package fr.inria.diversify.diversification; import fr.inria.diversify.buildSystem.maven.MavenBuilder; import fr.inria.diversify.statistic.SinglePointSessionResults; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.Transformation; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.ast.ASTTransformation; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.ast.exception.ApplyTransformationException; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.ast.exception.BuildTransplantException; import fr.inria.diversify.util.InitUtils; import fr.inria.diversify.util.Log; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; /** * Created by Simon on 20/08/14. */ public class GHDiversify extends AbstractDiversify { /** * Indicates if we also apply the parent transformation */ protected boolean withParent = false; /** * Indicates if we set the accepted errors for the parent */ protected boolean acceptedErrors = false; String scriptBefore; String scriptAfter ; String testProject; public GHDiversify(InputConfiguration inputConfiguration, String projectDir, String srcDir, String scriptBefore, String scriptAfter, String testProject) { this.sourceDir = srcDir; this.projectDir = projectDir; transformations = new ArrayList<>(); this.inputConfiguration = inputConfiguration; sessionResults = new SinglePointSessionResults(); this.scriptBefore = scriptBefore; this.scriptAfter = scriptAfter; this.testProject = testProject; } @Override public void run(int n) throws Exception { if(n > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { run(transQuery.query()); } } else { while (transQuery.hasNextTransformation()) { run(transQuery.query()); } } } public void run(Collection<Transformation> trans) throws Exception { for(Transformation transformation: trans) { run(transformation); }"session result: {}", sessionResults); } protected void run(Transformation trans) throws Exception {"trial {}", trial); Log.debug("output dir: " + tmpDir + "/" + sourceDir); // writePosition(tmpDir + "/transplant.json", (ASTTransformation) trans); try { applyTransformation(trans); try { transformations.add(trans); int status = runTest(tmpDir); trans.setStatus(status); trans.setFailures(builder.getTestFail()); if (status == 0) { trans.setStatus(runOtherTest()); } // error during runTest } catch (Exception e) { trans.setStatus(-2); Log.debug("compile error during diversification", e); } trial++; trans.restore(tmpDir + "/" + sourceDir); ((SinglePointSessionResults) sessionResults).addRunResults(trans); } catch (ApplyTransformationException e) { tryRestore(trans,e); } catch (BuildTransplantException e) {} } protected int runOtherTest() throws InterruptedException, IOException { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh " + scriptBefore); p.waitFor(); // // inputConfiguration = new InputConfiguration(testProject); // InputProgram testInputProgram = InitUtils.initInputProgram(inputConfiguration); String[] phases = new String[]{"clean", "test"}; MavenBuilder rb = new MavenBuilder(testProject); rb.setGoals(phases); rb.setTimeOut(1000); rb.runBuilder();"status: " + rb.getStatus() + ", compile error: " + rb.getCompileError() + ", run all test: " + rb.allTestRun() + ", nb error: " + builder.getTestFail().size()); p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sh " + scriptAfter); p.waitFor(); return rb.getStatus(); } protected void applyTransformation(Transformation trans) throws Exception { if(withParent) { if(acceptedErrors) { builder.setAcceptedErrors(trans.getParent().getFailures()); } trans.applyWithParent(tmpDir + "/" + sourceDir); } else { trans.apply(tmpDir + "/" + sourceDir); } } protected void writePosition(String fileName, ASTTransformation transformation) throws IOException { FileWriter out = new FileWriter(fileName); String className = transformation.classLocationName(); int line = transformation.getTransplantationPoint().getCtCodeFragment().getPosition().getLine(); out.write("{\"Position\": \""+ className+ ":"+ line +"\"}"); out.close(); } public void setWithParent(boolean withParent) { this.withParent = withParent; } public void setAcceptedErrors(boolean acceptedErrors) { this.acceptedErrors = acceptedErrors; } }