package network; import; import; import; import; import platform.ClassManager.KalimuchoClassLoader; import platform.ClassManager.LoadedClass; /** * ObjectInputStream that can deserialize objects of standard classes * or downloaded classes and associated to a specific jar file.<br> * If this stream receives an object of a locally unknown class, it tries to download the byte code from network. * * @author Dalmau */ public class ClassLoaderObjectInputStream extends ObjectInputStream { private LoadedClass utilisee; /** * Create an ObjectInputStream for reading objects of standard classes or loaded classes * @param in InputStream from which the ClassLoaderObjectInputStream is created * @throws IOException the ClassLoaderObjectInputStream can't be created */ public ClassLoaderObjectInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException { super(in); utilisee = null; } /** * Returns the last loaded class for this stream * @return the last loaded class for this stream */ public LoadedClass getLoadedClass() { return utilisee; } /** * Overrides the resolve class of ObjectInputStream * Looks for a standard class or a loaded one * @param desc descriptor of the class to load * @return the class * @throws ClassNotFoundException the class corresponding to the descriptor is not available */ @Override protected Class<?> resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass desc) throws ClassNotFoundException { LoadedClass rep = KalimuchoClassLoader.loadOrCreateClass(desc.getName()); if (rep.getChargeur() != null) utilisee = rep; return rep.getClasse(); } }