package util.streams.samples; import; /** * Abstract serializable class from which inherit all the classes of samples * read and writed by BCs.<br> * This class as the same role than the class Object for samples.<br> * This class provides a clone method (similar to the clone method in Object). * This method used a serialize/deserialise mechanism that can be slow.<br> * So, in order to fasten the cloning it is usefull to override this method in each onherited class of samples. * * @author Dalmau */ // Classe abstraite pour ceer des echantillons pouvant etre transportes par des connecteurs // Ces echantillons doivent etre serialisables. public abstract class Sample implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 64240050101000000L; // pour serialisation private transient int inputNumber; private transient String exp; private transient long date; /** * Construction without parameter */ public Sample() { date = System.currentTimeMillis(); inputNumber = 0; // necessaire pour pouvoir le deserialiser } /** * Returns the number of the entry the sample comes from * @return number of the entry the sample comes from */ public int getInputNumber() { return inputNumber; } /** * Sets the number of the entry the sample comes from * @param number of the entry the sample comes from */ public void setInputNumber(int number) { inputNumber = number; } /** * Returns the address of the host which sends this sample. * If this sample is local the returned value is "localhost" (IP local host) * @param adr of the host which sends this sample */ public void setExpeditor(String adr) { exp = adr; } /** * Sets the address of the host which sends this sample. * If this sample is local the value is "localhost" (IP local host) * @return adr address of the host which sends this sample */ public String getExpeditor() { return exp; } /** * Sets the sample's date * @param d the sample's date */ public void setDate(long d) { date = d; } /** * Returns the sample's date * @return the sample's date */ public long getDate() { return date; } /** * Returns the age of the sample (actual time - sample date in local time) * @return the age of the sample */ public long getAge() { return System.currentTimeMillis()-date; } }