package fr.inria.diversify.statistic; import fr.inria.diversify.transformation.Transformation; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; /** * Class to store information of a session (i.e several runs of a Diversified program) * <p/> * Created by marcel on 22/06/14. */ public class SessionResults extends AbstractSessionResults { private HashMap<Integer, int[]> runsPerSize; //Max incremental series number private int maxSeries = Integer.MIN_VALUE; /** * Transformation size of a Run Result. As for now this number is constant during the whole session */ //private int transformationSize; /** * List of results for every run in this session. * <p/> * Note: do not expose runResults. Some calculations are made when adding and removing results and can be affected * if the array is exposed, i.e witha getRunResults method or similar. */ private HashMap<String, RunResults> runResults; //Build reports for the transformations private HashMap<String, String> buildReportsPath; //Build reports for the json files private HashMap<String, String> jsonFilesPath; /** * Add a run result * * @param results */ public void addRunResults(RunResults results, String jsonFilePath, String buildPath) { //runResults.add(results); int[] r; if (!runsPerSize.containsKey(results.getTransformationSize())) { r = new int[4]; Arrays.fill(r, 0); runsPerSize.put(results.getTransformationSize(), r); } else { r = runsPerSize.get(results.getTransformationSize()); } if (results.getStatus() == 0) { sosieCount++; r[0]++; } else if (results.getStatus() == -1) { testFailedCount++; r[1]++; } else if (results.getStatus() == -2) { compileFailedCount++; r[2]++; } r[3]++; maxSeries = maxSeries < results.getIncrementalSeries() ? results.getIncrementalSeries() : maxSeries; //maxSize = maxSize < results.getTransformationSize() ? results.getTransformationSize() : maxSize; String s = results.getTransformationSize() + ";" + results.getIncrementalSeries(); runResults.put(s, results); buildReportsPath.put(s, buildPath); jsonFilesPath.put(s,jsonFilePath); } public SessionResults() { sosieCount = 0; testFailedCount = 0; compileFailedCount = 0; DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy-HH-mm"); Date date = new Date(); beginTime = dateFormat.format(date); runsPerSize = new HashMap<>(); name = "uknown project"; runResults = new HashMap<>(); buildReportsPath = new HashMap<>(); jsonFilesPath = new HashMap<>(); } /** * Save a text report of the session behavior. * * @param report */ public void saveReport(String report) throws IOException { File f = new File(report); FileWriter fw = null; try { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); out.append("<!DOCTYPE html>"); out.append("<html>"); out.append("<head>"); out.append("<title>Execution Queue</title>"); out.append("<style> table,th,td { border:1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse } </style>"); out.append("</head>"); out.append("<body>"); try { //Build the series table ArrayList<Integer> sizes = new ArrayList<>(runsPerSize.keySet()); Collections.sort(sizes); //Build the resume table StringBuilder tbl = new StringBuilder(); tbl.append("<table style=\"width:300px\">"). append("<tr>"). append("<th>Transformation size</th>"). append("<th>Total trials</th>"). append("<th>Sosies</th>"). append("<th>Build failures</th>"). append("<th>Compilation errors</th>"). append("</tr>"); for (int key : sizes) { int[] r = runsPerSize.get(key); tbl.append("<tr><td>"). append(key).append("</td><td>"). append(r[3]).append("</td><td>"). append(r[0]).append("</td><td>"). append(r[1]).append("</td><td>"). append(r[2]).append("</td></tr>"); } tbl.append("</table>"); out.append("<p>").append(getName()).append("</p>"); out.append(tbl); out.append("<ul><li>Sosie total:").append(sosieCount).append("</li>"); out.append("<li>Failure total:").append(testFailedCount).append("</li>"); out.append("<li>Compilation errors:").append(compileFailedCount).append("</li></ul>"); StringBuilder tbl2 = new StringBuilder("<table>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <th>Status</th>\n" + " <th>Color</th>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td>OK</td>\n" + " <td bgcolor=\"#44DD44\"></td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td>Test failed</td>\n" + " <td bgcolor=\"#FFDD44\"></td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td>Build failed</td>\n" + " <td bgcolor=\"#EE4444\"></td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td>Exception</td>\n" + " <td bgcolor=\"#BB8888\"></td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td>No tested</td>\n" + " <td bgcolor=\"#FF88FF\"></td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + "</table>"); tbl2.append("<table> <tr> <th>ID</th>"); for (int row = 0; row < sizes.size(); row++) { tbl2.append("<th>").append(sizes.get(row)).append("</th>"); } tbl2.append("</tr>"); tbl2.append("<p>Legend</p>"); for (int row = 0; row <= maxSeries; row++) { tbl2.append("<tr>"); tbl2.append("<td>").append(row).append("</td>"); for (int col = 0; col < sizes.size(); col++) { String color = "#FFFFFF"; String[] colors = {"#44DD44", "#FFDD44", "#EE4444", "#BB8888", "#FF88FF"}; String k = sizes.get(col) + ";" + row; if (runResults.containsKey(k)) { RunResults r = runResults.get(k); int sIndex = r.getStatus(); if (sIndex <= 0 && sIndex >= Transformation.EXCEPTION) { color = colors[Math.abs(sIndex)]; tbl2.append("<td bgcolor="). append(color). append("> SZ:"). append(r.getTransformationSize()). append(" ID:"). append(r.getIncrementalSeries()). append(" <a href=/"). append(buildReportsPath.get(k)). append(">Build</a>"). append(" <a href=/"). append(jsonFilesPath.get(k)). append(">JSON</a>"); } } else { tbl2.append("<td>"); } tbl2.append("</td>"); } tbl2.append("</tr>"); } out.append(tbl2); } catch (Exception e) { out.append("Ups! Something went wrong: "). append(e.getClass().toString()). append(" "). append(e.getMessage()); } out.append("</body>"); out.append("</html>"); fw = new FileWriter(f); fw.write(out.toString()); } finally { if (fw != null) fw.close(); } } }