package net.tootallnate.websocket; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import net.tootallnate.websocket.Draft.HandshakeState; import net.tootallnate.websocket.Framedata.Opcode; import net.tootallnate.websocket.drafts.Draft_10; import net.tootallnate.websocket.drafts.Draft_17; import net.tootallnate.websocket.drafts.Draft_75; import net.tootallnate.websocket.drafts.Draft_76; import net.tootallnate.websocket.exeptions.IncompleteHandshakeException; import net.tootallnate.websocket.exeptions.InvalidDataException; import net.tootallnate.websocket.exeptions.InvalidFrameException; import net.tootallnate.websocket.exeptions.InvalidHandshakeException; /** * Represents one end (client or server) of a single WebSocket connection. * Takes care of the "handshake" phase, then allows for easy sending of * text frames, and recieving frames through an event-based model. * * This is an inner class, used by <tt>WebSocketClient</tt> and <tt>WebSocketServer</tt>, and should never need to be instantiated directly * by your code. However, instances are exposed in <tt>WebSocketServer</tt> through the <i>onClientOpen</i>, <i>onClientClose</i>, * <i>onClientMessage</i> callbacks. * * @author Nathan Rajlich */ public final class WebSocket { // CONSTANTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public enum Role { CLIENT, SERVER } /** * The default port of WebSockets, as defined in the spec. If the nullary * constructor is used, DEFAULT_PORT will be the port the WebSocketServer * is binded to. Note that ports under 1024 usually require root permissions. */ public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 80; public static/*final*/boolean DEBUG = false; // must be final in the future in order to take advantage of VM optimization /** * Internally used to determine whether to receive data as part of the * remote handshake, or as part of a text frame. */ private boolean handshakeComplete = false; private boolean closeHandshakeSent = false; private boolean connectionClosed = false; private boolean isClosePending = false; /** * The listener to notify of WebSocket events. */ private WebSocketListener wsl; /** * Buffer where data is read to from the socket */ private ByteBuffer socketBuffer; /** * Queue of buffers that need to be sent to the client. */ private BlockingQueue<ByteBuffer> bufferQueue; private Draft draft = null; private Role role; private Framedata currentframe; private Handshakedata handshakerequest = null; public List<Draft> known_drafts; private SocketChannel sockchannel; // CONSTRUCTOR ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Used in {@link WebSocketServer} and {@link WebSocketClient}. * * @param socketChannel * The <tt>SocketChannel</tt> instance to read and * write to. The channel should already be registered * with a Selector before construction of this object. * @param listener * The {@link WebSocketListener} to notify of events when * they occur. */ public WebSocket( WebSocketListener listener , Draft draft , SocketChannel sockchannel ) { init( listener, draft, sockchannel ); } public WebSocket( WebSocketListener listener , List<Draft> drafts , SocketChannel sockchannel ) { init( listener, null, sockchannel ); this.role = Role.SERVER; if( known_drafts == null || known_drafts.isEmpty() ) { known_drafts = new ArrayList<Draft>( 1 ); known_drafts.add( new Draft_17() ); known_drafts.add( new Draft_10() ); known_drafts.add( new Draft_76() ); known_drafts.add( new Draft_75() ); } else { known_drafts = drafts; } } private void init( WebSocketListener listener, Draft draft, SocketChannel sockchannel ) { this.sockchannel = sockchannel; this.bufferQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<ByteBuffer>( 10 ); this.socketBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( 65558 ); socketBuffer.flip(); this.wsl = listener; this.role = Role.CLIENT; this.draft = draft; } /** * Should be called when a Selector has a key that is writable for this * WebSocket's SocketChannel connection. * * @throws IOException * When socket related I/O errors occur. * @throws InterruptedException */ /*package public*/void handleRead() throws IOException { if( !socketBuffer.hasRemaining() ) { socketBuffer.rewind(); socketBuffer.limit( socketBuffer.capacity() ); if( socketBuffer ) == -1 ) { close( CloseFrame.ABNROMAL_CLOSE ); } socketBuffer.flip(); } if( socketBuffer.hasRemaining() ) { if( DEBUG ) System.out.println( "process(" + socketBuffer.remaining() + "): {" + ( socketBuffer.remaining() > 1000 ? "too