/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.struts2.jasper; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.CharArrayWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.util.*; import org.apache.struts2.jasper.compiler.Compiler; import org.apache.struts2.jasper.compiler.JspConfig; import org.apache.struts2.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext; import org.apache.struts2.jasper.compiler.Localizer; import org.apache.struts2.jasper.compiler.TagPluginManager; import org.apache.struts2.jasper.compiler.TldLocationsCache; import org.apache.struts2.jasper.servlet.JspCServletContext; import org.apache.struts2.jasper.xmlparser.ParserUtils; import org.apache.juli.logging.Log; import org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.finder.ClassLoaderInterface; /** * Shell for the jspc compiler. Handles all options associated with the * command line and creates compilation contexts which it then compiles * according to the specified options. * * This version can process files from a _single_ webapp at once, i.e. * a single docbase can be specified. * * It can be used as an Ant task using: * <pre> * <taskdef classname="org.apache.struts2.jasper.JspC" name="jasper2" > * <classpath> * <pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar"/> * <fileset dir="${ENV.CATALINA_HOME}/server/lib"> * <include name="*.jar"/> * </fileset> * <fileset dir="${ENV.CATALINA_HOME}/common/lib"> * <include name="*.jar"/> * </fileset> * <path refid="myjars"/> * </classpath> * </taskdef> * * <jasper2 verbose="0" * package="my.package" * uriroot="${webapps.dir}/${webapp.name}" * webXmlFragment="${build.dir}/generated_web.xml" * outputDir="${webapp.dir}/${webapp.name}/WEB-INF/src/my/package" /> * </pre> * * @author Danno Ferrin * @author Pierre Delisle * @author Costin Manolache * @author Yoav Shapira */ public class JspC implements Options { public static final String DEFAULT_IE_CLASS_ID = "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"; // Logger protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JspC.class); protected static final String SWITCH_VERBOSE = "-v"; protected static final String SWITCH_HELP = "-help"; protected static final String SWITCH_OUTPUT_DIR = "-d"; protected static final String SWITCH_PACKAGE_NAME = "-p"; protected static final String SWITCH_CACHE = "-cache"; protected static final String SWITCH_CLASS_NAME = "-c"; protected static final String SWITCH_FULL_STOP = "--"; protected static final String SWITCH_COMPILE = "-compile"; protected static final String SWITCH_SOURCE = "-source"; protected static final String SWITCH_TARGET = "-target"; protected static final String SWITCH_URI_BASE = "-uribase"; protected static final String SWITCH_URI_ROOT = "-uriroot"; protected static final String SWITCH_FILE_WEBAPP = "-webapp"; protected static final String SWITCH_WEBAPP_INC = "-webinc"; protected static final String SWITCH_WEBAPP_XML = "-webxml"; protected static final String SWITCH_MAPPED = "-mapped"; protected static final String SWITCH_XPOWERED_BY = "-xpoweredBy"; protected static final String SWITCH_TRIM_SPACES = "-trimSpaces"; protected static final String SWITCH_CLASSPATH = "-classpath"; protected static final String SWITCH_DIE = "-die"; protected static final String SWITCH_POOLING = "-poolingEnabled"; protected static final String SWITCH_ENCODING = "-javaEncoding"; protected static final String SWITCH_SMAP = "-smap"; protected static final String SWITCH_DUMP_SMAP = "-dumpsmap"; protected static final String SHOW_SUCCESS ="-s"; protected static final String LIST_ERRORS = "-l"; protected static final int INC_WEBXML = 10; protected static final int ALL_WEBXML = 20; protected static final int DEFAULT_DIE_LEVEL = 1; protected static final int NO_DIE_LEVEL = 0; protected static final String[] insertBefore = { "</web-app>", "<servlet-mapping>", "<session-config>", "<mime-mapping>", "<welcome-file-list>", "<error-page>", "<taglib>", "<resource-env-ref>", "<resource-ref>", "<security-constraint>", "<login-config>", "<security-role>", "<env-entry>", "<ejb-ref>", "<ejb-local-ref>" }; protected static int die; protected String classPath = null; protected URLClassLoader loader = null; protected boolean trimSpaces = false; protected boolean genStringAsCharArray = false; protected boolean xpoweredBy; protected boolean mappedFile = false; protected boolean poolingEnabled = true; protected File scratchDir; protected String ieClassId = DEFAULT_IE_CLASS_ID; protected String targetPackage; protected String targetClassName; protected String uriBase; protected String uriRoot; protected int dieLevel; protected boolean helpNeeded = false; protected boolean compile = false; protected boolean smapSuppressed = true; protected boolean