/* * Copyright 2002-2006,2009 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionInvocation; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.entities.ExceptionMappingConfig; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.HttpParameters; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * <!-- START SNIPPET: description --> * <p> * This interceptor forms the core functionality of the exception handling feature. Exception handling allows you to map * an exception to a result code, just as if the action returned a result code instead of throwing an unexpected * exception. When an exception is encountered, it is wrapped with an {@link ExceptionHolder} and pushed on the stack, * providing easy access to the exception from within your result. * </p> * * <p> * <b>Note:</b> While you can configure exception mapping in your configuration file at any point, the configuration * will not have any effect if this interceptor is not in the interceptor stack for your actions. It is recommended that * you make this interceptor the first interceptor on the stack, ensuring that it has full access to catch any * exception, even those caused by other interceptors. * </p> * * <!-- END SNIPPET: description --> * * <p><u>Interceptor parameters:</u></p> * * <!-- START SNIPPET: parameters --> * * <ul> * * <li>logEnabled (optional) - Should exceptions also be logged? (boolean true|false)</li> * * <li>logLevel (optional) - what log level should we use (<code>trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal</code>)? - defaut is <code>debug</code></li> * * <li>logCategory (optional) - If provided we would use this category (eg. <code>com.mycompany.app</code>). * Default is to use <code>com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.ExceptionMappingInterceptor</code>.</li> * * </ul> * * <p> * The parameters above enables us to log all thrown exceptions with stacktace in our own logfile, * and present a friendly webpage (with no stacktrace) to the end user. * </p> * * <!-- END SNIPPET: parameters --> * * <p><u>Extending the interceptor:</u></p> * * <!-- START SNIPPET: extending --> * <p> * If you want to add custom handling for publishing the Exception, you may override * {@link #publishException(com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionInvocation, ExceptionHolder)}. The default implementation * pushes the given ExceptionHolder on value stack. A custom implementation could add additional logging etc. * </p> * <!-- END SNIPPET: extending --> * * <p><u>Example code:</u></p> * * <pre> * <!-- START SNIPPET: example --> * <xwork> * <package name="default" extends="xwork-default"> * <global-results> * <result name="error" type="freemarker">error.ftl</result> * </global-results> * * <global-exception-mappings> * <exception-mapping exception="java.lang.Exception" result="error"/> * </global-exception-mappings> * * <action name="test"> * <interceptor-ref name="exception"/> * <interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/> * <exception-mapping exception="com.acme.CustomException" result="custom_error"/> * <result name="custom_error">custom_error.ftl</result> * <result name="success" type="freemarker">test.ftl</result> * </action> * </package> * </xwork> * <!-- END SNIPPET: example --> * </pre> * * <p> * This second example will also log the exceptions using our own category * <code>com.mycompany.app.unhandled</code> at WARN level. * </p> * * <pre> * <!-- START SNIPPET: example2 --> * <xwork> * <package name="something" extends="xwork-default"> * <interceptors> * <interceptor-stack name="exceptionmappingStack"> * <interceptor-ref name="exception"> * <param name="logEnabled">true</param> * <param name="logCategory">com.mycompany.app.unhandled</param> * <param name="logLevel">WARN</param> * </interceptor-ref> * <interceptor-ref name="i18n"/> * <interceptor-ref name="staticParams"/> * <interceptor-ref name="params"/> * <interceptor-ref name="validation"> * <param name="excludeMethods">input,back,cancel,browse</param> * </interceptor-ref> * </interceptor-stack> * </interceptors> * * <default-interceptor-ref name="exceptionmappingStack"/> * * <global-results> * <result name="unhandledException">/unhandled-exception.jsp</result> * </global-results> * * <global-exception-mappings> * <exception-mapping exception="java.lang.Exception" result="unhandledException"/> * </global-exception-mappings> * * <action name="exceptionDemo" class="org.apache.struts2.showcase.exceptionmapping.ExceptionMappingAction"> * <exception-mapping exception="org.apache.struts2.showcase.exceptionmapping.ExceptionMappingException" * result="damm"/> * <result name="input">index.jsp</result> * <result name="success">success.jsp</result> * <result name="damm">damm.jsp</result> * </action> * * </package> * </xwork> * <!