package com.koushikdutta.ion.bitmap; import com.koushikdutta.async.util.LruCache; class LruBitmapCache extends LruCache<String, BitmapInfo> { private SoftReferenceHashtable<String, BitmapInfo> soft = new SoftReferenceHashtable<String, BitmapInfo>(); public void putSoft(String key, BitmapInfo value) { soft.put(key, value); } public LruBitmapCache(int maxSize) { super(maxSize); } @Override protected long sizeOf(String key, BitmapInfo info) { return info.sizeOf(); } public BitmapInfo getBitmapInfo(String key) { BitmapInfo ret = get(key); if (ret != null) return ret; ret = soft.remove(key); if (ret != null) put(key, ret); return ret; } public BitmapInfo removeBitmapInfo(String key) { BitmapInfo i1 = soft.remove(key); BitmapInfo i2 = remove(key); if (i2 != null) return i2; return i1; } public void evictAllBitmapInfo() { evictAll(); soft.clear(); } @Override protected void entryRemoved(boolean evicted, String key, BitmapInfo oldValue, BitmapInfo newValue) { super.entryRemoved(evicted, key, oldValue, newValue); // on eviction, put the bitmaps into the soft ref table if (evicted) soft.put(key, oldValue); } }