smapDumped = false; protected boolean caching = true; protected Map cache = new HashMap(); protected String compiler = null; protected String compilerTargetVM = "1.4"; protected String compilerSourceVM = "1.4"; protected boolean classDebugInfo = true; /** * Throw an exception if there's a compilation error, or swallow it. * Default is true to preserve old behavior. */ protected boolean failOnError = true; /** * The file extensions to be handled as JSP files. * Default list is .jsp and .jspx. */ protected List extensions; /** * The pages. */ protected List pages = new Vector(); /** * Needs better documentation, this data member does. * True by default. */ protected boolean errorOnUseBeanInvalidClassAttribute = true; /** * The java file encoding. Default * is UTF-8. Added per bugzilla 19622. */ protected String javaEncoding = "UTF-8"; // Generation of web.xml fragments protected String webxmlFile; protected int webxmlLevel; protected boolean addWebXmlMappings = false; protected Writer mapout; protected CharArrayWriter servletout; protected CharArrayWriter mappingout; /** * The servlet context. */ protected JspCServletContext context; /** * The runtime context. * Maintain a dummy JspRuntimeContext for compiling tag files. */ protected JspRuntimeContext rctxt; /** * Cache for the TLD locations */ protected TldLocationsCache tldLocationsCache = null; protected JspConfig jspConfig = null; protected TagPluginManager tagPluginManager = null; protected boolean verbose = false; protected boolean listErrors = false; protected boolean showSuccess = false; protected int argPos; protected boolean fullstop = false; protected String args[]; private String sourceCode; private ClassLoaderInterface classLoaderInterface; public static void main(String arg[]) { if (arg.length == 0) { System.out.println(Localizer.getMessage("jspc.usage")); } else { try { JspC jspc = new JspC(); jspc.setArgs(arg); if (jspc.helpNeeded) { System.out.println(Localizer.getMessage("jspc.usage")); } else { jspc.execute(); } } catch (JasperException je) { System.err.println(je); if (die != NO_DIE_LEVEL) { System.exit(die); } } } } public void setArgs(String[] arg) throws JasperException { args = arg; String tok; dieLevel = NO_DIE_LEVEL; die = dieLevel; while ((tok = nextArg()) != null) { if (tok.equals(SWITCH_VERBOSE)) { verbose = true; showSuccess = true; listErrors = true; } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_PACKAGE_NAME)) { targetPackage = nextArg(); } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_COMPILE)) { compile=true; } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_CLASS_NAME)) { targetClassName = nextArg(); } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_URI_BASE)) { uriBase=nextArg(); } else if ( tok.equals( SHOW_SUCCESS ) ) { showSuccess = true; } else if ( tok.equals( LIST_ERRORS ) ) { listErrors = true; } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_WEBAPP_INC)) { webxmlFile = nextArg(); if (webxmlFile != null) { webxmlLevel = INC_WEBXML; } } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_WEBAPP_XML)) { webxmlFile = nextArg(); if (webxmlFile != null) { webxmlLevel = ALL_WEBXML; } } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_MAPPED)) { mappedFile = true; } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_XPOWERED_BY)) { xpoweredBy = true; } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_TRIM_SPACES)) { setTrimSpaces(true); } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_CACHE)) { tok = nextArg(); if ("false".equals(tok)) { caching = false; } else { caching = true; } } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_CLASSPATH)) { setClassPath(nextArg()); } else if (tok.startsWith(SWITCH_DIE)) { try { dieLevel = Integer.parseInt( tok.substring(SWITCH_DIE.length())); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { dieLevel = DEFAULT_DIE_LEVEL; } die = dieLevel; } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_HELP)) { helpNeeded = true; } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_POOLING)) { tok = nextArg(); if ("false".equals(tok)) { poolingEnabled = false; } else { poolingEnabled = true; } } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_ENCODING)) { setJavaEncoding(nextArg()); } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_SOURCE)) { setCompilerSourceVM(nextArg()); } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_TARGET)) { setCompilerTargetVM(nextArg()); } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_SMAP)) { smapSuppressed = false; } else if (tok.equals(SWITCH_DUMP_SMAP)) { smapDumped = true; } else { if (tok.startsWith("-")) { throw new JasperException("Unrecognized option: " + tok + ". Use -help for help."); } if (!fullstop) { argPos--; } // Start