package com.googlecode.objectify.cache; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; /** * <p>This is the facade used by Objectify to cache entities in the MemcacheService.</p> * * <p>Entity cacheability and expiration are determined by a {@code CacheControl} object. * In addition, hit/miss statistics are tracked in a {@code MemcacheStats}.</p> * * <p>In order to guarantee cache synchronization, getAll() *must* be able to return * an IdentifiableValue, even for entries not present in the cache. Because empty cache * values cannot be made into IdentifiableValue, we immediately replace them with a * null value and refetch (null is a valid cache value). If this refetch doesn't work, * we treat the key as uncacheable for the duration of the request.</p> * * <p>The values put in memcache are Key -> Entity, except for negative cache entries, * which are Key -> String (the value NEGATIVE).</p> * * @author Jeff Schnitzer <> */ @Log public class EntityMemcache { /** * A bucket represents memcache information for a particular Key. It might have an entity, * it might be a negative cache result, it might be empty. * * Buckets can be hash keys; they hash to their Key value. */ @EqualsAndHashCode(of="key") public class Bucket { /** Identifies the bucket */ private Key key; /** * If null, this means the key is uncacheable (possibly because the cache is down). * If not null, the IV holds the Entity or NEGATIVE or EMPTY. */ private IdentifiableValue iv; /** * The Entity to store in this bucket in a put(). Can be null to indicate a negative cache * result. The Entity key *must* match the bucket key. */ private Entity next; /** * Crate a bucket with an uncacheable key. Same as this(key, null). */ public Bucket(Key key) { this(key, null); } /** * @param iv can be null to indicate an uncacheable key */ public Bucket(Key key, IdentifiableValue iv) { this.key = key; this.iv = iv; } /** */ public Key getKey() { return this.key; } /** @return true if we can cache this bucket; false if the key isn't cacheable or the memcache was down when we created the bucket */ public boolean isCacheable() { return this.iv != null; } /** @return true if this is a negative cache result */ public boolean isNegative() { return this.isCacheable() && NEGATIVE.equals(iv.getValue()); } /** * "Empty" means we don't know the value - it could be null, it could be uncacheable, or we could have some * really weird unknown data in the cache. Basically, anything other than "yes we have an entity/negative" * is considered empty. * * @return true if this is empty or uncacheable or something other than a nice entity or negative result. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return !this.isCacheable() || (!this.isNegative() && !(iv.getValue() instanceof Entity)); } /** Get the entity stored at this bucket, possibly the one that was set */ public Entity getEntity() { if (iv != null && iv.getValue() instanceof Entity) return (Entity)iv.getValue(); else return null; } /** * Prepare the value that will be set in memcache in the next putAll(). * Null (or not calling this method) will put a negative result in the cache. */ public void setNext(Entity value) { = value; } /** * @return the actual value we should store in memcache based on the next value, ie possibly NEGATIVE */ private Object getNextToStore() { return ( == null) ? NEGATIVE :; } } /** * The value stored in the memcache for a negative cache result. */ public static final String NEGATIVE = "NEGATIVE"; /** */ KeyMemcacheService memcache; KeyMemcacheService memcacheWithRetry; MemcacheStats stats; CacheControl cacheControl; /** * Creates a memcache which caches everything without expiry and doesn't record statistics. */ public EntityMemcache(String namespace) { this(namespace, new CacheControl() { @Override public Integer getExpirySeconds(Key key) { return 0; } }); } /** * Creates a memcache which doesn't record stats */ public EntityMemcache(String namespace, CacheControl cacheControl) { this(namespace, cacheControl, new MemcacheStats() { @Override public void recordHit(Key key) { } @Override public void recordMiss(Key key) { } }); } /** */ public EntityMemcache(String namespace, CacheControl cacheControl, MemcacheStats stats) { this(namespace, cacheControl, stats, ServiceFactoryFactory.getFactory(IMemcacheServiceFactory.class)); } public EntityMemcache( String namespace, CacheControl cacheControl, MemcacheStats stats, IMemcacheServiceFactory memcacheServiceFactory) { this.memcache = new KeyMemcacheService(memcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService(namespace)); this.memcache.setErrorHandler(ErrorHandlers.getConsistentLogAndContinue(Level.SEVERE)); this.memcacheWithRetry = new KeyMemcacheService( MemcacheServiceRetryProxy.createProxy(memcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService(namespace))); this.stats = stats; this.cacheControl = cacheControl; } /** * Sets the error handler for the non-retry memcache object. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void setErrorHandler( handler) { this.memcache.setErrorHandler(handler); } /** * <p>Gets the Buckets for the specified keys. A bucket is built around an IdentifiableValue so you can * putAll() them without the risk of overwriting other threads' changes. Buckets also hide the * underlying details of storage for negative, empty, and uncacheable results.