package com.googlecode.objectify.impl.translate.opt.joda; import com.googlecode.objectify.ObjectifyFactory; /** * <p>A convenient static method that adds all the joda-time related converters to your factory's conversions. * We can't enable the joda-time converters automatically or it would force everyone to add joda-time.jar * whether they use it or not. To enable, call this:</p> * * <p>{@code JodaTimeTranslators.add(ObjectifyService.factory());} * * <p>All custom translators must be registered *before* entity classes are registered.</p> * * @author Jeff Schnitzer <> */ public class JodaTimeTranslators { private JodaTimeTranslators() { } public static void add(ObjectifyFactory fact) { fact.getTranslators().add(new ReadableInstantTranslatorFactory()); fact.getTranslators().add(new ReadablePartialTranslatorFactory()); fact.getTranslators().add(new DateTimeZoneTranslatorFactory()); } }