treating the rest as JSP Pages break; } } // Add all extra arguments to the list of files while( true ) { String file = nextFile(); if( file==null ) { break; } pages.add( file ); } } public String getSourceCode() { return sourceCode; } public void setClassLoaderInterface(ClassLoaderInterface classLoaderInterface) { this.classLoaderInterface = classLoaderInterface; } public Set<String> getTldAbsolutePaths() { return tldLocationsCache.getAbsolutePathsOfLocations(); } public boolean getKeepGenerated() { // isn't this why we are running jspc? return true; } public boolean getTrimSpaces() { return trimSpaces; } public void setTrimSpaces(boolean ts) { this.trimSpaces = ts; } public boolean isPoolingEnabled() { return poolingEnabled; } public void setPoolingEnabled(boolean poolingEnabled) { this.poolingEnabled = poolingEnabled; } public boolean isXpoweredBy() { return xpoweredBy; } public void setXpoweredBy(boolean xpoweredBy) { this.xpoweredBy = xpoweredBy; } public boolean getDisplaySourceFragment() { return true; } public boolean getErrorOnUseBeanInvalidClassAttribute() { return errorOnUseBeanInvalidClassAttribute; } public void setErrorOnUseBeanInvalidClassAttribute(boolean b) { errorOnUseBeanInvalidClassAttribute = b; } public int getTagPoolSize() { return Constants.MAX_POOL_SIZE; } /** * Are we supporting HTML mapped servlets? */ public boolean getMappedFile() { return mappedFile; } // Off-line compiler, no need for security manager public Object getProtectionDomain() { return null; } public void setClassDebugInfo( boolean b ) { classDebugInfo=b; } public boolean getClassDebugInfo() { // compile with debug info return classDebugInfo; } /* * @see Options#isCaching() */ public boolean isCaching() { return caching; } /* * @see Options#isCaching() */ public void setCaching(boolean caching) { this.caching = caching; } /* * @see Options#getCache() */ public Map getCache() { return cache; } /** * @return Background compilation check intervals in seconds */ public int getCheckInterval() { return 0; } /** * @return Modification test interval. */ public int getModificationTestInterval() { return 0; } /** * @return Is Jasper being used in development mode? */ public boolean getDevelopment() { return false; } /** * @return Is the generation of SMAP info for JSR45 debuggin suppressed? */ public boolean isSmapSuppressed() { return smapSuppressed; } /** * @param smapSuppressed Set smapSuppressed flag. */ public void setSmapSuppressed(boolean smapSuppressed) { this.smapSuppressed = smapSuppressed; } /** * @return Should SMAP info for JSR45 debugging be dumped to a file? */ public boolean isSmapDumped() { return smapDumped; } /** * @param smapDumped Set smapDumped flag. */ public void setSmapDumped(boolean smapDumped) { this.smapDumped = smapDumped; } /** * Determines whether text strings are to be generated as char arrays, * which improves performance in some cases. * * @param genStringAsCharArray true if text strings are to be generated as * char arrays, false otherwise */ public void setGenStringAsCharArray(boolean genStringAsCharArray) { this.genStringAsCharArray = genStringAsCharArray; } /** * Indicates whether text strings are to be generated as char arrays. * * @return true if text strings are to be generated as char arrays, false * otherwise */ public boolean genStringAsCharArray() { return genStringAsCharArray; } /** * Sets the class-id value to be sent to Internet Explorer when using * <jsp:plugin> tags. * * @param ieClassId Class-id value */ public void setIeClassId(String ieClassId) { this.ieClassId = ieClassId; } /** * Gets the class-id value that is sent to Internet Explorer when using * <jsp:plugin> tags. * * @return Class-id value */ public String getIeClassId() { return ieClassId; } public File getScratchDir() { return scratchDir; } public Class getJspCompilerPlugin() { // we don't compile, so this is meanlingless return null; } public String getJspCompilerPath() { // we don't compile, so this is meanlingless return null; } /** * @return Compiler to use. */ public String getCompiler() { return compiler; } public void setCompiler(String c) { compiler=c; } /** * @return Compiler class name to use. */ public String getCompilerClassName() { return null; } /* * @see Options#getCompilerTargetVM */ public String getCompilerTargetVM() { return compilerTargetVM; } public void setCompilerTargetVM(String vm) { compilerTargetVM = vm; } /* * @see Options#getCompilerSourceVM() */ public String getCompilerSourceVM() { return compilerSourceVM; } /* * @see Options#getCompilerSourceVM() */ public void setCompilerSourceVM(String vm) { compilerSourceVM = vm; } public TldLocationsCache getTldLocationsCache() { return tldLocationsCache; } /** * Returns the encoding