package; import org.pac4j.core.client.IndirectClient; import org.pac4j.core.exception.TechnicalException; import org.pac4j.core.profile.CommonProfile; import; import org.pac4j.oidc.client.OidcClient; import org.pac4j.oidc.config.OidcConfiguration; import org.pac4j.oidc.profile.OidcProfile; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Run a manual test for the IdentityServer4 ( * with the following configuration: * * new Client * { * ClientId = "test", * ClientSecrets = new List<Secret> * { * new Secret("secret".Sha256()) * }, * RedirectUris = new List<string> * { * "" * }, * AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.ImplicitAndClientCredentials, * AllowedScopes = new List<string> * { * "openid", "profile", "email" * } * }, * * @author Jerome Leleu * @since 1.9.2 */ public class RunIdentityServer4 extends RunClient { private enum Flow { IMPLICIT_FLOW, IMPLICIT_FLOW_CLIENT_SIDE, AUTHORIZATION_CODE, HYBRID_FLOW }; private final static Flow flow = Flow.HYBRID_FLOW; public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { new RunIdentityServer4().run(); } @Override protected String getLogin() { return "alice"; } @Override protected String getPassword() { return "alice"; } @Override protected IndirectClient getClient() { final OidcConfiguration configuration = new OidcConfiguration(); configuration.setClientId("test"); configuration.setSecret("secret"); configuration.setDiscoveryURI("http://localhost:1941/.well-known/openid-configuration"); if (flow == Flow.IMPLICIT_FLOW) { // AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.ImplicitAndClientCredentials, configuration.setResponseType("id_token"); configuration.setResponseMode("form_post"); configuration.setUseNonce(true); logger.warn("For the implicit flow, copy / paste the form body parameters after a ? as the returned url"); } else if (flow == Flow.IMPLICIT_FLOW_CLIENT_SIDE) { // this flow can not be used in fact (as data ae passed as anchor parameters, only on client side) // AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.ImplicitAndClientCredentials, configuration.setResponseType("id_token"); configuration.setUseNonce(true); /*} else if (flow == Flow.AUTHORIZATION_CODE) { AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.CodeAndClientCredentials,*/ } else if (flow == Flow.HYBRID_FLOW) { // AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser = true, AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.HybridAndClientCredentials, configuration.setResponseType("code id_token token"); configuration.setUseNonce(true); } else if (flow != Flow.AUTHORIZATION_CODE) { throw new TechnicalException("Unsupported flow for tests"); } final OidcClient client = new OidcClient(configuration); client.setCallbackUrl(PAC4J_BASE_URL); return client; } @Override protected void verifyProfile(final CommonProfile userProfile) { final OidcProfile profile = (OidcProfile) userProfile; assertEquals("818727", profile.getId()); assertNotNull(profile.getIdToken()); assertEquals("test", profile.getAudience().get(0)); assertNotNull(profile.getNotBefore()); assertEquals("idsvr", profile.getAttribute("idp")); assertNotNull(profile.getAuthTime()); assertEquals("http://localhost:1941", profile.getIssuer()); assertEquals("Alice Smith", profile.getDisplayName()); assertNotNull(profile.getExpirationDate()); assertNotNull(profile.getIssuedAt()); assertNotNull(profile.getAttribute("sid")); if (flow == Flow.IMPLICIT_FLOW || flow == Flow.IMPLICIT_FLOW_CLIENT_SIDE) { assertNull(profile.getAccessToken()); assertEquals(12, profile.getAttributes().size()); } else if (flow == Flow.AUTHORIZATION_CODE) { assertNotNull(profile.getAccessToken()); assertEquals(12, profile.getAttributes().size()); } else if (flow == Flow.HYBRID_FLOW) { assertNotNull(profile.getAccessToken()); assertEquals(13, profile.getAttributes().size()); } } }