package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Pair; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /* package */ class EditProtocol { public static class BadInstructionsException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4062004792184145311L; public BadInstructionsException(String message) { super(message); } public BadInstructionsException(String message, Throwable e) { super(message, e); } } public static class InapplicableInstructionsException extends BadInstructionsException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3977056710817909104L; public InapplicableInstructionsException(String message) { super(message); } } public static class CantGetEditAssetsException extends Exception { public CantGetEditAssetsException(String message) { super(message); } public CantGetEditAssetsException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } } public static class Edit { private Edit(ViewVisitor aVisitor, List<String> someUrls) { visitor = aVisitor; imageUrls = someUrls; } public final ViewVisitor visitor; public final List<String> imageUrls; } public EditProtocol(Context context, ResourceIds resourceIds, ImageStore imageStore, ViewVisitor.OnLayoutErrorListener layoutErrorListener) { mContext = context; mResourceIds = resourceIds; mImageStore = imageStore; mLayoutErrorListener = layoutErrorListener; } public ViewVisitor readEventBinding(JSONObject source, ViewVisitor.OnEventListener listener) throws BadInstructionsException { try { final String eventName = source.getString("event_name"); final String eventType = source.getString("event_type"); final JSONArray pathDesc = source.getJSONArray("path"); final List<Pathfinder.PathElement> path = readPath(pathDesc, mResourceIds); if (path.size() == 0) { throw new InapplicableInstructionsException("event '" + eventName + "' will not be bound to any element in the UI."); } if ("click".equals(eventType)) { return new ViewVisitor.AddAccessibilityEventVisitor( path, AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_CLICKED, eventName, listener ); } else if ("selected".equals(eventType)) { return new ViewVisitor.AddAccessibilityEventVisitor( path, AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_VIEW_SELECTED, eventName, listener ); } else if ("text_changed".equals(eventType)) { return new ViewVisitor.AddTextChangeListener(path, eventName, listener); } else if ("detected".equals(eventType)) { return new ViewVisitor.ViewDetectorVisitor(path, eventName, listener); } else { throw new BadInstructionsException("Mixpanel can't track event type \"" + eventType + "\""); } } catch (final JSONException e) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't interpret instructions due to JSONException", e); } } public Edit readEdit(JSONObject source) throws BadInstructionsException, CantGetEditAssetsException { final ViewVisitor visitor; final List<String> assetsLoaded = new ArrayList<String>(); try { final JSONArray pathDesc = source.getJSONArray("path"); final List<Pathfinder.PathElement> path = readPath(pathDesc, mResourceIds); if (path.size() == 0) { throw new InapplicableInstructionsException("Edit will not be bound to any element in the UI."); } if (source.getString("change_type").equals("property")) { final JSONObject propertyDesc = source.getJSONObject("property"); final String targetClassName = propertyDesc.getString("classname"); if (null == targetClassName) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't bind an edit property without a target class"); } final Class<?> targetClass; try { targetClass = Class.forName(targetClassName); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't find class for visit path: " + targetClassName, e); } final PropertyDescription prop = readPropertyDescription(targetClass, source.getJSONObject("property")); final JSONArray argsAndTypes = source.getJSONArray("args"); final Object[] methodArgs = new Object[argsAndTypes.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < argsAndTypes.length(); i++) { final JSONArray argPlusType = argsAndTypes.getJSONArray(i); final Object jsonArg = argPlusType.get(0); final String argType = argPlusType.getString(1); methodArgs[i] = convertArgument(jsonArg, argType, assetsLoaded); } final Caller mutator = prop.makeMutator(methodArgs); if (null == mutator) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't update a read-only property " + + " (add a mutator to make this work)"); } visitor = new ViewVisitor.PropertySetVisitor(path, mutator, prop.accessor); } else if (source.getString("change_type").equals("layout")) { final JSONArray args = source.getJSONArray("args"); ArrayList<ViewVisitor.LayoutRule> newParams = new ArrayList<ViewVisitor.LayoutRule>(); int length = args.