to use for * java files. The default is UTF-8. * * @return String The encoding */ public String getJavaEncoding() { return javaEncoding; } /** * Sets the encoding to use for * java files. * * @param encodingName The name, e.g. "UTF-8" */ public void setJavaEncoding(String encodingName) { javaEncoding = encodingName; } public boolean getFork() { return false; } public String getClassPath() { if( classPath != null ) return classPath; return System.getProperty("java.class.path"); } public void setClassPath(String s) { classPath=s; } /** * Returns the list of file extensions * that are treated as JSP files. * * @return The list of extensions */ public List getExtensions() { return extensions; } /** * Adds the given file extension to the * list of extensions handled as JSP files. * * @param extension The extension to add, e.g. "myjsp" */ protected void addExtension(final String extension) { if(extension != null) { if(extensions == null) { extensions = new Vector(); } extensions.add(extension); } } /** * Parses comma-separated list of JSP files to be processed. If the argument * is null, nothing is done. * * <p>Each file is interpreted relative to uriroot, unless it is absolute, * in which case it must start with uriroot.</p> * * @param jspFiles Comma-separated list of JSP files to be processed */ public void setJspFiles(final String jspFiles) { if(jspFiles == null) { return; } StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(jspFiles, ","); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { pages.add(tok.nextToken()); } } /** * Sets the compile flag. * * @param b Flag value */ public void setCompile( final boolean b ) { compile = b; } /** * Sets the verbosity level. The actual number doesn't * matter: if it's greater than zero, the verbose flag will * be true. * * @param level Positive means verbose */ public void setVerbose( final int level ) { if (level > 0) { verbose = true; showSuccess = true; listErrors = true; } } public void setValidateXml( boolean b ) { ParserUtils.validating=b; } public void setListErrors( boolean b ) { listErrors = b; } public void setPackage( String p ) { targetPackage=p; } /** * @param p Class name of the generated file ( without package ). * Can only be used if a single file is converted. * XXX Do we need this feature ? */ public void setClassName( String p ) { targetClassName=p; } public void setAddWebXmlMappings(boolean b) { addWebXmlMappings = b; } /** * @param b Set the option that throws an exception in case of a compilation error. */ public void setFailOnError(final boolean b) { failOnError = b; } public boolean getFailOnError() { return failOnError; } /** * @return Obtain JSP configuration information specified in web.xml. */ public JspConfig getJspConfig() { return jspConfig; } public TagPluginManager getTagPluginManager() { return tagPluginManager; } public void generateWebMapping( String file, JspCompilationContext clctxt ) throws IOException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Generating web mapping for file " + file + " using compilation context " + clctxt); } String className = clctxt.getServletClassName(); String packageName = clctxt.getServletPackageName(); String thisServletName; if ("".equals(packageName)) { thisServletName = className; } else { thisServletName = packageName + '.' + className; } if (servletout != null) { servletout.write("\n <servlet>\n <servlet-name>"); servletout.write(thisServletName); servletout.write("</servlet-name>\n <servlet-class>"); servletout.write(thisServletName); servletout.write("</servlet-class>\n </servlet>\n"); } if (mappingout != null) { mappingout.write("\n <servlet-mapping>\n <servlet-name>"); mappingout.write(thisServletName); mappingout.write("</servlet-name>\n <url-pattern>"); mappingout.write(file.replace('\\', '/')); mappingout.write("</url-pattern>\n </servlet-mapping>\n"); } } /** * Include the generated web.xml inside the webapp's web.xml. * * @throws IOException in case of IO errors */ protected void mergeIntoWebXml() throws IOException { File webappBase = new File(uriRoot); File webXml = new File(webappBase, "WEB-INF/web.xml"); File webXml2 = new File(webappBase, "WEB-INF/web2.xml"); String insertStartMarker = Localizer.getMessage("jspc.webinc.insertStart"); String insertEndMarker = Localizer.getMessage("jspc.webinc.insertEnd"); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(webXml)); BufferedReader fragmentReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(webxmlFile)); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(webXml2)); // Insert the <servlet> and <servlet-mapping> declarations int pos = -1; String line = null; while (true) { line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } // Skip anything previously