* Copyright (c) 2007, 2014 compeople AG and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* compeople AG - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.riena.ui.ridgets;
import org.eclipse.riena.ui.core.marker.MandatoryMarker;
* Delegate for {@link IMasterDetailsRidget}, responsible for driving the
* details area by:
* <ul>
* <li>configuring the ridgets for the details area</li>
* <li>creating object instances for the master table</li>
* <li>creating object instances for the details area</li>
* <li>updating the details area from a value from the master table</li>
* <li>updating a value in the master table from the details area</li>
* <li>deciding if data in the details area has been changed</li>
* <li>deciding if data in the details area is valid</li>
* <li>optionally – participating at life-cycle events, such as selection,
* creation, apply and removal</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* It is recommended to extend AbstractMasterDetailsDelegate instead of
* implementing the interface yourself.
* <p>
* Developers using a {@link IMasterDetailsRidget} must introduce an appropriate
* implementation of this interface to the ridget, by invoking
* {@link IMasterDetailsRidget#setDelegate(IMasterDetailsDelegate)}.
* <p>
* @see AbstractMasterDetailsDelegate
* */
public interface IMasterDetailsDelegate {
* This method is called once, after all ridgets are injected.
* <p>
* Implementors must use this method to bind the ridgets from the details
* area to the appropriate data. The recommended approach is to create an
* instance of the working copy object and bind that instance to the
* ridgets. The bound instance should remain the same over the lifetime of
* the delegate (see {@link #getWorkingCopy()}). It should be updated as
* necessary (see {@link #updateDetails(IRidgetContainer)}).
* @param container
* an IRidgetContainer container that holds the ridgets available
* to the delegate. Invoke {@code container#getRidget(String id)}
* to obtain a reference to a ridget with that id. Never null.
void configureRidgets(IRidgetContainer container);
* Create a 'master entry' instance. The object represents the model driving
* the master area (i.e. a row entry in the table).
* <p>
* The 'master entry' is always an instance of the '{@code rowClass'}
* specified in the {@code bindToModel(...)} method of the corresponding
* {@link IMasterDetailsRidget}. Note that the copyXXX() methods in this
* interface must be able to work with the type returned by this method.
* @return an Object; never null.
* @see IMasterDetailsRidget#bindToModel(org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.IObservableList,
* Class, String[], String[])
* @see IMasterDetailsRidget#bindToModel(Object, String, Class, String[],
* String[])
* @since 3.0
Object createMasterEntry();
* Creates a 'working copy' instance. The object represents the model
* driving the details area.
* <p>
* The 'working copy' any type but is typically an instance of the
* 'rowClass' specified in the {@code bindToModel(...) } method of the
* corresponding {@link IMasterDetailsRidget}. Note that the copyXXX()
* methods in this interface must be able to work with the type returned by
* this method.
* @return an Object; never null.
* @see IMasterDetailsRidget#bindToModel(org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.IObservableList,
* Class, String[], String[])
* @see IMasterDetailsRidget#bindToModel(Object, String, Class, String[],
* String[])
Object createWorkingCopy();
* Copies the content of the source object into the target object.
* Implementors only need to copy attributes that can be modified in the
* details area.
* <p>
* Notes:
* <ul>
* <li>if the same type is returned by {@link #createMasterEntry()} and
* {@link #createWorkingCopy()}: implement {@link #copyBean(Object, Object)}
* and ignore the other copy-methods</li>
* <li>if different types are returned by {@link #createMasterEntry()} and
* {@link #createWorkingCopy()}: implement
* {@link #copyMasterEntry(Object, Object)} and
* {@link #copyWorkingCopy(Object, Object)} and ignore
* {@link #copyBean(Object, Object)}</li>
* </ul>
* @param source
* The source object; never null
* @param target
* The target object; never null
* @return the target object; never null.
Object copyBean(Object source, Object target);
* Copies the content of a 'master entry' into a 'working copy'.
* <p>
* The 'master entry' is an instance of the '{@code rowClass'} specified in
* {@code bindToModel(...)} method of the corresponding
* {@link IMasterDetailsRidget}. The 'working copy' is the type used to
* store the content of the details area.
* <p>
* Notes:
* <ul>
* <li>if the same type is returned by {@link #createMasterEntry()} and
* {@link #createWorkingCopy()}: implement {@link #copyBean(Object, Object)}
* and ignore the other copy-methods</li>
* <li>if different types are returned by {@link #createMasterEntry()} and
* {@link #createWorkingCopy()}: implement
* {@link #copyMasterEntry(Object, Object)} and
* {@link #copyWorkingCopy(Object, Object)} and ignore
* {@link #copyBean(Object, Object)}</li>
* </ul>
* @param masterEntry
* a source object of the type created by
* {@link #createMasterEntry()}; never null.
* @param workingCopy
* a target object of the type created by
* {@link #createWorkingCopy()}; never null.
* @since 3.0
Object copyMasterEntry(Object masterEntry, Object workingCopy);
* Copies the content of a 'working copy' into a 'master entry'.
* <p>
* The 'master entry' is an instance of the '{@code rowClass'} specified in
* {@code bindToModel(...)} method of the corresponding
* {@link IMasterDetailsRidget}. The 'working copy' is the type used to
* store the content of the details area.
* <p>
* Notes:
* <ul>
* <li>if the same type is returned by {@link #createMasterEntry()} and
* {@link #createWorkingCopy()}: implement {@link #copyBean(Object, Object)}
* and ignore the other copy-methods</li>
* <li>if different types are returned by {@link #createMasterEntry()} and
* {@link #createWorkingCopy()}: implement
* {@link #copyMasterEntry(Object, Object)} and
* {@link #copyWorkingCopy(Object, Object)} and ignore
* {@link #copyBean(Object, Object)}</li>
* </ul>
* @param workingCopy
* a source object of the type created by
* {@link #createWorkingCopy()}; never null.
