/* * Copyright 2002-2006,2009 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.opensymphony.xwork2; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.ValidationAware; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.*; /** * Provides a default implementation of ValidationAware. Returns new collections for * errors and messages (defensive copy). * * @author Jason Carreira * @author tm_jee * @version $Date$ $Id$ */ public class ValidationAwareSupport implements ValidationAware, Serializable { private Collection<String> actionErrors; private Collection<String> actionMessages; private Map<String, List<String>> fieldErrors; public synchronized void setActionErrors(Collection<String> errorMessages) { this.actionErrors = errorMessages; } public synchronized Collection<String> getActionErrors() { return new LinkedList<>(internalGetActionErrors()); } public synchronized void setActionMessages(Collection<String> messages) { this.actionMessages = messages; } public synchronized Collection<String> getActionMessages() { return new LinkedList<>(internalGetActionMessages()); } public synchronized void setFieldErrors(Map<String, List<String>> errorMap) { this.fieldErrors = errorMap; } public synchronized Map<String, List<String>> getFieldErrors() { return new LinkedHashMap<>(internalGetFieldErrors()); } public synchronized void addActionError(String anErrorMessage) { internalGetActionErrors().add(anErrorMessage); } public synchronized void addActionMessage(String aMessage) { internalGetActionMessages().add(aMessage); } public synchronized void addFieldError(String fieldName, String errorMessage) { final Map<String, List<String>> errors = internalGetFieldErrors(); List<String> thisFieldErrors = errors.get(fieldName); if (thisFieldErrors == null) { thisFieldErrors = new ArrayList<>(); errors.put(fieldName, thisFieldErrors); } thisFieldErrors.add(errorMessage); } public synchronized boolean hasActionErrors() { return (actionErrors != null) && !actionErrors.isEmpty(); } public synchronized boolean hasActionMessages() { return (actionMessages != null) && !actionMessages.isEmpty(); } public synchronized boolean hasErrors() { return (hasActionErrors() || hasFieldErrors()); } public synchronized boolean hasFieldErrors() { return (fieldErrors != null) && !fieldErrors.isEmpty(); } private Collection<String> internalGetActionErrors() { if (actionErrors == null) { actionErrors = new ArrayList<>(); } return actionErrors; } private Collection<String> internalGetActionMessages() { if (actionMessages == null) { actionMessages = new ArrayList<>(); } return actionMessages; } private Map<String, List<String>> internalGetFieldErrors() { if (fieldErrors == null) { fieldErrors = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } return fieldErrors; } /** * Clears field errors map. * * <p> * Will clear the map that contains field errors. * </p> */ public synchronized void clearFieldErrors() { internalGetFieldErrors().clear(); } /** * Clears action errors list. * * <p> * Will clear the list that contains action errors. * </p> */ public synchronized void clearActionErrors() { internalGetActionErrors().clear(); } /** * Clears messages list. * * <p> * Will clear the list that contains action messages. * </p> */ public synchronized void clearMessages() { internalGetActionMessages().clear(); } /** * Clears all error list/maps. * * <p> * Will clear the map and list that contain * field errors and action errors. * </p> */ public synchronized void clearErrors() { internalGetFieldErrors().clear(); internalGetActionErrors().clear(); } /** * Clears all error and messages list/maps. * * <p> * Will clear the maps/lists that contain * field errors, action errors and action messages. * </p> */ public synchronized void clearErrorsAndMessages() { internalGetFieldErrors().clear(); internalGetActionErrors().clear(); internalGetActionMessages().clear(); } }