generated by JSPC if (line.indexOf(insertStartMarker) >= 0) { while (true) { line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { return; } if (line.indexOf(insertEndMarker) >= 0) { line = reader.readLine(); line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { return; } break; } } } for (int i = 0; i < insertBefore.length; i++) { pos = line.indexOf(insertBefore[i]); if (pos >= 0) break; } if (pos >= 0) { writer.print(line.substring(0, pos)); break; } else { writer.println(line); } } writer.println(insertStartMarker); while (true) { String line2 = fragmentReader.readLine(); if (line2 == null) { writer.println(); break; } writer.println(line2); } writer.println(insertEndMarker); writer.println(); for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) { writer.print(" "); } writer.println(line.substring(pos)); while (true) { line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } writer.println(line); } writer.close(); reader.close(); fragmentReader.close(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(webXml2); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(webXml); byte buf[] = new byte[512]; while (true) { int n = fis.read(buf); if (n < 0) { break; } fos.write(buf, 0, n); } fis.close(); fos.close(); webXml2.delete(); (new File(webxmlFile)).delete(); } private void processFile(String file) throws JasperException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Processing file: " + file); } ClassLoader originalClassLoader = null; try { // set up a scratch/output dir if none is provided if (scratchDir == null) { String temp = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"); if (temp == null) { temp = ""; } scratchDir = new File(new File(temp).getAbsolutePath()); } String jspUri = file.replace('\\', '/'); JspCompilationContext clctxt = new JspCompilationContext (jspUri, false, this, context, null, rctxt, classLoaderInterface); /* Override the defaults */ if ((targetClassName != null) && (targetClassName.length() > 0)) { clctxt.setServletClassName(targetClassName); targetClassName = null; } if (targetPackage != null) { clctxt.setServletPackageName(targetPackage); } originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (loader == null) { initClassLoader(clctxt); } Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(loader); clctxt.setClassLoader(loader); clctxt.setClassPath(classPath); Compiler clc = clctxt.createCompiler(); // If compile is set, generate both .java and .class, if // .jsp file is newer than .class file; // Otherwise only generate .java, if .jsp file is newer than // the .java file if (clc.isOutDated(compile)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(jspUri + " is out dated, compiling..."); } clc.compile(compile, true); } // Generate mapping generateWebMapping(file, clctxt); if (showSuccess) { log.info("Built File: " + file); } this.sourceCode = clctxt.getSourceCode(); } catch (JasperException je) { Throwable rootCause = je; while (rootCause instanceof JasperException && ((JasperException) rootCause).getRootCause() != null) { rootCause = ((JasperException) rootCause).getRootCause(); } if (rootCause != je) { log.error(Localizer.getMessage("jspc.error.generalException", file), rootCause); } // Bugzilla 35114. if (getFailOnError()) { throw je; } else { log.error(je.getMessage(), je); ; } } catch (Exception e) { if ((e instanceof FileNotFoundException) && log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn(Localizer.getMessage("jspc.error.fileDoesNotExist", e.getMessage())); } throw new JasperException(e); } finally { if (originalClassLoader != null) { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(originalClassLoader); } } } /** * Locate all jsp files in the webapp. Used if no explicit * jsps are specified. * * @param base base * @throws JasperException in case of Jasper errors */ public void scanFiles( File base ) throws JasperException { Stack<String> dirs = new Stack<>(); dirs.push(base.toString()); // Make sure default extensions are always included if ((getExtensions() == null) || (getExtensions().size() < 2)) { addExtension("jsp"); addExtension("jspx"); } while (!dirs.isEmpty()) { String s = dirs.pop(); File f = new File(s); if (f.exists() && f.isDirectory()) { String[] files = f.list(); String ext; for (int i = 0; (files != null) && i < files.length; i++) { File f2 = new File(s, files[i]); if (f2.isDirectory()) { dirs.push(f2.getPath()); } else { String path = f2.getPath(); String uri = path.substring(uriRoot.length()); ext = files[i].substring(files[i].lastIndexOf('.') +1); if (getExtensions().contains(ext) || jspConfig.isJspPage(uri)) { pages.add(path); } } } } } } /** * Executes the compilation. * * @throws JasperException If an error occurs */ public void execute() throws JasperException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("execute() starting for " + pages.size() + " pages."); } try { if (context == null) { initServletContext(); } initWebXml(); Iterator iter = pages.