* @param masterEntry
* a target object of the type created by
* {@link #createMasterEntry()}; never null.
* @since 3.0
Object copyWorkingCopy(Object workingCopy, Object masterEntry);
* Returns the 'working copy' object. This object represents the model
* driving the details area.
* <p>
* It is recommended that the instance returned by this method stays the
* same over the lifetime of the delegate (i.e. always return the same
* instance).
* @return an Object; never null
* @see IMasterDetailsRidget#bindToModel(org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.IObservableList,
* Class, String[], String[])
* @see IMasterDetailsRidget#bindToModel(Object, String, Class, String[],
* String[])
Object getWorkingCopy();
* Returns true, if there there is a difference between the two objects,
* with respect to the data that is editable in the details area. Returns
* false is both objects are the equal, with respect to that data.
* <p>
* The return value determines the enablement state of the 'update' button
* in the {@link IMasterDetailsRidget}.
* <p>
* The minimal recommended implementation of this method is:
* <pre>
* public boolean isChanged(Object source, Object target) {
* return true;
* }
* </pre>
* @param source
* the source object; never null. Holds the original values
* @param target
* the target object; never null. Holds the latest values from
* the details area.
* @return true if there is a difference between {@code source} and
* {@code target}; otherwise false
boolean isChanged(Object source, Object target);
* Returns null if the current item can be removed.
* <p>
* If removal is not possible, a non-null explaining the reason is returned
* and shown to the user.
* @param item
* the item behind the master row. Can never be null.
* @return null if the item is removable; otherwise an error message when
* removal is not possible.
* @since 2.0
String isRemovable(Object item);
* Returns null, if the data in details area (i.e. working copy) is valid.
* This will be invoked before apply writes the data back from the details
* area into the model.
* <p>
* The minimal recommended implementation of this method is:
* <pre>
* public String isValid() {
* return null;
* }
* </pre>
* @param container
* an IRidgetContainer container that holds the ridgets available
* to the delegate. Invoke {@code container#getRidget(String id)}
* to obtain a reference to a ridget with that id. Never null.
* @return null if the data is valid; an error message if the data is
* invalid
String isValid(IRidgetContainer container);
* When this method returns true, an enabled mandatory marker is added to
* all markable ridgets in the details area. The marker is removed
* automatically when an entry is changed or the 'Apply' action is invoked.
* <p>
* The method is evaluated before a new entry is made editable. This happens
* when the user invoked the 'New' action or when an entry is suggested via
* API.
* @param mdRidget
* the {@link IMasterDetailsRidget} associated with this
* delegate; never null.
* @return true to hide the global mandatory marker, false to show it
* @see MandatoryMarker
* @since 3.0
boolean isValidMaster(final IMasterDetailsRidget mdRidget);
* Updates all details from the model.
* <p>
* Typically this is called when the selection in the master/details ridget
* has changed. The {@link IMasterDetailsRidget} will first update the
* working copy by invoking {@code copyBean(selection, getWorkingCopy())}
* and then invoke this method.
* <p>
* The minimal recommended implementation of this method is:
* <pre>
* public void updateDetails(IRidgetContainer container) {
* for (IRidget ridget : container.getRidgets()) {
* ridget.updateFromModel();
* }
* }
* </pre>
* @param container
* an IRidgetContainer container that holds the ridgets available
* to the delegate. Invoke {@code container#getRidget(String id)}
* to obtain a reference to a ridget with that id. Never null.
void updateDetails(IRidgetContainer container);
* This method the <b>first</b> method called during an apply operation. It
* is invoked <b>before</b> any changes are made.
* @param selection
* the selected item behind the master row. Can never be null.
* @since 3.0
void prepareItemApplied(Object selection);
* This is the <b>first</b> method called when a row in the master table is
* selected. It will be called before any other methods of the delegate. The
* given <code>newSelection</code> is the selection.
* @param newSelection
* the selected item behind the master row. <b>May be null</b>,
* if nothing becomes selected
void prepareItemSelected(Object newSelection);
* This is the <b>last</b> method called when a row in the master table
* becomes selected. It will be called after any other methods of the
* delegate. The given <code>newSelection</code> is the selection.
* @param newSelection
* the selected item behind the master row. <b>May be null</b>,
* if nothing becomes selected
* @since 2.0
void itemSelected(Object newSelection);
* This method is called when a new item is created.
* @param newItem
* the added item behind the master row. Can never be null.
* @since 2.0
void itemCreated(Object newItem);
* This method is called when an item is removed from the master table.
* @param oldItem
* the removed item behind the master row. Can never be null.
* @since 2.0
void itemRemoved(Object oldItem);
* This method is called after a new master record changes are applied to an
* item.
* @param changedItem
* the changed item behind the master row. Can never be null.
* @since 2.0
void itemApplied(Object changedItem);
* Hook to provide safe control over the state of the
* {@link IMasterDetailsRidget} inner action ridgets (create, remove, apply)
* @param actionRidgetFacade
* facade for convenient access to {@link IActionRidget}s of the
* {@link IMasterDetailsRidget}
* @param selection
* the selected item behind the master row. <b>May be null</b>,
* if nothing is selected
* @since 3.0
void updateMasterDetailsActionRidgets(IMasterDetailsActionRidgetFacade actionRidgetFacade, Object selection);