package com.koushikdutta.ion; import; import; import; import; import com.koushikdutta.ion.bitmap.Transform; class DefaultTransform implements Transform { final ScaleMode scaleMode; final int resizeWidth; final int resizeHeight; public DefaultTransform(int width, int height, ScaleMode scaleMode) { resizeWidth = width; resizeHeight = height; // fixup ScaleMode to sane values. // no scale mode means that we are stretching, disregarding aspect ratio if (scaleMode == null) this.scaleMode = ScaleMode.FitXY; else this.scaleMode = scaleMode; } final static Paint bilinearSamplingPaint = new Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG); @Override public Bitmap transform(Bitmap b) { Bitmap.Config config = b.getConfig(); if (config == null) config = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; int resizeWidth = this.resizeWidth; int resizeHeight = this.resizeHeight; if (resizeWidth <= 0) { float ratio = (float)b.getWidth() / (float)b.getHeight(); resizeWidth = (int)(ratio * resizeHeight); } else if (resizeHeight <= 0) { float ratio = (float)b.getHeight() / (float)b.getWidth(); resizeHeight = (int)(ratio * resizeWidth); } RectF destination = new RectF(0, 0, resizeWidth, resizeHeight); ScaleMode scaleMode = this.scaleMode; if (scaleMode == ScaleMode.CenterInside) { // center inside, but bitmap bounds exceed the resize dimensions... // so change it to fit center. if (resizeWidth <= b.getWidth() || resizeHeight <= b.getHeight()) scaleMode = ScaleMode.FitCenter; } if (scaleMode == ScaleMode.CenterInside) { float marginx = (resizeWidth - b.getWidth()) / 2f; float marginy = (resizeHeight - b.getHeight()) / 2f; destination.set(marginx, marginy, marginx + b.getWidth(), marginy + b.getHeight()); } else if (scaleMode != ScaleMode.FitXY) { float ratio; float xratio = (float)resizeWidth / (float)b.getWidth(); float yratio = (float)resizeHeight / (float)b.getHeight(); if (scaleMode == ScaleMode.CenterCrop) ratio = Math.max(xratio, yratio); else ratio = Math.min(xratio, yratio); if (ratio == 0) return b; float postWidth = b.getWidth() * ratio; float postHeight = b.getHeight() * ratio; float transx = (resizeWidth - postWidth) / 2; float transy = (resizeHeight - postHeight) / 2; destination.set(transx, transy, resizeWidth - transx, resizeHeight - transy); } if (destination.width() == b.getWidth() && destination.height() == b.getHeight() && == 0 && destination.left == 0) { return b; } Bitmap ret = Bitmap.createBitmap(resizeWidth, resizeHeight, config); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(ret); canvas.drawBitmap(b, null, destination, bilinearSamplingPaint); return ret; } @Override public String key() { return + resizeWidth + "x" + resizeHeight; } }