</p> * * <p>Note that worst case (a cold cache), obtaining each bucket might require three memcache requests: * a getIdentifiable() which returns null, a put(EMPTY), and another getIdentifiable(). Since * there is no batch getIdentifiable(), this is *per key*.</p> * * <p>When keys are uncacheable (per CacheControl) or the memcache is down, you will still get an empty * bucket back. The bucket will have null IdentifiableValue so we can identify it as uncacheable.</p> * * @return the buckets requested. Buckets will never be null. You will always get a bucket for every key. */ public Map<Key, Bucket> getAll(Iterable<Key> keys) { Map<Key, Bucket> result = new HashMap<>(); // Sort out the ones that are uncacheable Set<Key> potentials = new HashSet<>(); for (Key key: keys) { if (cacheControl.getExpirySeconds(key) == null) result.put(key, new Bucket(key)); else potentials.add(key); } Map<Key, IdentifiableValue> ivs; try { ivs = this.memcache.getIdentifiables(potentials); } catch (Exception ex) { // This should really only be a problem if the serialization format for an Entity changes, // or someone put a badly-serializing object in the cache underneath us. log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error obtaining cache for " + potentials, ex); ivs = new HashMap<>(); } // Figure out cold cache values Map<Key, Object> cold = new HashMap<>(); for (Key key: potentials) if (ivs.get(key) == null) cold.put(key, null); if (!cold.isEmpty()) { // The cache is cold for those values, so start them out with nulls that we can make an IV for this.memcache.putAll(cold); try { Map<Key, IdentifiableValue> ivs2 = this.memcache.getIdentifiables(cold.keySet()); ivs.putAll(ivs2); } catch (Exception ex) { // At this point we should just not worry about it, the ivs will be null and uncacheable } } // Now create the remaining buckets for (Key key: keys) { // iv might still be null, which is ok - that means uncacheable IdentifiableValue iv = ivs.get(key); Bucket buck = (iv == null) ? new Bucket(key) : new Bucket(key, iv); result.put(key, buck); if (buck.isEmpty()) this.stats.recordMiss(buck.getKey()); else this.stats.recordHit(buck.getKey()); } return result; } /** * Update a set of buckets with new values. If collisions occur, resets the memcache value to null. * * @param updates can have null Entity values, which will record a negative cache result. Buckets must have * been obtained from getAll(). */ public void putAll(Collection<Bucket> updates) { Set<Key> good = this.cachePutIfUntouched(updates); if (good.size() == updates.size()) return; // Figure out which ones were bad List<Key> bad = new ArrayList<>(); for (Bucket bucket: updates) if (!good.contains(bucket.getKey())) bad.add(bucket.getKey()); if (!bad.isEmpty()) { // So we had some collisions. We need to reset these back to null, but do it in a safe way - if we // blindly set null something already null, it will break any putIfUntouched() which saw the first null. // This could result in write contention starving out a real write. The solution is to only reset things // that are not already null. Map<Key, Object> cached = this.cacheGetAll(bad); // Remove the stuff we don't care about Iterator<Object> it = cached.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object value =; if (value == null) it.remove(); } this.empty(cached.keySet()); } } /** * Revert a set of keys to the empty state. Will loop on this several times just in case * the memcache write fails - we don't want to leave the cache in a nasty state. */ public void empty(Iterable<Key> keys) { Map<Key, Object> updates = new HashMap<>(); for (Key key: keys) if (cacheControl.getExpirySeconds(key) != null) updates.put(key, null); this.memcacheWithRetry.putAll(updates); } /** * Put buckets in the cache, checking for cacheability and collisions. * @return the set of keys that were *successfully* put without collision */ private Set<Key> cachePutIfUntouched(Iterable<Bucket> buckets) { Map<Key, CasValues> payload = new HashMap<>(); for (Bucket buck: buckets) { if (!buck.isCacheable()) continue; Integer expirySeconds = cacheControl.getExpirySeconds(buck.getKey()); if (expirySeconds == null) continue; Expiration expiration = expirySeconds == 0 ? null : Expiration.byDeltaSeconds(expirySeconds); payload.put(buck.getKey(), new CasValues(buck.iv, buck.getNextToStore(), expiration)); } return this.memcache.putIfUntouched(payload); } /** * Bulk get on keys, getting the raw objects */ private Map<Key, Object> cacheGetAll(Collection<Key> keys) { try { return this.memcache.getAll(keys); } catch (Exception ex) { // Some sort of serialization error, just wipe out the values log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error fetching values from memcache, deleting keys", ex); this.memcache.deleteAll(keys); return new HashMap<>(); } } /** * Basically a list comprehension of the keys for convenience. */ public static Set<Key> keysOf(Iterable<Bucket> buckets) { Set<Key> keys = new HashSet<>(); for (Bucket buck: buckets) keys.add(buck.getKey()); return keys; } }