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String nextjsp = iter.next().toString(); processFile(nextjsp); } completeWebXml(); } catch (JasperException je) { Throwable rootCause = je; while (rootCause instanceof JasperException && ((JasperException) rootCause).getRootCause() != null) { rootCause = ((JasperException) rootCause).getRootCause(); } if (rootCause != je) { rootCause.printStackTrace(); } throw je; } } // ==================== protected utility methods ==================== protected String nextArg() { if ((argPos >= args.length) || (fullstop = SWITCH_FULL_STOP.equals(args[argPos]))) { return null; } else { return args[argPos++]; } } protected String nextFile() { if (fullstop) argPos++; if (argPos >= args.length) { return null; } else { return args[argPos++]; } } protected void initWebXml() { try { if (webxmlLevel >= INC_WEBXML) { File fmapings = new File(webxmlFile); mapout = new FileWriter(fmapings); servletout = new CharArrayWriter(); mappingout = new CharArrayWriter(); } else { mapout = null; servletout = null; mappingout = null; } if (webxmlLevel >= ALL_WEBXML) { mapout.write(Localizer.getMessage("jspc.webxml.header")); mapout.flush(); } else if ((webxmlLevel>= INC_WEBXML) && !addWebXmlMappings) { mapout.write(Localizer.getMessage("jspc.webinc.header")); mapout.flush(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { mapout = null; servletout = null; mappingout = null; } } protected void completeWebXml() { if (mapout != null) { try { servletout.writeTo(mapout); mappingout.writeTo(mapout); if (webxmlLevel >= ALL_WEBXML) { mapout.write(Localizer.getMessage("jspc.webxml.footer")); } else if ((webxmlLevel >= INC_WEBXML) && !addWebXmlMappings) { mapout.write(Localizer.getMessage("jspc.webinc.footer")); } mapout.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // noting to do if it fails since we are done with it } } } protected void initServletContext() { context = new JspCServletContext (new PrintWriter(System.out), classLoaderInterface); tldLocationsCache = new TldLocationsCache(context, true); rctxt = new JspRuntimeContext(context, this); jspConfig = new JspConfig(context); tagPluginManager = new TagPluginManager(context); } /** * Initializes the classloader as/if needed for the given * compilation context. * * @param clctxt The compilation context * @throws IOException If an error occurs */ private void initClassLoader(JspCompilationContext clctxt) throws IOException { classPath = getClassPath(); ClassLoader jspcLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); // Turn the classPath into URLs ArrayList urls = new ArrayList(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(classPath, File.pathSeparator); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String path = tokenizer.nextToken(); try { File libFile = new File(path); urls.add(libFile.toURL()); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Failing a toCanonicalPath on a file that // exists() should be a JVM regression test, // therefore we have permission to freak uot throw new RuntimeException(ioe.toString()); } } //TODO: add .tld files to the URLCLassLoader URL urlsA[] = new URL[urls.size()]; urls.toArray(urlsA); loader = new URLClassLoader(urlsA, this.getClass().getClassLoader()); } /** * Find the WEB-INF dir by looking up in the directory tree. * This is used if no explicit docbase is set, but only files. * XXX Maybe we should require the docbase. * * @param f start file for lookup */ protected void locateUriRoot( File f ) { String tUriBase = uriBase; if (tUriBase == null) { tUriBase = "/"; } try { if (f.exists()) { f = new File(f.getAbsolutePath()); while (f != null) { File g = new File(f, "WEB-INF"); if (g.exists() && g.isDirectory()) { uriRoot = f.getCanonicalPath(); uriBase = tUriBase; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { log.info(Localizer.getMessage( "jspc.implicit.uriRoot", uriRoot)); } break; } if (f.exists() && f.isDirectory()) { tUriBase = "/" + f.getName() + "/" + tUriBase; } String fParent = f.getParent(); if (fParent == null) { break; } else { f = new File(fParent); } // If there is no acceptible candidate, uriRoot will // remain null to indicate to the CompilerContext to // use the current working/user dir. } if (uriRoot != null) { File froot = new File(uriRoot); uriRoot = froot.getCanonicalPath(); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { // since this is an optional default and a null value // for uriRoot has a non-error meaning, we can just // pass straight through } } }