package com.googlecode.objectify.impl.translate; import com.googlecode.objectify.impl.Path; /** * <p>Handles null checking so we don't have to do it everywhere.</p> * * @author Jeff Schnitzer <> */ abstract public class NullSafeTranslator<P, D> implements Translator<P, D> { @Override final public P load(D node, LoadContext ctx, Path path) throws SkipException { if (node == null) return null; else return loadSafe(node, ctx, path); } @Override final public D save(P pojo, boolean index, SaveContext ctx, Path path) throws SkipException { if (pojo == null) return null; else return saveSafe(pojo, index, ctx, path); } /** * Implement this, returning a proper translated value * @param node will never be null */ abstract protected P loadSafe(D node, LoadContext ctx, Path path) throws SkipException; /** * Implement this, returning a proper translated value * @param pojo will never be null */ abstract protected D saveSafe(P pojo, boolean index, SaveContext ctx, Path path) throws SkipException; }