* Copyright (c) 2007, 2014 compeople AG and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* compeople AG - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.riena.navigation;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.riena.core.marker.IMarker;
import org.eclipse.riena.navigation.model.NavigationNode;
* Manages the Navigation. Is called by a navigation node to navigate to it the
* navigation processor works with the INavigationNode. What does the navigation
* processor? The navigation processor decides how many nodes in his scope can
* be active at the same time -> the default navigation processor allows only
* one node of each type.
* @noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
public interface INavigationProcessor extends INavigationHistory, INavigationHistoryListenerable {
* Activates a node. Checks which other nodes have to be activated or
* deactivated before this node can be activated and calls the
* allowsDeactivate() and allowsActivate() methods.
* @see INavigationNode#activate()
* @see INavigationNode#allowsActivate(INavigationContext)
* @see INavigationNode#deactivate(INavigationContext)
* @see INavigationNode#allowsDeactivate(INavigationContext)
* @param toActivate
* The node to activate.
void activate(INavigationNode<?> toActivate);
* Prepares the given node.
* @param toPrepare
* the node to prepare
* @see INavigationNode#prepare()
* @since 2.0
void prepare(INavigationNode<?> toPrepare);
* Disposes a node. Checks which other nodes have to be disposed (children
* and maybe parents it the node is their only child) and calls the
* allowsDispose() methods.
* @see INavigationNode#dispose()
* @see INavigationNode#allowsDeactivate(INavigationContext)
* @param toDispose
* The node to dispose.
void dispose(INavigationNode<?> toDispose);
* Creates the specified navigation node and adds it to the application
* model if does not already exist.
* @param sourceNode
* An existing node in the application model tree.
* @param targetId
* ID of the node to create. Also refers to an extension point
* used to create the target node if it does not exist.
* @return target node
* @see INavigationAssembler
* @since 2.0
INavigationNode<?> create(INavigationNode<?> sourceNode, NavigationNodeId targetId);
* Creates the specified navigation node and adds it to the application
* model if does not already exist. Also adds the NavigationArgument to the
* node of the targetId.
* @param sourceNode
* An existing node in the application model tree.
* @param targetId
* ID of the node to create. Also refers to an extension point
* used to create the target node if it does not exist.
* @param argument
* Contains information passed on to the target node and/or used
* during its creation.
* @return target node
* @see INavigationAssembler
* @since 2.0
INavigationNode<?> create(INavigationNode<?> sourceNode, NavigationNodeId targetId, NavigationArgument argument);
* Moves the sourceNode to the node identified by the targetId. When moving
* a node as child to another keep in mind that you have to honor the strict
* type hierarchy of the nodes in the navigation model.
* @param sourceNode
* An existing node in the application model tree.
* @param targetId
* ID of the node where the sourceNode has to be added as child.
* @since 2.0
void move(INavigationNode<?> sourceNode, NavigationNodeId targetId);
* Navigates from the specified source node to the specified target node.
* The target node is created and added to the application model if no node
* with the specified id exists.
* @param sourceNode
* The source node.
* @param targetId
* ID of the target node. Also refers to an extension point used
* to create the target node if it does not exist.
* @param argument
* Contains information passed on to the target node and/or used
* during its creation.
* @return target node
* @see INavigationAssembler
* @since 2.0
INavigationNode<?> navigate(INavigationNode<?> sourceNode, NavigationNodeId targetId, NavigationArgument argument);
* Undoes the last navigate to the specified target node i.e. activates the
* last source node of a navigate(..)-call that lead to the activation of
* the target node.
* @param targetNode
* the navigation node whose last navigate should be undo
* @see #navigate(INavigationNode, NavigationNodeId, NavigationArgument)
void navigateBack(INavigationNode<?> targetNode);
* Jumps to the specified navigation node (Creates it if does not already
* exist). The source node of the jump is saved to allow later
* {@link #jumpBack(NavigationNodeId, NavigationArgument)}
* @param sourceNode
* The source node.
* @param targetId
* ID of the node to jump to. Also refers to an extension point
* describing the target node that is used to create it if it
* does not exist.
* @param argument
* Contains information passed on to the target node and/or used
* during its creation.
* @since 2.0
void jump(INavigationNode<?> sourceNode, NavigationNodeId targetId, NavigationArgument argument);
* Jumps back to the source node of the last jump to this node.
* @param sourceNode
* The source node.
* @see #getTentativeJumpBackTarget(INavigationNode)
* @since 2.0
void jumpBack(INavigationNode<?> sourceNode);
* Retrieve the {@link NavigationNode} which is the source node of the last jump to this node, <b>without jumping back</b>. This method may return
* <code>null</code>.
* @param sourceNode
* The source node.
* @return The node, which would be the jump target if the method {@link #jumpBack(INavigationNode)} was called, or <code>null</code>.
* @see #jumpBack(INavigationNode)
* @since 6.1
INavigationNode<?> getTentativeJumpBackTarget(INavigationNode<?> sourceNode);
* @param node
* The source node.
* @return True if the given {@link INavigationNode} has been jumped to.
* Otherwise false.
* @since 2.0
boolean isJumpTarget(INavigationNode<?> node);
* Adds the given {@link IJumpTargetListener}
* @param node
* The observed node
* @param listener
* The {@link IJumpTargetListener} to add
* @since 2.0
void addJumpTargetListener(INavigationNode<?> node, IJumpTargetListener listener);
* Removes the given {@link IJumpTargetListener}
* @param node
* The observed node
* @param listener
* The {@link IJumpTargetListener} to add
* @since 2.0
void removeJumpTargetListener(INavigationNode<?> node, IJumpTargetListener listener);
* Answers the currently selected navigation node in the NavigationTree
* @return the currently selected SubModuleNode in the NavigationTree or
* null
INavigationNode<?> getSelectedNode();
* Adds the given marker to the given navigation node.
* @param toMark
* navigation node
* @param marker
* marker that will be added
void addMarker(INavigationNode<?> toMark, IMarker marker);
* @since 3.0
void markNodesToCollapse(final INavigationNode<?> toActivate);
* Returns the history of navigation nodes.
* @return the history of navigation nodes.
* @since 3.0
List<INavigationNode<?>> getHistory();