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JSONObject layout_info = args.optJSONObject(i); ViewVisitor.LayoutRule params; final String view_id_name = layout_info.getString("view_id_name"); final String anchor_id_name = layout_info.getString("anchor_id_name"); final Integer view_id = reconcileIds(-1, view_id_name, mResourceIds); final Integer anchor_id; if (anchor_id_name.equals("0")) { anchor_id = 0; } else if (anchor_id_name.equals("-1")) { anchor_id = RelativeLayout.TRUE; } else { anchor_id = reconcileIds(-1, anchor_id_name, mResourceIds); } if (view_id == null || anchor_id == null) { MPLog.w(LOGTAG, "View (" + view_id_name + ") or anchor (" + anchor_id_name + ") not found."); continue; } params = new ViewVisitor.LayoutRule(view_id, layout_info.getInt("verb"), anchor_id); newParams.add(params); } visitor = new ViewVisitor.LayoutUpdateVisitor(path, newParams, source.getString("name"), mLayoutErrorListener); } else { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't figure out the edit type"); } } catch (final NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't create property mutator", e); } catch (final JSONException e) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't interpret instructions due to JSONException", e); } return new Edit(visitor, assetsLoaded); } public ViewSnapshot readSnapshotConfig(JSONObject source) throws BadInstructionsException { final List<PropertyDescription> properties = new ArrayList<PropertyDescription>(); try { final JSONObject config = source.getJSONObject("config"); final JSONArray classes = config.getJSONArray("classes"); for (int classIx = 0; classIx < classes.length(); classIx++) { final JSONObject classDesc = classes.getJSONObject(classIx); final String targetClassName = classDesc.getString("name"); final Class<?> targetClass = Class.forName(targetClassName); final JSONArray propertyDescs = classDesc.getJSONArray("properties"); for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescs.length(); i++) { final JSONObject propertyDesc = propertyDescs.getJSONObject(i); final PropertyDescription desc = readPropertyDescription(targetClass, propertyDesc); properties.add(desc); } } return new ViewSnapshot(mContext, properties, mResourceIds); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't read snapshot configuration", e); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't resolve types for snapshot configuration", e); } } public Pair<String, Object> readTweak(JSONObject tweakDesc) throws BadInstructionsException { try { final String tweakName = tweakDesc.getString("name"); final String type = tweakDesc.getString("type"); Object value; if ("number".equals(type)) { final String encoding = tweakDesc.getString("encoding"); if ("d".equals(encoding)) { value = tweakDesc.getDouble("value"); } else if ("l".equals(encoding)) { value = tweakDesc.getLong("value"); } else { throw new BadInstructionsException("number must have encoding of type \"l\" for long or \"d\" for double in: " + tweakDesc); } } else if ("boolean".equals(type)) { value = tweakDesc.getBoolean("value"); } else if ("string".equals(type)) { value = tweakDesc.getString("value"); } else { throw new BadInstructionsException("Unrecognized tweak type " + type + " in: " + tweakDesc); } return new Pair<String, Object>(tweakName, value); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't read tweak update", e); } } // Package access FOR TESTING ONLY /* package */ List<Pathfinder.PathElement> readPath(JSONArray pathDesc, ResourceIds idNameToId) throws JSONException { final List<Pathfinder.PathElement> path = new ArrayList<Pathfinder.PathElement>(); for (int i = 0; i < pathDesc.length(); i++) { final JSONObject targetView = pathDesc.getJSONObject(i); final String prefixCode = JSONUtils.optionalStringKey(targetView, "prefix"); final String targetViewClass = JSONUtils.optionalStringKey(targetView, "view_class"); final int targetIndex = targetView.optInt("index", -1); final String targetDescription = JSONUtils.optionalStringKey(targetView, "contentDescription"); final int targetExplicitId = targetView.optInt("id", -1); final String targetIdName = JSONUtils.optionalStringKey(targetView, "mp_id_name"); final String targetTag = JSONUtils.optionalStringKey(targetView, "tag"); final int prefix; if ("shortest".equals(prefixCode)) { prefix = Pathfinder.PathElement.SHORTEST_PREFIX; } else if (null == prefixCode) { prefix = Pathfinder.PathElement.ZERO_LENGTH_PREFIX; } else { MPLog.w(LOGTAG, "Unrecognized prefix type \"" + prefixCode + "\". No views will be matched"); return NEVER_MATCH_PATH; } final int targetId; final Integer targetIdOrNull = reconcileIds(targetExplicitId, targetIdName, idNameToId); if (null == targetIdOrNull) { return NEVER_MATCH_PATH; } else { targetId = targetIdOrNull.intValue(); } path.add(new Pathfinder.PathElement(prefix, targetViewClass, targetIndex, targetId, targetDescription, targetTag)); } return path; } // May return null (and log a warning) if arguments cannot be reconciled private Integer reconcileIds(int explicitId, String idName, ResourceIds idNameToId) { final int idFromName; if (null != idName) { if (idNameToId.knownIdName(idName)) { idFromName = idNameToId.idFromName(idName); } else { MPLog.w(LOGTAG, "Path element contains an id name not known to the system. No views will be matched.