package com.koushikdutta.ion; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Looper; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.widget.ImageView; import com.koushikdutta.async.future.Future; import com.koushikdutta.ion.bitmap.BitmapInfo; import com.koushikdutta.ion.builder.AnimateGifMode; import com.koushikdutta.ion.builder.Builders; import com.koushikdutta.ion.builder.ImageViewFutureBuilder; import com.koushikdutta.ion.future.ImageViewFuture; /** * Created by koush on 7/4/14. */ public class IonImageViewRequestBuilder extends IonBitmapRequestBuilder implements Builders.IV.F, ImageViewFutureBuilder { Drawable placeholderDrawable; int placeholderResource; Drawable errorDrawable; int errorResource; Animation inAnimation; Animation loadAnimation; int loadAnimationResource; int inAnimationResource; ContextReference.ImageViewContextReference imageViewPostRef; boolean fadeIn = true; boolean crossfade; BitmapDrawableFactory bitmapDrawableFactory = BitmapDrawableFactory.DEFAULT; public IonImageViewRequestBuilder(IonRequestBuilder builder) { super(builder); } public IonImageViewRequestBuilder(Ion ion) { super(ion); } @Override void reset() { super.reset(); fadeIn = true; crossfade = false; imageViewPostRef = null; placeholderDrawable = null; bitmapDrawableFactory = BitmapDrawableFactory.DEFAULT; placeholderResource = 0; errorDrawable = null; errorResource = 0; inAnimation = null; inAnimationResource = 0; loadAnimation = null; loadAnimationResource = 0; } @Override protected IonRequestBuilder ensureBuilder() { if (builder == null) builder = new IonRequestBuilder(ContextReference.fromContext(imageViewPostRef.getContext().getApplicationContext()), ion); return builder; } @Override public ImageViewFuture load(String uri) { ensureBuilder(); builder.load(uri); return intoImageView(imageViewPostRef.get()); } @Override public Future<ImageView> load(String method, String url) { ensureBuilder(); builder.load(method, url); return intoImageView(imageViewPostRef.get()); } IonImageViewRequestBuilder withImageView(ImageView imageView) { if (imageViewPostRef == null || imageViewPostRef.get() != imageView) imageViewPostRef = new ContextReference.ImageViewContextReference(imageView); return this; } private IonDrawable setIonDrawable(ImageView imageView, BitmapFetcher bitmapFetcher, ResponseServedFrom servedFrom) { BitmapInfo info = null; if (bitmapFetcher != null) info =; if (info != null) bitmapFetcher = null; IonDrawable ret = IonDrawable.getOrCreateIonDrawable(imageView) .ion(ion) .setBitmap(info, servedFrom) .setBitmapFetcher(bitmapFetcher) .setRepeatAnimation(animateGifMode == AnimateGifMode.ANIMATE) .setSize(resizeWidth, resizeHeight) .setError(errorResource, errorDrawable) .setPlaceholder(placeholderResource, placeholderDrawable) .setFadeIn(fadeIn || crossfade) .setBitmapDrawableFactory(bitmapDrawableFactory) .updateLayers(); imageView.setImageDrawable(ret); return ret; } @Override public IonBitmapRequestBuilder fadeIn(boolean fadeIn) { this.fadeIn = fadeIn; return this; } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) private static boolean getAdjustViewBounds_16(ImageView imageView) { return imageView.getAdjustViewBounds(); } private static boolean getAdjustViewBounds(ImageView imageView) { return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN && getAdjustViewBounds_16(imageView); } @Override public ImageViewFuture intoImageView(ImageView imageView) { assert Thread.currentThread() == Looper.getMainLooper().getThread(); if (imageView == null) throw new NullPointerException("imageView"); // no uri? just set a placeholder and bail if (builder.uri == null) { setIonDrawable(imageView, null, ResponseServedFrom.LOADED_FROM_NETWORK).cancel(); return ImageViewFutureImpl.FUTURE_IMAGEVIEW_NULL_URI; } withImageView(imageView); if (crossfade) { Drawable