package; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.Extension; import org.gbif.api.vocabulary.OccurrenceIssue; import org.gbif.dwc.terms.DwcTerm; import org.gbif.dwc.terms.GbifInternalTerm; import org.gbif.dwc.terms.GbifTerm; import org.gbif.dwc.terms.Term; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; /** * This provides the definition required to construct the occurrence hdfs table, for use as a Hive table. * The table is populated by a query which scans the HBase backed table, but along the way converts some fields to * e.g. Hive arrays which requires some UDF voodoo captured here. * <p/> * Note to developers: It is not easy to find a perfectly clean solution to this work. Here we try and favour long * term code management over all else. For that reason, Functional programming idioms are not used even though they * would reduce lines of code. However, they come at a cost in that there are several levels of method chaining * here, and it becomes difficult to follow as they are not so intuitive on first glance. Similarly, we don't attempt * to push all complexities into the freemarker templates (e.g. complex UDF chaining) as it becomes unmanageable. * <p/> * Developers please adhere to the above design goals when modifying this class, and consider developing for simple * maintenance. */ public class OccurrenceHDFSTableDefinition { /** * Private constructor. */ private OccurrenceHDFSTableDefinition() { //hidden constructor } /** * Assemble the mapping for verbatim fields. * * @return the list of fields that are used in the verbatim context */ private static List<InitializableField> verbatimFields() { ImmutableList.Builder<InitializableField> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Term t : DownloadTerms.DOWNLOAD_VERBATIM_TERMS) { builder.add(verbatimField(t)); } return; } /** * @return a string for constructing the media type field using a UDF */ private static String mediaTypeInitializer() { // collects from the extension multimedia term important(!) return "collectMediaTypes(" + HiveColumns.columnFor(Extension.MULTIMEDIA) + ")"; } /** * @return a string for constructing the hasCoordinate field */ private static String hasCoordinateInitializer() { return "(" + HiveColumns.columnFor(DwcTerm.decimalLatitude) + " IS NOT NULL AND " + HiveColumns.columnFor(DwcTerm.decimalLongitude) + " IS NOT NULL)"; } /** * @return a string for constructing the repatriated field */ private static String repatriatedInitializer() { return "IF(" + HiveColumns.columnFor(GbifTerm.publishingCountry) + " IS NOT NULL AND " + HiveColumns.columnFor(DwcTerm.countryCode) + " IS NOT NULL, countrycode != publishingcountry, NULL )"; } private static String cleanDelimitersInitializer(String column) { return "cleanDelimiters(" + column + ") AS " + column; } /** * @return a string for constructing the hasGeospatialIssues field */ private static String hasGeospatialIssuesInitializer() { // example output: // (COALESCE(zero_coordinate,0) + COALESCE(country_coordinate_mismatch,0)) > 0 StringBuilder statement = new StringBuilder("("); for (int i = 0; i < OccurrenceIssue.GEOSPATIAL_RULES.size(); i++) { OccurrenceIssue issue = OccurrenceIssue.GEOSPATIAL_RULES.get(i); statement.append("COALESCE(").append(HiveColumns.columnFor(issue)).append(",0)"); if (i + 1 < OccurrenceIssue.GEOSPATIAL_RULES.size()) { statement.append(" + "); } } statement.append(") > 0"); return statement.toString(); } /** * @return a complex string which turns individual issues into a Hive array, formatted nicely for the freemarker to * aid debugging. */ private static String issueInitializer() { StringBuilder statement = new StringBuilder("removeNulls(\n").append(" array(\n"); for (int i = 0; i < OccurrenceIssue.values().length; i++) { OccurrenceIssue issue = OccurrenceIssue.values()[i]; // example: "IF(zero_coordinate IS NOT NULL, 'ZERO_COORDINATE', NULL)," statement.append(" IF(") .append(HiveColumns.columnFor(issue)) .append(" IS NOT NULL, '") .append(issue.toString().toUpperCase()) .append("', NULL)"); if (i + 1 < OccurrenceIssue.values().length) { statement.append(",\n"); } else { statement.append("\n"); } } statement.append(" )\n"); statement.append(" )"); return statement.toString(); } /** * Assemble the mapping for interpreted fields, taking note that in reality, many are mounted onto the verbatim * HBase columns. * * @return the list of fields that are used in the interpreted context */ private static List<InitializableField> interpretedFields() { // the following terms are manipulated when transposing from HBase to hive by using UDFs and custom HQL Map<Term, String> initializers = ImmutableMap.