\n" + "Make sure that you're not stripping your packages R class out with proguard.\n" + "id name was \"" + idName + "\"" ); return null; } } else { idFromName = -1; } if (-1 != idFromName && -1 != explicitId && idFromName != explicitId) { MPLog.e(LOGTAG, "Path contains both a named and an explicit id, and they don't match. No views will be matched."); return null; } if (-1 != idFromName) { return idFromName; } return explicitId; } private PropertyDescription readPropertyDescription(Class<?> targetClass, JSONObject propertyDesc) throws BadInstructionsException { try { final String propName = propertyDesc.getString("name"); Caller accessor = null; if (propertyDesc.has("get")) { final JSONObject accessorConfig = propertyDesc.getJSONObject("get"); final String accessorName = accessorConfig.getString("selector"); final String accessorResultTypeName = accessorConfig.getJSONObject("result").getString("type"); final Class<?> accessorResultType = Class.forName(accessorResultTypeName); accessor = new Caller(targetClass, accessorName, NO_PARAMS, accessorResultType); } final String mutatorName; if (propertyDesc.has("set")) { final JSONObject mutatorConfig = propertyDesc.getJSONObject("set"); mutatorName = mutatorConfig.getString("selector"); } else { mutatorName = null; } return new PropertyDescription(propName, targetClass, accessor, mutatorName); } catch (final NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't create property reader", e); } catch (final JSONException e) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't read property JSON", e); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't read property JSON, relevant arg/return class not found", e); } } private Object convertArgument(Object jsonArgument, String type, List<String> assetsLoaded) throws BadInstructionsException, CantGetEditAssetsException { // Object is a Boolean, JSONArray, JSONObject, Number, String, or JSONObject.NULL try { if ("java.lang.CharSequence".equals(type)) { // Because we're assignable return jsonArgument; } else if ("boolean".equals(type) || "java.lang.Boolean".equals(type)) { return jsonArgument; } else if ("int".equals(type) || "java.lang.Integer".equals(type)) { return ((Number) jsonArgument).intValue(); } else if ("float".equals(type) || "java.lang.Float".equals(type)) { return ((Number) jsonArgument).floatValue(); } else if ("".equals(type)) { // For historical reasons, we attempt to interpret generic Drawables as BitmapDrawables return readBitmapDrawable((JSONObject) jsonArgument, assetsLoaded); } else if ("".equals(type)) { return readBitmapDrawable((JSONObject) jsonArgument, assetsLoaded); } else if ("".equals(type)) { int colorValue = ((Number) jsonArgument).intValue(); return new ColorDrawable(colorValue); } else { throw new BadInstructionsException("Don't know how to interpret type " + type + " (arg was " + jsonArgument + ")"); } } catch (final ClassCastException e) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Couldn't interpret <" + jsonArgument + "> as " + type); } } private Drawable readBitmapDrawable(JSONObject description, List<String> assetsLoaded) throws BadInstructionsException, CantGetEditAssetsException { try { if (description.isNull("url")) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Can't construct a BitmapDrawable with a null url"); } final String url = description.getString("url"); final boolean useBounds; final int left; final int right; final int top; final int bottom; if (description.isNull("dimensions")) { left = right = top = bottom = 0; useBounds = false; } else { final JSONObject dimensions = description.getJSONObject("dimensions"); left = dimensions.getInt("left"); right = dimensions.getInt("right"); top = dimensions.getInt("top"); bottom = dimensions.getInt("bottom"); useBounds = true; } final Bitmap image; try { image = mImageStore.getImage(url); assetsLoaded.add(url); } catch (ImageStore.CantGetImageException e) { throw new CantGetEditAssetsException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); } final Drawable ret = new BitmapDrawable(Resources.getSystem(), image); if (useBounds) { ret.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom); } return ret; } catch (JSONException e) { throw new BadInstructionsException("Couldn't read drawable description", e); } } private final Context mContext; private final ResourceIds mResourceIds; private final ImageStore mImageStore; private final ViewVisitor.OnLayoutErrorListener mLayoutErrorListener; private static final Class<?>[] NO_PARAMS = new Class[0]; private static final List<Pathfinder.PathElement> NEVER_MATCH_PATH = Collections.<Pathfinder.PathElement>emptyList(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final String LOGTAG = "MixpanelAPI.EProtocol"; } // EditProtocol