drawable = imageView.getDrawable(); if (drawable instanceof IonDrawable) { IonDrawable ionDrawable = (IonDrawable)drawable; drawable = ionDrawable.getCurrentDrawable(); } placeholder(drawable); } int sampleWidth = resizeWidth; int sampleHeight = resizeHeight; // see if we need default transforms, or this if the imageview // will request the actual size on measure if (resizeHeight == 0 && resizeWidth == 0 && !getAdjustViewBounds(imageView)) { // set the sample size hints from the current dimensions // but don't actually apply a transform. // this may be zero, in which case IonDrawable // will eventually try again with real dimensions // during draw. sampleWidth = imageView.getMeasuredWidth(); sampleHeight = imageView.getMeasuredHeight(); } else { addDefaultTransform(); } // executeCache the request, see if we get a bitmap from cache. BitmapFetcher bitmapFetcher = executeCache(sampleWidth, sampleHeight); if ( != null) { doAnimation(imageView, null, 0); IonDrawable drawable = setIonDrawable(imageView, bitmapFetcher, ResponseServedFrom.LOADED_FROM_MEMORY); drawable.cancel(); ImageViewFutureImpl imageViewFuture = ImageViewFutureImpl.getOrCreateImageViewFuture(imageViewPostRef, drawable) .setInAnimation(inAnimation, inAnimationResource) .setScaleMode(scaleMode); ImageViewFutureImpl.applyScaleMode(imageView, scaleMode); imageViewFuture.reset(); imageViewFuture.setComplete(, imageView); return imageViewFuture; } IonDrawable drawable = setIonDrawable(imageView, bitmapFetcher, ResponseServedFrom.LOADED_FROM_NETWORK); doAnimation(imageView, loadAnimation, loadAnimationResource); ImageViewFutureImpl imageViewFuture = ImageViewFutureImpl.getOrCreateImageViewFuture(imageViewPostRef, drawable) .setInAnimation(inAnimation, inAnimationResource) .setScaleMode(scaleMode); imageViewFuture.reset(); return imageViewFuture; } private Drawable getImageViewDrawable() { ImageView iv = imageViewPostRef.get(); if (iv == null) return null; return iv.getDrawable(); } @Override public Bitmap getBitmap() { Drawable d = getImageViewDrawable(); if (d == null) return null; if (d instanceof BitmapDrawable) return ((BitmapDrawable)d).getBitmap(); if (!(d instanceof IonDrawable)) return null; IonDrawable id = (IonDrawable)d; d = id.getCurrentDrawable(); if (d instanceof BitmapDrawable) return ((BitmapDrawable)d).getBitmap(); return null; } @Override public BitmapInfo getBitmapInfo() { Drawable d = getImageViewDrawable(); if (d == null) return null; if (!(d instanceof IonDrawable)) return null; IonDrawable id = (IonDrawable)d; return id.getBitmapInfo(); } @Override public IonImageViewRequestBuilder crossfade(boolean crossfade) { this.crossfade = crossfade; return this; } @Override public IonImageViewRequestBuilder placeholder(Drawable drawable) { placeholderDrawable = drawable; return this; } @Override public IonImageViewRequestBuilder placeholder(int resourceId) { placeholderResource = resourceId; return this; } @Override public IonImageViewRequestBuilder error(Drawable drawable) { errorDrawable = drawable; return this; } @Override public IonImageViewRequestBuilder error(int resourceId) { errorResource = resourceId; return this; } @Override public IonImageViewRequestBuilder animateIn(Animation in) { inAnimation = in; return this; } @Override public IonImageViewRequestBuilder animateLoad(Animation load) { loadAnimation = load; return this; } @Override public IonImageViewRequestBuilder animateLoad(int animationResource) { loadAnimationResource = animationResource; return this; } @Override public IonImageViewRequestBuilder animateIn(int animationResource) { inAnimationResource = animationResource; return this; } @Override public IonImageViewRequestBuilder bitmapDrawableFactory(BitmapDrawableFactory bitmapDrawableFactory) { this.bitmapDrawableFactory = bitmapDrawableFactory; return this; } }