package; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; /** * In general, you won't need to interact with this class directly - * it's used internally to communicate changes in values to the tweaks you define with * {@link MixpanelAPI#stringTweak(String, String)}, {@link MixpanelAPI#booleanTweak(String, boolean)}, * {@link MixpanelAPI#doubleTweak(String, double)}, {@link MixpanelAPI#longTweak(String, long)}, * and other tweak-related interfaces on MixpanelAPI. * * Instances of tweaks aren't available to library user code. */ public class Tweaks { /** * This method is used internally to expose tweaks to the Mixpanel UI, * and will likely not be directly useful to code that imports the Mixpanel library. * The given listener's onTweakDeclared method will be called when a new tweak is declared. */ public synchronized void addOnTweakDeclaredListener(OnTweakDeclaredListener listener) { if (null == listener) { throw new NullPointerException("listener cannot be null"); } mTweakDeclaredListeners.add(listener); } /** * Manually set the value of a tweak. Most users of the library will not need to call this * directly - instead, the library will call set when new values of the tweak are published. */ public synchronized void set(String tweakName, Object value) { if (!mTweakValues.containsKey(tweakName)) { MPLog.w(LOGTAG, "Attempt to set a tweak \"" + tweakName + "\" which has never been defined."); return; } final TweakValue container = mTweakValues.get(tweakName); final TweakValue updated = container.updateValue(value); mTweakValues.put(tweakName, updated); } public synchronized boolean isNewValue(String tweakName, Object value) { if (!mTweakValues.containsKey(tweakName)) { MPLog.w(LOGTAG, "Attempt to reference a tweak \"" + tweakName + "\" which has never been defined."); return false; } final TweakValue container = mTweakValues.get(tweakName); return !container.value.equals(value); } /** * Returns the descriptions of all tweaks that currently exist. * * The Mixpanel library uses this method internally to expose tweaks and their types to the UI. Most * users will not need to call this method directly. */ public synchronized Map<String, TweakValue> getAllValues() { return new HashMap<String, TweakValue>(mTweakValues); } public synchronized Map<String, TweakValue> getDefaultValues() { return new HashMap<String, TweakValue>(mTweakDefaultValues); } @IntDef({ BOOLEAN_TYPE, DOUBLE_TYPE, LONG_TYPE, STRING_TYPE }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) private @interface TweakType {} /** * An internal description of the type of a tweak. * These values are used internally to expose * tweaks to the Mixpanel UI, and will likely not be directly useful to * code that imports the Mixpanel library. */ public static final @TweakType int BOOLEAN_TYPE = 1; /** * An internal description of the type of a tweak. * These values are used internally to expose * tweaks to the Mixpanel UI, and will likely not be directly useful to * code that imports the Mixpanel library. */ public static final @TweakType int DOUBLE_TYPE = 2; /** * An internal description of the type of a tweak. * These values are used internally to expose * tweaks to the Mixpanel UI, and will likely not be directly useful to * code that imports the Mixpanel library. */ public static final @TweakType int LONG_TYPE = 3; /** * An internal description of the type of a tweak. * These values are used internally to expose * tweaks to the Mixpanel UI, and will likely not be directly useful to * code that imports the Mixpanel library. */ public static final @TweakType int STRING_TYPE = 4; /** * Represents the value and definition of a tweak known to the system. This class * is used internally to expose tweaks to the Mixpanel UI, * and will likely not be directly useful to code that imports the Mixpanel library. */ public static class TweakValue { private TweakValue(@TweakType int aType, Object aDefaultValue, Number aMin, Number aMax, Object value) { type = aType; defaultValue = aDefaultValue; minimum = aMin; maximum = aMax; this.value = value; } public TweakValue updateValue(Object newValue) { return new TweakValue(type, defaultValue, minimum, maximum, newValue); } public String getStringValue() { String ret = null; try { ret = (String) defaultValue; } catch (ClassCastException e) { ; // ok } try { ret = (String) value; } catch (ClassCastException e) { ; // ok } return ret; } public Number getNumberValue() { Number ret = 0; if (null != defaultValue) { try { ret = (Number) defaultValue; } catch (ClassCastException e){ ; // ok } } if (null != value) { try { ret = (Number) value; } catch (ClassCastException e) { ; // ok } } return ret; } public Boolean getBooleanValue() { Boolean ret = false; if (null != defaultValue) { try { ret = (Boolean) defaultValue; } catch (ClassCastException e) { ; // ok } } if (null != value) { try { ret = (Boolean) value; } catch (ClassCastException e) { ; // ok } } return ret; } public final @TweakType int type; protected final Object value; private final Object defaultValue; private final Number minimum; private final Number maximum; } /** * This interface is used internally to expose tweaks to the Mixpanel UI, * and will likely not be directly useful to code that imports the Mixpanel library. */ public interface OnTweakDeclaredListener { void onTweakDeclared(); } /* package */ Tweaks() { mTweakValues = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); mTweakDefaultValues = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); mTweakDeclaredListeners = new ArrayList<>(); } /* package */ Tweak<String> stringTweak(final String tweakName, final String defaultValue) { declareTweak(tweakName, defaultValue, STRING_TYPE); return new Tweak<String>() { @Override public String get() { final TweakValue tweakValue = getValue(tweakName); return tweakValue.getStringValue(); } }; } /* package */ Tweak<Double> doubleTweak(final String tweakName, final double defaultValue) { declareTweak(tweakName, defaultValue, DOUBLE_TYPE); return new Tweak<Double>() { @Override public Double get() { final TweakValue tweakValue = getValue(tweakName); final Number result = tweakValue.getNumberValue(); return result.doubleValue(); } }; } /* package */ Tweak<Float> floatTweak(final String tweakName, final float defaultValue) { declareTweak(tweakName, defaultValue, DOUBLE_TYPE); return new Tweak<Float>() { @Override public Float get() { final TweakValue tweakValue = getValue(tweakName); final Number result = tweakValue.getNumberValue(); return result.floatValue(); } }; } /* package */ Tweak<Long> longTweak(final String tweakName, final long defaultValue) { declareTweak(tweakName, defaultValue, LONG_TYPE); return new Tweak<Long>() { @Override public Long get() { final TweakValue tweakValue = getValue(tweakName); final Number result = tweakValue.getNumberValue(); return result.longValue(); } }; } /* package */ Tweak<Integer> intTweak(final String tweakName, final int defaultValue) { declareTweak(tweakName, defaultValue, LONG_TYPE); return new Tweak<Integer>() { @Override public Integer get() { final TweakValue tweakValue = getValue(tweakName); final Number result = tweakValue.getNumberValue(); return result.intValue(); } }; } /* package */ Tweak<Byte> byteTweak(final String tweakName, final byte defaultValue) { declareTweak(tweakName, defaultValue, LONG_TYPE); return new Tweak<Byte>() { @Override public Byte get() { final TweakValue tweakValue = getValue(tweakName); final Number result = tweakValue.getNumberValue(); return result.byteValue(); } }; } /* package */ Tweak<Short> shortTweak(final String tweakName, final short defaultValue) { declareTweak(tweakName, defaultValue, LONG_TYPE); return new Tweak<Short>() { @Override public Short get() { final TweakValue tweakValue = getValue(tweakName); final Number result = tweakValue.getNumberValue(); return result.shortValue(); } }; } /* package */ Tweak<Boolean> booleanTweak(final String tweakName, final boolean defaultValue) { declareTweak(tweakName, defaultValue, BOOLEAN_TYPE); return new Tweak<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean get() { final TweakValue tweakValue = getValue(tweakName); return tweakValue.getBooleanValue(); } }; } private synchronized TweakValue getValue(String tweakName) { return mTweakValues.get(tweakName); } private void declareTweak(String tweakName, Object defaultValue, @TweakType int tweakType) { if (mTweakValues.containsKey(tweakName)) { MPLog.w(LOGTAG, "Attempt to define a tweak \"" + tweakName + "\" twice with the same name"); return; } final TweakValue value = new TweakValue(tweakType, defaultValue, null, null, defaultValue); mTweakValues.put(tweakName, value); mTweakDefaultValues.put(tweakName, value); final int listenerSize = mTweakDeclaredListeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < listenerSize; i++) { mTweakDeclaredListeners.get(i).onTweakDeclared(); } } // All access to mTweakValues must be synchronized private final ConcurrentMap<String, TweakValue> mTweakValues; private final ConcurrentMap<String, TweakValue> mTweakDefaultValues; private final List<OnTweakDeclaredListener> mTweakDeclaredListeners; private static final String LOGTAG = "MixpanelAPI.Tweaks"; }