<Term, String>of(GbifTerm.hasGeospatialIssues, hasGeospatialIssuesInitializer(), GbifTerm.hasCoordinate, hasCoordinateInitializer(), GbifTerm.issue, issueInitializer(), GbifTerm.repatriated, repatriatedInitializer()); ImmutableList.Builder<InitializableField> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Term t : DownloadTerms.DOWNLOAD_INTERPRETED_TERMS_HDFS) { // if there is custom handling registered for the term, use it if (initializers.containsKey(t)) { builder.add(interpretedField(t, initializers.get(t))); } else { builder.add(interpretedField(t)); // will just use the term name as usual } } return; } /** * The internal fields stored in HBase which we wish to expose through Hive. The fragment and fragment hash * are removed and not present. * * @return the list of fields that are exposed through Hive */ private static List<InitializableField> internalFields() { ImmutableList.Builder<InitializableField> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (GbifInternalTerm t : GbifInternalTerm.values()) { if (!DownloadTerms.EXCLUSIONS.contains(t)) { builder.add(interpretedField(t)); } } return; } /** * The fields stored in HBase which represent an extension. * * @return the list of fields that are exposed through Hive */ private static List<InitializableField> extensions() { // only MULTIMEDIA is supported, but coded for future use Set<Extension> extensions = ImmutableSet.of(Extension.MULTIMEDIA); ImmutableList.Builder<InitializableField> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); builder.add(interpretedField(GbifTerm.mediaType, mediaTypeInitializer())); for (Extension e : extensions) { builder.add(new InitializableField(GbifTerm.Multimedia, HiveColumns.columnFor(e), HiveDataTypes.TYPE_STRING // always, as it has a custom serialization )); } return; } /** * Generates the conceptual definition for the occurrence tables when used in hive. * * @return a list of fields, with the types. */ public static List<InitializableField> definition() { return ImmutableList.<InitializableField>builder() .add(keyField()) .addAll(verbatimFields()) .addAll(internalFields()) .addAll(interpretedFields()) .addAll(extensions()) .build(); } /** * Constructs the field for the primary key, which is a special case in that it needs a special mapping. */ private static InitializableField keyField() { return new InitializableField(GbifTerm.gbifID, HiveColumns.columnFor(GbifTerm.gbifID), HiveDataTypes.typeForTerm(GbifTerm.gbifID, true) // verbatim context ); } /** * Constructs a Field for the given term, when used in the verbatim context. */ private static InitializableField verbatimField(Term term) { String column = HiveColumns.VERBATIM_COL_PREFIX + term.simpleName().toLowerCase(); return new InitializableField(term, column, // no escape needed, due to prefix HiveDataTypes.typeForTerm(term, true), // verbatim context cleanDelimitersInitializer(column) //remove delimiters '\n', '\t', etc. ); } /** * Constructs a Field for the given term, when used in the interpreted context context constructed with no custom * initializer. */ private static InitializableField interpretedField(Term term) { if (HiveDataTypes.TYPE_STRING.equals(HiveDataTypes.typeForTerm(term, false))) { return interpretedField(term, cleanDelimitersInitializer(HiveColumns.columnFor(term))); // no initializer } return interpretedField(term, null); // no initializer } /** * Constructs a Field for the given term, when used in the interpreted context context, and setting it up with the * given initializer. */ private static InitializableField interpretedField(Term term, String initializer) { return new InitializableField(term, HiveColumns.columnFor(term), // note that Columns takes care of whether this is mounted on a verbatim or an interpreted // column uin HBase for us HiveDataTypes.typeForTerm(term, false), // not verbatim context initializer); } }