package org.gbif.occurrence.persistence.keygen; import org.gbif.hbase.util.ResultReader; import org.gbif.occurrence.common.config.OccHBaseConfiguration; import org.gbif.occurrence.persistence.api.KeyLookupResult; import org.gbif.occurrence.persistence.hbase.Columns; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import com.yammer.metrics.Metrics; import com.yammer.metrics.core.Meter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * An extension of AbstractHBaseKeyPersistenceService with a generateKey implementation that uses an HBase * implementation of the algorithm described at * <a href=""></a>. */ public class HBaseLockingKeyService extends AbstractHBaseKeyPersistenceService { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HBaseLockingKeyService.class); private static final long WAIT_BEFORE_RETRY_MS = 5000; private static final int WAIT_SKEW = 4000; private static final long STALE_LOCK_TIME = 5 * 60 * 1000; public static final int COUNTER_ROW = 1; // The number of IDs to reserve at a time in batch private static final int BATCHED_ID_SIZE = 100; // the next available key to allocate private int currentKey; // our reserved upper key limit for the current batch private int maxReservedKeyInclusive; private final Meter reattempts = Metrics.newMeter(HBaseLockingKeyService.class, "reattempts", "reattempts", TimeUnit.SECONDS); @Inject public HBaseLockingKeyService(OccHBaseConfiguration cfg, Connection connection) { super(cfg, connection, new OccurrenceKeyBuilder()); } @Override public KeyLookupResult generateKey(Set<String> uniqueStrings, String scope) { Map<String, KeyStatus> statusMap = Maps.newTreeMap(); // required: predictable sorting for e.g. testing Map<String, Integer> existingKeyMap = Maps.newTreeMap(); // required: predictable sorting for e.g. testing byte[] lockId = Bytes.toBytes(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); // lookupTable schema: lookupKey | status | lock | key // all of our locks will have the same timestamp long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Set<String> lookupKeys = keyBuilder.buildKeys(uniqueStrings, scope); boolean failed = false; Integer key = null; Integer foundKey = null; for (String lookupKey : lookupKeys) { Result row = lookupTableStore.getRow(lookupKey); LOG.debug("Lookup for [{}] produced [{}]", lookupKey, row); KeyStatus status = null; byte[] existingLock = null; if (row != null) { String rawStatus = ResultReader.getString(row, Columns.OCCURRENCE_COLUMN_FAMILY, Columns.LOOKUP_STATUS_COLUMN, null); if (rawStatus != null) { status = KeyStatus.valueOf(rawStatus); } existingLock = ResultReader.getBytes(row, Columns.OCCURRENCE_COLUMN_FAMILY, Columns.LOOKUP_LOCK_COLUMN, null); key = ResultReader.getInteger(row, Columns.OCCURRENCE_COLUMN_FAMILY, Columns.LOOKUP_KEY_COLUMN, null); LOG.debug("Got existing status [{}] existingLock [{}] key [{}]", status, existingLock, key); } if (status == KeyStatus.ALLOCATED) { LOG.debug("Status ALLOCATED, using found key [{}]", key); // even if existingLock is != null, ALLOCATED means the key exists and is final statusMap.put(lookupKey, KeyStatus.ALLOCATED); existingKeyMap.put(lookupKey, key); if (foundKey == null) { foundKey = key; } else { // we've found conflicting keys for our lookupKeys - this is fatal if (foundKey.intValue() != key.intValue()) { failWithConflictingLookup(existingKeyMap); } } LOG.debug("Status ALLOCATED, using found key [{}]", foundKey); } else if (existingLock == null) { // lock is ours for the taking - checkAndPut lockId, expecting null for lockId boolean gotLock = lookupTableStore.checkAndPut(lookupKey, Columns.LOOKUP_LOCK_COLUMN, lockId, Columns.LOOKUP_LOCK_COLUMN, null, now); if (gotLock) { statusMap.put(lookupKey, KeyStatus.ALLOCATING); LOG.debug("Grabbed free lock, now ALLOCATING [{}]", lookupKey); } else { failed = true; LOG.debug("Failed to grab free lock for [{}], breaking", lookupKey); break; } } else { // somebody has written their lockId and so has the lock, but they haven't finished yet (status != ALLOCATED) Long