* Copyright (c) 2007, 2014 compeople AG and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* compeople AG - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.riena.ui.ridgets;
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.eclipse.riena.ui.common.ISortableByColumn;
* Ridget for a tree table.
public interface ITreeTableRidget extends ITreeRidget, ISortableByColumn {
* Creates a binding between the Tree Ridget and the specified treeRoots.
* <p>
* Each tree element must have an accessor that provides a list of children
* (List), an accessor that provides a parent (null for the a root element)
* and an accessor that provides a value (Object) for each child. It is
* assumed that the rootElement and all children are of the same type.
* <p>
* Example:
* <pre>
* MyType[] rootElements = { root1 };
* String[] valueAccessors = { "fistname" ,"lastname" };
* String[] columnHeaders = { "First Name", "Last Name" }
* treeRidget.bind(rootElements, MyType.class, "children",
* "parent", valueAccessors, columnHeaders);
* </pre>
* <p>
* In the example above MyType must have the methods specified in the
* bind(...) invocation, i.e.: getChildren(), getParent(), getFirstname(),
* getLastname(). It is suggested that MyType follows the 'beans' convention
* by providing add / removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener)
* methods and firing events on containment or value modifications. This
* will keep the tree in sync automatically. Otherwise
* {@link #updateFromModel()} has to be called to resync.
* <p>
* Note that invoking this method will discard any queued expand/collapse
* operations on the ridget.
* @param treeRoots
* the root elements of the tree (non-null, non-empty).
* @param treeElementClass
* the type of the elements in the tree (i.e. for treeRoot and
* all children).
* @param childrenAccessor
* a non-null, non-empty String specifying an accessor for
* obtaining a List of children from an object in the tree. For
* example "children" specifies "getChildren()". The returned
* children will be shown underneath their parent.
* @param parentAccessor
* a non-null, non-empty String specifying an accessor for
* obtaining the parent Object from an object in the tree. The
* accessor is allowed to return null for root elements. For
* example "parent" specifies "getParent()". The parents are used
* when determining the correct way to expand or collapse a tree
* element.
* @param valueAccessors
* a non-null; non-empty array of Strings. Each String specifies
* an accessor for obtaining an Object value from each child
* object (example "value" specifies "getValue()"). The order in
* the array corresponds to the initial order of the columns,
* i.e. the 1st accessor will be used for column one/the tree,
* the 2nd for column two, the 3rd for column three and so on.
* @param columnHeaders
* The titles of the columns to be displayed in the table header.
* May be null if no headers should be shown for this table.
* Individual array entries may be null, which will show an empty
* title in the header of that column.
* @throws RuntimeException
* when columnHeaders is non-null and the the number of
* columnHeaders does not match the number of
* columnPropertyNames
void bindToModel(Object[] treeRoots, Class<? extends Object> treeElementClass, String childrenAccessor,
String parentAccessor, String[] valueAccessors, String[] columnHeaders);
* Set the {@link Comparator} to be used when sorting column at columnIndex.
* @param columnIndex
* a columnIndex in the allowed range: ( 0 <= columnIndex <
* numColumns )
* @param comparator
* a Comparator instance; may be null
* @throws RuntimeException
* if columnIndex is out of range
void setComparator(int columnIndex, Comparator<Object> comparator);
* Set the {@link ColumnFormatter} to be used for the column at columnIndex.
* <p>
* Note: changing column formatters on a table ridget that is already bound
* to a model, requires calling {@link #updateFromModel()} to apply the new
* format.
* @param columnIndex
* a columnIndex in the allowed range ( 0 <= columnIndex <
* numColumns )
* @param formatter
* an IColumnFormatter instance; null removes the previously used
* formatter from the selected column
void setColumnFormatter(int columnIndex, IColumnFormatter formatter);
* Adjust the column widths of the ridget's tree control according to the
* information in the {@code widths} array.
* <p>
* When running on SWT: {@code widths} may only contain sublasses of
* ColumnLayoutData. The following layout managers are supported:
* TableLayout, TreeColumnLayout, other. See ColumnUtils for implementation
* details.
* @param widths
* an Array with width information, one instance per column. The
* array may be null, in that case the available width is
* distributed equally to all columns
* @since 1.2
void setColumnWidths(Object[] widths);