-- END SNIPPET: example2 --> * </pre> * * @author Matthew E. Porter (matthew dot porter at metissian dot com) * @author Claus Ibsen */ public class ExceptionMappingInterceptor extends AbstractInterceptor { private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(ExceptionMappingInterceptor.class); protected Logger categoryLogger; protected boolean logEnabled = false; protected String logCategory; protected String logLevel; public boolean isLogEnabled() { return logEnabled; } public void setLogEnabled(boolean logEnabled) { this.logEnabled = logEnabled; } public String getLogCategory() { return logCategory; } public void setLogCategory(String logCatgory) { this.logCategory = logCatgory; } public String getLogLevel() { return logLevel; } public void setLogLevel(String logLevel) { this.logLevel = logLevel; } @Override public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception { String result; try { result = invocation.invoke(); } catch (Exception e) { if (isLogEnabled()) { handleLogging(e); } List<ExceptionMappingConfig> exceptionMappings = invocation.getProxy().getConfig().getExceptionMappings(); ExceptionMappingConfig mappingConfig = this.findMappingFromExceptions(exceptionMappings, e); if (mappingConfig != null && mappingConfig.getResult()!=null) { Map<String, String> mappingParams = mappingConfig.getParams(); // create a mutable HashMap since some interceptors will remove parameters, and parameterMap is immutable HttpParameters parameters = HttpParameters.create(mappingParams).build(); invocation.getInvocationContext().setParameters(parameters); result = mappingConfig.getResult(); publishException(invocation, new ExceptionHolder(e)); } else { throw e; } } return result; } /** * Handles the logging of the exception. * * @param e the exception to log. */ protected void handleLogging(Exception e) { if (logCategory != null) { if (categoryLogger == null) { // init category logger categoryLogger = LogManager.getLogger(logCategory); } doLog(categoryLogger, e); } else { doLog(LOG, e); } } /** * Performs the actual logging. * * @param logger the provided logger to use. * @param e the exception to log. */ protected void doLog(Logger logger, Exception e) { if (logLevel == null) { logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e); return; } if ("trace".equalsIgnoreCase(logLevel)) { logger.trace(e.getMessage(), e); } else if ("debug".equalsIgnoreCase(logLevel)) { logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } else if ("info".equalsIgnoreCase(logLevel)) { logger.info(e.getMessage(), e); } else if ("warn".equalsIgnoreCase(logLevel)) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } else if ("error".equalsIgnoreCase(logLevel)) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } else if ("fatal".equalsIgnoreCase(logLevel)) { logger.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("LogLevel [" + logLevel + "] is not supported"); } } /** * Try to find appropriate {@link ExceptionMappingConfig} based on provided Throwable * * @param exceptionMappings list of defined exception mappings * @param t caught exception * @return appropriate mapping or null */ protected ExceptionMappingConfig findMappingFromExceptions(List<ExceptionMappingConfig> exceptionMappings, Throwable t) { ExceptionMappingConfig config = null; // Check for specific exception mappings. if (exceptionMappings != null) { int deepest = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (Object exceptionMapping : exceptionMappings) { ExceptionMappingConfig exceptionMappingConfig = (ExceptionMappingConfig) exceptionMapping; int depth = getDepth(exceptionMappingConfig.getExceptionClassName(), t); if (depth >= 0 && depth < deepest) { deepest = depth; config = exceptionMappingConfig; } } } return config; } /** * Return the depth to the superclass matching. 0 means ex matches exactly. Returns -1 if there's no match. * Otherwise, returns depth. Lowest depth wins. * * @param exceptionMapping the mapping classname * @param t the cause * @return the depth, if not found -1 is returned. */ public int getDepth(String exceptionMapping, Throwable t) { return getDepth(exceptionMapping, t.getClass(), 0); } private int getDepth(String exceptionMapping, Class exceptionClass, int depth) { if (exceptionClass.getName().contains(exceptionMapping)) { // Found it! return depth; } // If we've gone as far as we can go and haven't found it... if (exceptionClass.equals(Throwable.class)) { return -1; } return getDepth(exceptionMapping, exceptionClass.getSuperclass(), depth + 1); } /** * Default implementation to handle ExceptionHolder publishing. Pushes given ExceptionHolder on the stack. * Subclasses may override this to customize publishing. * * @param invocation The invocation to publish Exception for. * @param exceptionHolder The exceptionHolder wrapping the Exception to publish. */ protected void publishException(ActionInvocation invocation, ExceptionHolder exceptionHolder) { invocation.getStack().push(exceptionHolder); } }