package org.gbif.occurrence.cli.registry.sync; import org.gbif.api.model.occurrence.Occurrence; import org.gbif.api.model.registry.Dataset; import org.gbif.api.model.registry.Organization; import org.gbif.common.messaging.api.messages.DeleteDatasetOccurrencesMessage; import org.gbif.common.messaging.api.messages.OccurrenceDeletionReason; import org.gbif.common.messaging.api.messages.OccurrenceMutatedMessage; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * To be replaced by {@link OccurrenceRegistryMapper} * * A mapreduce Mapper that synchronizes occurrences with the registry. It checks for changes detected by * {@link RegistryBasedOccurrenceMutator} and dataset deletions. For organization changes the new values are written * to the occurrence HBase table via occurrence persistence, and then an OccurrenceMutatedMessage is sent. For dataset * deletions a DeleteDatasetMessage is sent. */ public class OccurrenceScanMapper extends AbstractOccurrenceRegistryMapper { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OccurrenceScanMapper.class); private static final Set<UUID> DEAD_DATASETS = Sets.newHashSet(); private static final Set<UUID> UNCHANGED_DATASETS = Sets.newHashSet(); private static final Map<UUID, Organization> DATASET_TO_OWNING_ORG = Maps.newHashMap(); private int numRecords = 0; @Override public void map(ImmutableBytesWritable row, Result values, Context context) throws IOException { UUID datasetKey = UUID.fromString(Bytes.toString(values.getValue(SyncCommon.OCC_CF, SyncCommon.DK_COL))); if (DEAD_DATASETS.contains(datasetKey) || UNCHANGED_DATASETS.contains(datasetKey)) { return; } Dataset dataset = datasetService.get(datasetKey); if (dataset.getDeleted() != null) { DEAD_DATASETS.add(datasetKey); try {"Sending delete dataset message for dataset [{}]", datasetKey); messagePublisher.send(new DeleteDatasetOccurrencesMessage(datasetKey, OccurrenceDeletionReason.DATASET_MANUAL)); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to send update message", e); } return; } // dataset exists, now compare with values we have on the occurrence Organization publishingOrg; boolean needsUpdate; if (DATASET_TO_OWNING_ORG.containsKey(datasetKey)) { // seen it before, no need to do comparisons - record needs updating publishingOrg = DATASET_TO_OWNING_ORG.get(datasetKey); needsUpdate = true; } else { publishingOrg = orgService.get(dataset.getPublishingOrganizationKey()); if (occurrenceMutator.requiresUpdate(dataset, publishingOrg, values)) { needsUpdate = true; DATASET_TO_OWNING_ORG.put(datasetKey, publishingOrg); } else { needsUpdate = false; UNCHANGED_DATASETS.add(datasetKey); } } if (needsUpdate) { Occurrence origOcc = occurrencePersistenceService.get(Bytes.toInt(row.get())); // we have no clone or other easy copy method Occurrence updatedOcc = occurrencePersistenceService.get(Bytes.toInt(row.get())); occurrenceMutator.mutateOccurrence(updatedOcc, dataset, publishingOrg); occurrencePersistenceService.update(updatedOcc); int crawlId = Bytes.toInt(values.getValue(SyncCommon.OCC_CF, SyncCommon.CI_COL)); OccurrenceMutatedMessage msg = OccurrenceMutatedMessage.buildUpdateMessage(datasetKey, origOcc, updatedOcc, crawlId); try { "Sending update for key [{}], publishing org changed from [{}] to [{}] and host country from [{}] to [{}]", datasetKey, origOcc.getPublishingOrgKey(), updatedOcc.getPublishingOrgKey(), origOcc.getPublishingCountry(), updatedOcc.getPublishingCountry()); messagePublisher.send(msg); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to send update message", e); } } numRecords++; if (numRecords % 10000 == 0) { context.setStatus("mapper processed " + numRecords + " records so far"); } } }