package; import org.gbif.api.model.occurrence.DownloadFormat; import; import; import; import; import org.gbif.utils.file.FileUtils; import org.gbif.wrangler.lock.Lock; import org.gbif.wrangler.lock.LockFactory; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import; import; import akka.routing.RoundRobinRouter; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Actor that controls the multi-threaded creation of occurrence downloads. */ public class DownloadMaster extends UntypedActor { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DownloadMaster.class); private static final String FINISH_MSG_FMT = "Time elapsed %d minutes and %d seconds"; private final SolrClient solrClient; private final Configuration conf; private final LockFactory lockFactory; private final OccurrenceMapReader occurrenceMapReader; private final DownloadAggregator aggregator; private final DownloadJobConfiguration jobConfiguration; private List<Result> results = Lists.newArrayList(); private int calcNrOfWorkers; private int nrOfResults; /** * Default constructor. */ @Inject public DownloadMaster( LockFactory lockFactory, Configuration configuration, SolrClient solrClient, OccurrenceMapReader occurrenceMapReader, DownloadJobConfiguration jobConfiguration, DownloadAggregator aggregator ) { conf = configuration; this.jobConfiguration = jobConfiguration; this.lockFactory = lockFactory; this.solrClient = solrClient; this.occurrenceMapReader = occurrenceMapReader; this.aggregator = aggregator; } /** * Aggregates the result and shutdown the system of actors */ private void aggregateAndShutdown() { aggregator.aggregate(results); getContext().stop(getSelf()); } @Override public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception { if (message instanceof Start) { runActors(); } else if (message instanceof Result) { results.add((Result) message); nrOfResults += 1; if (nrOfResults == calcNrOfWorkers) { aggregateAndShutdown(); } } } /** * Creates and gets a reference to a Lock. */ private Lock getLock() { return lockFactory.makeLock(conf.lockName); } /** * Executes a search and get number of records. */ private Long getSearchCount(String query) { try { SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery().setQuery(SolrConstants.DEFAULT_QUERY).setRows(0); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(query)) { solrQuery.addFilterQuery(query); } QueryResponse queryResponse = solrClient.query(solrQuery); return queryResponse.getResults().getNumFound(); } catch (SolrServerException | IOException e) { LOG.error("Error executing Solr query", e); return 0L; } } /** * Run the list of jobs. The amount of records is assigned evenly among the worker threads. * If the amount of records is not divisible by the calcNrOfWorkers the remaining records are assigned "evenly" among * the * first jobs. */ private void runActors() { StopWatch stopwatch = new StopWatch(); stopwatch.start(); File downloadTempDir = new File(jobConfiguration.getDownloadTempDir()); if (downloadTempDir.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectoryRecursively(downloadTempDir); } downloadTempDir.mkdirs(); final int recordCount = getSearchCount(jobConfiguration.getSolrQuery()).intValue(); if( recordCount <= 0) { //now work to do: shutdown the system aggregateAndShutdown(); } else { final int nrOfRecords = Math.min(recordCount, conf.maximumNrOfRecords); // Calculates the required workers. calcNrOfWorkers = conf.minNrOfRecords >= nrOfRecords ? 1 : Math.min(conf.nrOfWorkers, nrOfRecords / conf.minNrOfRecords); ActorRef workerRouter = getContext().actorOf(new Props(new DownloadActorsFactory(jobConfiguration.getDownloadFormat())).withRouter(new RoundRobinRouter( calcNrOfWorkers)), "downloadWorkerRouter"); // Number of records that will be assigned to each job int sizeOfChunks = Math.max(nrOfRecords / calcNrOfWorkers, 1); // Remaining jobs, that are not assigned to a job yet int remaining = nrOfRecords - (sizeOfChunks * calcNrOfWorkers); // How many of the remaining jobs will be assigned to one job int remainingPerJob = remaining > 0 ? Math.max(remaining / calcNrOfWorkers, 1) : 0; int to = 0; int additionalJobsCnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < calcNrOfWorkers; i++) { int from = i == 0 ? 0 : to; to = from + sizeOfChunks + remainingPerJob; // Calculates the remaining jobs that will be assigned to the new FileJob. additionalJobsCnt += remainingPerJob; if (remainingPerJob != 0 && additionalJobsCnt > remaining) { remainingPerJob = additionalJobsCnt - remaining; } else if (additionalJobsCnt == remaining) { remainingPerJob = 0; } // Awaits for an available thread Lock lock = getLock(); DownloadFileWork work = new DownloadFileWork(from, to, jobConfiguration.getSourceDir() + Path.SEPARATOR + jobConfiguration.getDownloadKey() + Path.SEPARATOR + jobConfiguration.getDownloadTableName(), i, jobConfiguration.getSolrQuery(), lock, solrClient, occurrenceMapReader);"Requesting a lock for job {}, detail: {}", i, work.toString()); lock.lock();"Lock granted for job {}, detail: {}", i, work.toString()); // Adds the Job to the list. The file name is the output file name + the sequence i workerRouter.tell(work, getSelf()); } stopwatch.stop(); long timeInSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(stopwatch.getTime());, TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMinutes(timeInSeconds), timeInSeconds % 60)); } } /** * Used as a command to start this master actor. */ public static class Start { } /** * Creates an instance of the download actor/job to be used. */ private static class DownloadActorsFactory implements UntypedActorFactory { private final DownloadFormat downloadFormat; DownloadActorsFactory(DownloadFormat downloadFormat) { this.downloadFormat = downloadFormat; } @Override public Actor create() throws Exception { if (downloadFormat == DownloadFormat.SIMPLE_CSV) { return new SimpleCsvDownloadActor(); } else if (downloadFormat == DownloadFormat.DWCA) { return new DownloadDwcaActor(); } throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported download format"); } } /** * Utility class that holds the general execution settings. */ public static class Configuration { // Maximum number of workers private final int nrOfWorkers; // Minimum number of records per job private final int minNrOfRecords; // Limits the maximum number of records that can be processed. // This parameters avoids use this class to create file with a size beyond a maximum. private final int maximumNrOfRecords; // Occurrence download lock/counter name private final String lockName; /** * Default/full constructor. */ @Inject public Configuration( @Named(DownloadWorkflowModule.DefaultSettings.MAX_THREADS_KEY) int nrOfWorkers, @Named(DownloadWorkflowModule.DefaultSettings.JOB_MIN_RECORDS_KEY) int minNrOfRecords, @Named(DownloadWorkflowModule.DefaultSettings.MAX_RECORDS_KEY) int maximumNrOfRecords, @Named(DownloadWorkflowModule.DefaultSettings.ZK_LOCK_NAME_KEY) String lockName ) { this.nrOfWorkers = nrOfWorkers; this.minNrOfRecords = minNrOfRecords; this.maximumNrOfRecords = maximumNrOfRecords; this.lockName = lockName; } } }