { return; // Don't double track } } // We aren't already in the tracking call chain of the view final TrackingAccessibilityDelegate newDelegate = new TrackingAccessibilityDelegate(realDelegate); found.setAccessibilityDelegate(newDelegate); mWatching.put(found, newDelegate); } @Override protected String name() { return getEventName() + " event when (" + mEventType + ")"; } private View.AccessibilityDelegate getOldDelegate(View v) { View.AccessibilityDelegate ret = null; try { Class<?> klass = v.getClass(); Method m = klass.getMethod("getAccessibilityDelegate"); ret = (View.AccessibilityDelegate) m.invoke(v); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // In this case, we just overwrite the original. } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // In this case, we just overwrite the original. } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { MPLog.w(LOGTAG, "getAccessibilityDelegate threw an exception when called.", e); } return ret; } private class TrackingAccessibilityDelegate extends View.AccessibilityDelegate { public TrackingAccessibilityDelegate(View.AccessibilityDelegate realDelegate) { mRealDelegate = realDelegate; } public View.AccessibilityDelegate getRealDelegate() { return mRealDelegate; } public boolean willFireEvent(final String eventName) { if (getEventName() == eventName) { return true; } else if (mRealDelegate instanceof TrackingAccessibilityDelegate) { return ((TrackingAccessibilityDelegate) mRealDelegate).willFireEvent(eventName); } else { return false; } } public void removeFromDelegateChain(final TrackingAccessibilityDelegate other) { if (mRealDelegate == other) { mRealDelegate = other.getRealDelegate(); } else if (mRealDelegate instanceof TrackingAccessibilityDelegate) { final TrackingAccessibilityDelegate child = (TrackingAccessibilityDelegate) mRealDelegate; child.removeFromDelegateChain(other); } else { // We can't see any further down the chain, just return. } } @Override public void sendAccessibilityEvent(View host, int eventType) { if (eventType == mEventType) { fireEvent(host); } if (null != mRealDelegate) { mRealDelegate.sendAccessibilityEvent(host, eventType); } } private View.AccessibilityDelegate mRealDelegate; } private final int mEventType; private final WeakHashMap<View, TrackingAccessibilityDelegate> mWatching; } /** * Installs a TextWatcher in each matching view. Does nothing if matching views are not TextViews. */ public static class AddTextChangeListener extends EventTriggeringVisitor { public AddTextChangeListener(List<Pathfinder.PathElement> path, String eventName, OnEventListener listener) { super(path, eventName, listener, true); mWatching = new HashMap<TextView, TextWatcher>(); } @Override public void cleanup() { for (final Map.Entry<TextView, TextWatcher> entry:mWatching.entrySet()) { final TextView v = entry.getKey(); final TextWatcher watcher = entry.getValue(); v.removeTextChangedListener(watcher); } mWatching.clear(); } @Override public void accumulate(View found) { if (found instanceof TextView) { final TextView foundTextView = (TextView) found; final TextWatcher watcher = new TrackingTextWatcher(foundTextView); final TextWatcher oldWatcher = mWatching.get(foundTextView); if (null != oldWatcher) { foundTextView.removeTextChangedListener(oldWatcher); } foundTextView.addTextChangedListener(watcher); mWatching.put(foundTextView, watcher); } } @Override protected String name() { return getEventName() + " on Text Change"; } private class TrackingTextWatcher implements TextWatcher { public TrackingTextWatcher(View boundTo) { mBoundTo = boundTo; } @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { ; // Nothing } @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { ; // Nothing } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { fireEvent(mBoundTo); } private final View mBoundTo; } private final Map<TextView, TextWatcher> mWatching; } /** * Monitors the view tree for the appearance of matching views where there were not * matching views before. Fires only once per traversal. */ public static class ViewDetectorVisitor extends EventTriggeringVisitor { public ViewDetectorVisitor(List<Pathfinder.PathElement> path, String eventName, OnEventListener listener) { super(path, eventName, listener, false); mSeen = false; } @Override public void cleanup() { ; // Do nothing, we don't have anything to leak :) } @Override public void accumulate(View found) { if (found != null && !mSeen) { fireEvent(found); } mSeen = (found != null); } @Override protected String name() { return getEventName() + " when Detected"; } private boolean mSeen; } private static abstract class EventTriggeringVisitor extends ViewVisitor { public EventTriggeringVisitor(List<Pathfinder.PathElement> path, String eventName, OnEventListener listener, boolean debounce) { super(path); mListener = listener; mEventName = eventName; mDebounce = debounce; } protected void fireEvent(View found) { mListener.OnEvent(found, mEventName, mDebounce); } protected String getEventName() { return mEventName; } private final OnEventListener mListener; private final String mEventName; private final boolean mDebounce; } /** * Scans the View hierarchy below rootView, applying it's operation to each matching child view. */ public void visit(View rootView) { mPathfinder.findTargetsInRoot(rootView, mPath, this); } /** * Removes listeners and frees resources associated with the visitor. Once cleanup is called, * the ViewVisitor should not be used again. */ public abstract void cleanup(); protected ViewVisitor(List<Pathfinder.PathElement> path) { mPath = path; mPathfinder = new Pathfinder(); } protected List<Pathfinder.PathElement> getPath() { return mPath; } protected Pathfinder getPathfinder() { return mPathfinder; } protected abstract String name(); private final List<Pathfinder.PathElement> mPath; private final Pathfinder mPathfinder; private static final String LOGTAG = "MixpanelAPI.ViewVisitor"; }