package org.pac4j.oauth.profile.facebook; import com.github.scribejava.core.builder.api.DefaultApi20; import com.github.scribejava.core.exceptions.OAuthException; import com.github.scribejava.core.model.*; import org.pac4j.core.exception.HttpAction; import org.pac4j.core.exception.HttpCommunicationException; import org.pac4j.core.util.CommonHelper; import org.pac4j.oauth.client.FacebookClient; import org.pac4j.oauth.config.OAuth20Configuration; import org.pac4j.oauth.profile.creator.OAuth20ProfileCreator; import org.pac4j.oauth.profile.definition.OAuth20ProfileDefinition; import; /** * A specific Facebook profile creator. * * @author Jerome Leleu * @since 2.0.0 */ public class FacebookProfileCreator extends OAuth20ProfileCreator<FacebookProfile> { private static final String EXCHANGE_TOKEN_URL = ""; private static final String EXCHANGE_TOKEN_PARAMETER = "fb_exchange_token"; public FacebookProfileCreator(final OAuth20Configuration configuration) { super(configuration); } @Override protected FacebookProfile retrieveUserProfileFromToken(final OAuth2AccessToken accessToken) throws HttpAction { final OAuth20ProfileDefinition<FacebookProfile> profileDefinition = (OAuth20ProfileDefinition<FacebookProfile>) configuration.getProfileDefinition(); final FacebookClient client = (FacebookClient) configuration.getClient(); final String profileUrl = profileDefinition.getProfileUrl(accessToken, configuration); String body = sendRequestForData(accessToken, profileUrl, Verb.GET); if (body == null) { throw new HttpCommunicationException("Not data found for accessToken: " + accessToken); } final FacebookProfile profile = profileDefinition.extractUserProfile(body); addAccessTokenToProfile(profile, accessToken); if (profile != null && client.isRequiresExtendedToken()) { String url = CommonHelper.addParameter(EXCHANGE_TOKEN_URL, OAuthConstants.CLIENT_ID, configuration.getKey()); url = CommonHelper.addParameter(url, OAuthConstants.CLIENT_SECRET, configuration.getSecret()); url = addExchangeToken(url, accessToken); final OAuthRequest request = createOAuthRequest(url, Verb.GET); final long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); final Response response = request.send(); final int code = response.getCode(); try { body = response.getBody(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new HttpCommunicationException("Error getting body:" + ex.getMessage()); } final long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug("Request took: " + (t1 - t0) + " ms for: " + url); logger.debug("response code: {} / response body: {}", code, body); if (code == 200) { logger.debug("Retrieve extended token from {}", body); final OAuth2AccessToken extendedAccessToken; try { extendedAccessToken = ((DefaultApi20) configuration.getApi()).getAccessTokenExtractor().extract(response); } catch (IOException | OAuthException ex) { throw new HttpCommunicationException("Error extracting token: " + ex.getMessage()); } logger.debug("Extended token: {}", extendedAccessToken); addAccessTokenToProfile(profile, extendedAccessToken); } else { logger.error("Cannot get extended token: {} / {}", code, body); } } return profile; } /** * Adds the token to the URL in question. If we require appsecret_proof, then this method * will also add the appsecret_proof parameter to the URL, as Facebook expects. * * @param url the URL to modify * @param accessToken the token we're passing back and forth * @return url with additional parameter(s) */ protected String addExchangeToken(final String url, final OAuth2AccessToken accessToken) { final FacebookProfileDefinition profileDefinition = (FacebookProfileDefinition) configuration.getProfileDefinition(); final FacebookClient client = (FacebookClient) configuration.getClient(); String computedUrl = url; if (client.getUseAppSecretProof()) { computedUrl = profileDefinition.computeAppSecretProof(computedUrl, accessToken, configuration); } return CommonHelper.addParameter(computedUrl, EXCHANGE_TOKEN_PARAMETER, accessToken.getAccessToken()); } }