existingLockTs = ResultReader.getTimestamp(row, Columns.OCCURRENCE_COLUMN_FAMILY, Columns.LOOKUP_LOCK_COLUMN); if (now - existingLockTs > STALE_LOCK_TIME) { LOG.debug("Found stale lock for [{}]", lookupKey); // Someone died before releasing lock. // Note that key could be not null here - this means that thread had the lock, wrote the key, but then // died before releasing lock. // checkandPut our lockId, expecting lock to match the existing lock boolean gotLock = lookupTableStore.checkAndPut(lookupKey, Columns.LOOKUP_LOCK_COLUMN, lockId, Columns.LOOKUP_LOCK_COLUMN, existingLock, now); if (gotLock) { statusMap.put(lookupKey, KeyStatus.ALLOCATING); LOG.debug("Reset stale lock, now ALLOCATING [{}]", lookupKey); } else { // someone beat us to this lock, in one of two ways // 1) they grabbed lock, wrote new id, and released lock, so now status is ALLOCATED and id is final // 2) they grabbed lock so status is a newer lock uuid with recent timestamp // in either case we're toast - abort and try again failed = true; LOG.debug("Failed to reset stale lock for [{}], breaking", lookupKey); break; } } else { // someone has a current lock, we need to give up and try again failed = true; LOG.debug("Hit valid, current lock for [{}], breaking", lookupKey); break; } } } if (failed) { LOG.debug("Failed to get lock. Releasing held locks and trying again."); reattempts.mark(); releaseLocks(statusMap); try { Random random = new Random(); TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(WAIT_BEFORE_RETRY_MS + random.nextInt(WAIT_SKEW) - random.nextInt(WAIT_SKEW)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // do nothing } // recurse return generateKey(uniqueStrings, scope); } // now we have map of every lookupKey to either ALLOCATED or ALLOCATING, and locks on all ALLOCATING KeyLookupResult lookupResult; if (foundKey == null) { key = getNextKey(); lookupResult = new KeyLookupResult(key, true); LOG.debug("Now assigning new key [{}]", key); } else { key = foundKey; lookupResult = new KeyLookupResult(key, false); LOG.debug("Using found key [{}]", key); } // write the key and update status to ALLOCATED for (Map.Entry<String, KeyStatus> entry : statusMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() == KeyStatus.ALLOCATING) { // TODO: combine into one put lookupTableStore.putInt(entry.getKey(), Columns.LOOKUP_KEY_COLUMN, key); lookupTableStore.putString(entry.getKey(), Columns.LOOKUP_STATUS_COLUMN, KeyStatus.ALLOCATED.toString()); } } releaseLocks(statusMap); LOG.debug("<< generateKey (generated? [{}] key [{}])", !key.equals(foundKey), key); return lookupResult; } /** * Provides the next available key. Because throughput of an incrementColumnValue is limited by HBase to a few * thousand calls per second, this implementation reserves a batch of IDs at a time, and then allocates them to * the calling threads, until they are exhausted, when it will go and reserve another batch. Failure scenarios * will therefore mean IDs go unused. This is expected to be a rare scenario and therefore acceptable. * * @return the next key */ private synchronized int getNextKey() { // if we have exhausted our reserved keys, get a new batch of them if (currentKey == maxReservedKeyInclusive) { // get batch Long longKey = counterTableStore.incrementColumnValue(COUNTER_ROW, Columns.COUNTER_COLUMN, BATCHED_ID_SIZE); if (longKey > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new IllegalStateException("HBase issuing keys larger than Integer can support"); } maxReservedKeyInclusive = longKey.intValue(); // safer to calculate our guaranteed safe range than rely on what nextKey was set to currentKey = maxReservedKeyInclusive - BATCHED_ID_SIZE; } currentKey++; return currentKey; } private void releaseLocks(Map<String, KeyStatus> statusMap) { for (Map.Entry<String, KeyStatus> entry : statusMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() == KeyStatus.ALLOCATING) { lookupTableStore.delete(entry.getKey(), Columns.LOOKUP_LOCK_COLUMN); } } } private enum KeyStatus { ALLOCATING, ALLOCATED } }