package fr.inria.diversify.logger.stack; import fr.inria.diversify.logger.stack.diff.TestReport; import fr.inria.diversify.logger.stack.stackElement.StackTraceCall; import fr.inria.diversify.logger.stack.stackTraceOperation.StackTrace; import java.util.*; /** * Created by Simon on 23/07/14. */ public abstract class AbstractCompareStackTrace { protected StackTrace originalStackTrace; protected StackTrace sosieStackTrace; protected TestReport testReport; //used for ComparePartialStackTrace public static int maxPop = 0; public AbstractCompareStackTrace(StackTrace st1, StackTrace st2) { originalStackTrace = st1; sosieStackTrace = st2; testReport = new TestReport(); } public abstract List<String> findDiff(); protected Set<String> varDiff(StackTrace st1, StackTrace st2) { Set<String> diff = new HashSet(); Map<String, Object> v1 = st1.getVariable(); Map<String, Object> v2 = st2.getVariable(); for(String key : v1.keySet()) { Object value = v1.get(key); Object value2 = v2.get(key); if(value2 == null || !value.equals(value2)) { diff.add(st1.getTop().getClassName() + ":" + key); } } for(String key : v2.keySet()) { Object value = v2.get(key); Object value1 = v1.get(key); if(value1 == null || !value.equals(value1)) { diff.add(st1.getTop().getClassName() + ":" + key); } } testReport.updateVar(v1, st1.getTop()); testReport.updateVarDiff(diff); return diff; } protected int findNewSyncro(int maxOperation, int syncroRange, StackTrace st1, StackTrace st2) { int count1 = 0; int count2 = 0; List<StackTraceCall> callDiff1 = new ArrayList<>(); List<StackTraceCall> callDiff2 = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i = 0; i < maxOperation; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < maxOperation - i; j++) { if(st1.getTop().equals(st2.getTop()) && isSameForXOperation(syncroRange, st1, st2)) { testReport.addAllDiffMethodCall(callDiff1); testReport.addAllDiffMethodCall(callDiff2); return Math.abs(count1 - count2); } else if(st1.hasNext()) { count1++; callDiff1.add(st1.getTop());; } } st1.previous(count1); callDiff1.clear(); count1 = 0; if(st2.hasNext()) { count2++; callDiff2.add(st2.getTop());; } } st2.previous(count2); return Math.abs(count1 - count2); } protected void debug(StackTrace st1) { } protected boolean isSameForXOperation(int x, StackTrace st1, StackTrace st2) { if(st1.getDeep() != st2.getDeep()) return false; int undo = 0; boolean same = true; for (int count = 0; count < x; count++) { if (st1.hasNext() && st2.hasNext()) { undo++;;; if (!originalStackTrace.getTop().equals(sosieStackTrace.getTop())) { same = false; break; } } } st1.previous(undo); st2.previous(undo); return same; } protected void nextVar(StackTrace stackTrace, Set<Integer> methods) { if(methods.contains(stackTrace.getTop().getId())) { //we do not log the varibles of a sosified method Map<String, Object> vars = new HashMap(stackTrace.getVariable());; stackTrace.getVariable().clear(); stackTrace.getVariable().putAll(vars); } else {; } } public TestReport getTestReport() { return testReport; } }