package org.pac4j.saml.transport; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.opensaml.core.xml.XMLObject; import; import org.opensaml.core.xml.util.XMLObjectSupport; import org.opensaml.messaging.context.MessageContext; import org.opensaml.messaging.decoder.AbstractMessageDecoder; import org.opensaml.messaging.decoder.MessageDecodingException; import org.opensaml.saml.common.SAMLObject; import org.opensaml.saml.common.binding.SAMLBindingSupport; import org.opensaml.saml.common.messaging.context.SAMLBindingContext; import org.opensaml.saml.common.xml.SAMLConstants; import org.pac4j.core.context.HttpConstants; import org.pac4j.core.context.WebContext; import org.pac4j.core.exception.TechnicalException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import; import; import; /** * Pac4j implementation extending directly the {@link AbstractMessageDecoder} as intermediate classes use the J2E HTTP request. * It's mostly a copy/paste of the source code of these intermediate opensaml classes. * * @author Misagh Moayyed * @since 1.8 */ public class Pac4jHTTPPostDecoder extends AbstractMessageDecoder<SAMLObject> { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Pac4jHTTPPostDecoder.class); /** Parser pool used to deserialize the message. */ private ParserPool parserPool; private final WebContext context; public Pac4jHTTPPostDecoder(final WebContext context) { this.context = context; if (this.context == null) { throw new TechnicalException("Context cannot be null"); } } @Override protected void doDecode() throws MessageDecodingException { final MessageContext messageContext = new MessageContext(); if(! { throw new MessageDecodingException("This message decoder only supports the HTTP POST method"); } else { final String relayState = this.context.getRequestParameter("RelayState"); logger.debug("Decoded SAML relay state of: {}", relayState); SAMLBindingSupport.setRelayState(messageContext, relayState); final InputStream base64DecodedMessage = this.getBase64DecodedMessage(); final SAMLObject inboundMessage = (SAMLObject)this.unmarshallMessage(base64DecodedMessage); messageContext.setMessage(inboundMessage); logger.debug("Decoded SAML message"); this.populateBindingContext(messageContext); this.setMessageContext(messageContext); } } protected InputStream getBase64DecodedMessage() throws MessageDecodingException { logger.debug("Getting Base64 encoded message from context, ignoring the given request"); String encodedMessage = this.context.getRequestParameter("SAMLRequest"); if(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(encodedMessage)) { encodedMessage = this.context.getRequestParameter("SAMLResponse"); } if(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(encodedMessage)) { throw new MessageDecodingException("Request did not contain either a SAMLRequest or SAMLResponse parameter. Invalid request for SAML 2 HTTP POST binding."); } else { logger.trace("Base64 decoding SAML message:\n{}", encodedMessage); final byte[] decodedBytes = Base64Support.decode(encodedMessage); if(decodedBytes == null) { throw new MessageDecodingException("Unable to Base64 decode SAML message"); } else { try { logger.trace("Decoded SAML message:\n{}", new String(decodedBytes, HttpConstants.UTF8_ENCODING)); } catch(final UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new TechnicalException(e); } return new ByteArrayInputStream(decodedBytes); } } } @Override protected void doDestroy() { parserPool = null; super.doDestroy(); } @Override protected void doInitialize() throws ComponentInitializationException { super.doInitialize(); logger.debug("Initialized {}", this.getClass().getSimpleName()); if (parserPool == null) { throw new ComponentInitializationException("Parser pool cannot be null"); } } /** * Populate the context which carries information specific to this binding. * * @param messageContext the current message context */ protected void populateBindingContext(MessageContext<SAMLObject> messageContext) { SAMLBindingContext bindingContext = messageContext.getSubcontext(SAMLBindingContext.class, true); bindingContext.setBindingUri(getBindingURI()); bindingContext.setHasBindingSignature(false); bindingContext.setIntendedDestinationEndpointURIRequired(SAMLBindingSupport.isMessageSigned(messageContext)); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String getBindingURI() { return SAMLConstants.SAML2_POST_BINDING_URI; } /** * Helper method that deserializes and unmarshalls the message from the given stream. * * @param messageStream input stream containing the message * * @return the inbound message * * @throws MessageDecodingException thrown if there is a problem deserializing and unmarshalling the message */ protected XMLObject unmarshallMessage(InputStream messageStream) throws MessageDecodingException { try { XMLObject message = XMLObjectSupport.unmarshallFromInputStream(getParserPool(), messageStream); return message; } catch (XMLParserException e) { throw new MessageDecodingException("Error unmarshalling message from input stream", e); } catch (UnmarshallingException e) { throw new MessageDecodingException("Error unmarshalling message from input stream", e); } } /** * Gets the parser pool used to deserialize incoming messages. * * @return parser pool used to deserialize incoming messages */ @Nonnull public ParserPool getParserPool() { return parserPool; } /** * Sets the parser pool used to deserialize incoming messages. * * @param pool parser pool used to deserialize incoming messages */ public void setParserPool(@Nonnull final ParserPool pool) { Constraint.isNotNull(pool, "ParserPool cannot be null"); parserPool = pool; } }