package fr.inria.diversify.sosie; import fr.inria.diversify.diversification.InputProgram; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.Transformation; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.TransformationJsonParser; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.TransformationParserException; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Properties; /** * A class to create a pool of sosies from a transformation directory * <p/> * Created by marodrig on 19/06/2014. */ public class SosiePoolCreator { InputProgram inputProgram; private Properties properties; public Properties getProperties() { return properties; } public void setProperties(Properties properties) { = properties; } public SosiePoolCreator(InputProgram inputProgram) { this.inputProgram = inputProgram; setProperties(new Properties()); //Collecto only sosies, this is for the parser and should not be getProperties().setProperty("status", "0"); //Types fo transformations that we want by default getProperties().setProperty("type", "adrStmt"); //Names of the transformations that we want by default getProperties().setProperty("name", "replace replaceRandom replaceReaction replaceWittgenstein replaceSteroid delete"); } /** * Test if two transformations defined by their JSONObjects are equals * * @param a A transformation defined by a JSONObject * @param b Another transformation defined by a JSONObject * @return True if they are equals */ private boolean different(JSONObject a, JSONObject b) throws JSONException { boolean result = a.get("position").equals(b.get("position")) && a.get("sourceCode").equals(b.get("sourceCode")) && a.get("type").equals(b.get("type")); return !result; } /** * Clean the sosies to avoid repreated sosies * * @param sosies */ private JSONArray cleanRepeated(JSONArray sosies) throws JSONException { JSONArray nonRepeated = new JSONArray(); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sosies.length(); i++) { boolean insert = true; JSONObject a = sosies.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject pa = a.getJSONObject("transplantationPoint"); JSONObject ta = a.has("transplant") ? a.getJSONObject("transplant") : null; //Test that the Transplantation Point and the Transplantation are different if (ta == null || different(pa, ta)) { for (int j = 0; j < nonRepeated.length() && insert; j++) { JSONObject b = nonRepeated.getJSONObject(j); insert = different( a.getJSONObject("transplantationPoint"), b.getJSONObject("transplantationPoint")); insert = insert || (a.has("transplant") != b.has("transplant")); if (!insert && a.has("transplant")) { insert = different( a.getJSONObject("transplant"), b.getJSONObject("transplant")); } } } if (insert) { JSONObject obj = sosies.getJSONObject(i); index++; obj.put("tindex", index); nonRepeated.put(sosies.get(i)); } } return nonRepeated; } /** * Creates the pool of transformations */ public void create(String outputFile) throws TransformationParserException { try { //Check that all what we need is OK to fetch the transformations if (inputProgram.getPreviousTransformationsPath() == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Input program has no previous transformation information"); } TransformationJsonParser parser = new TransformationJsonParser(false, inputProgram); //Collecto only sosies, this is for the parser and should not be changed. // Overwrite in case the user has changed this. getProperties().setProperty("status", "0"); parser.setFilterProperties(properties); Collection<Transformation> ts; File f = new File(inputProgram.getPreviousTransformationsPath()); if (f.isDirectory()) { ts = parser.parseDir(inputProgram.getPreviousTransformationsPath()); } else { ts = parser.parseFile(f); } int index = 0; JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (Transformation t : ts) { //Allow only sosies if (t.isSosie()) { //Avoid repeated transformations boolean unique = true; JSONObject transJson = t.toJSONObject(); while (unique && array.length() > index) { unique = !transJson.toString().equals(array.getJSONObject(index).toString()); index++; } String type = getProperties().getProperty("type", ""); String names = getProperties().getProperty("name", ""); if (unique && (type.equals("") || transJson.get("type").equals(type)) && (names.equals("") || names.contains((String) transJson.get("name")))) { array.put(transJson); transJson.put("tindex", index); index++; } } } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputFile); JSONArray noRepeated = cleanRepeated(array); noRepeated.write(fw); fw.close(); } catch (JSONException | IOException e) { throw new TransformationParserException(e); } } }