package com.googlecode.objectify.cache; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * <p>This class maintains a thread local list of all the outstanding Future<?> objects * that have pending triggers. When a Future<?> is done and its trigger is executed, * it is removed from the list.</p> * * @author Jeff Schnitzer <> */ public class PendingFutures { /** */ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PendingFutures.class.getName()); /** * We use ConcurrentHashMap not for concurrency but because it doesn't throw * ConcurrentModificationException. We need to be able to iterate while Futures remove * themselves from the set. A Set is just a Map of key to key. */ private static ThreadLocal<Map<Future<?>, Future<?>>> pending = new ThreadLocal<Map<Future<?>, Future<?>>>() { @Override protected Map<Future<?>, Future<?>> initialValue() { return new ConcurrentHashMap<>(64, 0.75f, 1); } }; /** * Register a pending Future that has a callback. * @param future must have at least one callback */ public static void addPending(Future<?> future) { pending.get().put(future, future); } /** * Deregister a pending Future that had a callback. */ public static void removePending(Future<?> future) { pending.get().remove(future); } /** * Iterate through all pending futures and get() them, forcing any callbacks to be called. * This is used only by the AsyncCacheFilter (if using cache without Objectify) or ObjectifyFilter * (if using Objectify normally) because we don't have a proper hook otherwise. */ public static void completeAllPendingFutures() { // This will cause done Futures to fire callbacks and remove themselves for (Future<?> fut: pending.get().keySet()) { try { fut.get(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error cleaning up pending Future: " + fut, e); } } } }