import org.opensaml.core.xml.XMLObject;
import org.pac4j.core.context.WebContext;
import org.pac4j.core.util.CommonHelper;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Hashtable;
* Class implements storage of SAML messages and uses HttpSession as underlying dataStore. As the XMLObjects
* can't be serialized (which could lead to problems during failover), the messages are transformed into SAMLObject
* which internally marshalls the content into XML during serialization.
* Messages are populated to a Hashtable and stored inside HttpSession. The Hashtable is lazily initialized
* during first attempt to create or retrieve a message.
* @author Vladimir Schäfer
public class HttpSessionStorage implements SAMLMessageStorage {
* Class logger.
protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
* The web context to storage data.
private final WebContext context;
* Internal storage for messages, corresponding to the object in session.
private Hashtable<String, XMLObject> internalMessages;
* Session key for storage of the hashtable.
private static final String SAML_STORAGE_KEY = "_springSamlStorageKey";
* Creates the storage object. The session is manipulated only once caller tries to store
* or retrieve a message.
* In case request doesn't already have a started session, it will be created.
* @param context context to load/store internalMessages from
public HttpSessionStorage(final WebContext context) {
CommonHelper.assertNotNull("context", context);
this.context = context;
* Stores a request message into the repository. RequestAbstractType must have an ID
* set. Any previous message with the same ID will be overwritten.
* @param messageID ID of message
* @param message message to be stored
public void storeMessage(final String messageID, final XMLObject message) {
log.debug("Storing message {} to session {}", messageID, context.getSessionIdentifier());
final Hashtable<String, XMLObject> messages = getMessages();
messages.put(messageID, message);
* Returns previously stored message with the given ID or null, if there is no message
* stored.
* <p>
* Message is stored in String format and must be unmarshalled into XMLObject. Call to this
* method may thus be expensive.
* <p>
* Messages are automatically cleared upon successful reception, as we presume that there
* are never multiple ongoing SAML exchanges for the same session. This saves memory used by
* the session.
* @param messageID ID of message to retrieve
* @return message found or null
public XMLObject retrieveMessage(final String messageID) {
final Hashtable<String, XMLObject> messages = getMessages();
final XMLObject o = messages.get(messageID);
if (o == null) {
log.debug("Message {} not found in session {}", messageID, context.getSessionIdentifier());
return null;
log.debug("Message {} found in session {}, clearing", messageID, context.getSessionIdentifier());
return o;
* Provides message storage hashtable. Table is lazily initialized when user tries to store or retrieve
* the first message.
* @return message storage
private Hashtable<String, XMLObject> getMessages() {
if (internalMessages == null) {
internalMessages = initializeSession();
return internalMessages;
* Call to the method tries to load internalMessages hashtable object from the session, if the object doesn't exist
* it will be created and stored.
* <p>
* Method synchronizes on session object to prevent two threads from overwriting each others hashtable.
private Hashtable<String, XMLObject> initializeSession() {
Hashtable<String, XMLObject> messages = (Hashtable<String, XMLObject>)
if (messages == null) {
synchronized (context) {
messages = (Hashtable<String, XMLObject>) context.getSessionAttribute(SAML_STORAGE_KEY);
if (messages == null) {
messages = new Hashtable<>();
return messages;
* Updates session with the internalMessages key. Some application servers require session value to be updated
* in order to replicate the session across nodes or persist it correctly.
private void updateSession(final Hashtable<String, XMLObject> messages) {
context.setSessionAttribute(SAML_STORAGE_KEY, messages);