big to display" : new String( socketBuffer.array(), socketBuffer.position(), socketBuffer.remaining() ) ) + "}" ); if( !handshakeComplete ) { Handshakedata handshake; if( draft == null ) { HandshakeState isflashedgecase = isFlashEdgeCase( socketBuffer ); if( isflashedgecase == HandshakeState.MATCHED ) { channelWriteDirect( ByteBuffer.wrap( Charsetfunctions.utf8Bytes( wsl.getFlashPolicy( this ) ) ) ); closeDirect( CloseFrame.FLASHPOLICY, "" ); return; } else if( isflashedgecase == HandshakeState.MATCHING ) { return; } } HandshakeState handshakestate = null; socketBuffer.mark(); try { if( role == Role.SERVER ) { if( draft == null ) { for( Draft d : known_drafts ) { try { d.setParseMode( role ); socketBuffer.reset(); handshake = d.translateHandshake( socketBuffer ); handshakestate = d.acceptHandshakeAsServer( handshake ); if( handshakestate == HandshakeState.MATCHED ) { HandshakeBuilder response = wsl.onHandshakeRecievedAsServer( this, d, handshake ); writeDirect( d.createHandshake( d.postProcessHandshakeResponseAsServer( handshake, response ), role ) ); draft = d; open( handshake ); handleRead(); return; } else if( handshakestate == HandshakeState.MATCHING ) { if( draft != null ) { throw new InvalidHandshakeException( "multible drafts matching" ); } draft = d; } } catch ( InvalidHandshakeException e ) { // go on with an other draft } catch ( IncompleteHandshakeException e ) { if( socketBuffer.limit() == socketBuffer.capacity() ) { close( CloseFrame.TOOBIG, "handshake is to big" ); } // read more bytes for the handshake socketBuffer.position( socketBuffer.limit() ); socketBuffer.limit( socketBuffer.capacity() ); return; } } if( draft == null ) { close( CloseFrame.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "no draft matches" ); } return; } else { // special case for multiple step handshakes handshake = draft.translateHandshake( socketBuffer ); handshakestate = draft.acceptHandshakeAsServer( handshake ); if( handshakestate == HandshakeState.MATCHED ) { open( handshake ); handleRead(); } else if( handshakestate != HandshakeState.MATCHING ) { close( CloseFrame.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "the handshake did finaly not match" ); } return; } } else if( role == Role.CLIENT ) { draft.setParseMode( role ); handshake = draft.translateHandshake( socketBuffer ); handshakestate = draft.acceptHandshakeAsClient( handshakerequest, handshake ); if( handshakestate == HandshakeState.MATCHED ) { open( handshake ); handleRead(); } else if( handshakestate == HandshakeState.MATCHING ) { return; } else { close( CloseFrame.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "draft " + draft + " refuses handshake" ); } } } catch ( InvalidHandshakeException e ) { close( e ); } } else { // Receiving frames List<Framedata> frames; try { frames = draft.translateFrame( socketBuffer ); for( Framedata f : frames ) { if( DEBUG ) System.out.println( "matched frame: " + f ); Opcode curop = f.getOpcode(); if( curop == Opcode.CLOSING ) { int code = CloseFrame.NOCODE; String reason = ""; if( f instanceof CloseFrame ) { CloseFrame cf = (CloseFrame) f; code = cf.getCloseCode(); reason = cf.getMessage(); } if( closeHandshakeSent ) { // complete the close handshake by disconnecting closeConnection( code, reason, true ); } else { // echo close handshake close( code, reason ); closeConnection( code, reason, false ); } continue; } else if( curop == Opcode.PING ) { wsl.onPing( this, f ); continue; } else if( curop == Opcode.PONG ) { wsl.onPong( this, f ); continue; } else { // process non control frames if( currentframe == null ) { if( f.getOpcode() == Opcode.CONTINIOUS ) { throw new InvalidFrameException( "unexpected continious frame" ); } else if( f.isFin() ) { // receive normal onframe message deliverMessage( f ); } else { // remember the frame whose payload is about to be continued currentframe = f; } } else if( f.getOpcode() == Opcode.CONTINIOUS ) { currentframe.append( f ); if( f.isFin() ) { deliverMessage( currentframe ); currentframe = null; } } else { throw new InvalidDataException( CloseFrame.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "non control or continious frame expected" ); } } } } catch ( InvalidDataException e1 ) { wsl.onError( this, e1 ); close( e1 ); return; } } } } // PUBLIC INSTANCE METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * sends the closing handshake. * may be send in response to an other handshake. */ public void close( int code, String message ) { try { closeDirect( code, message ); } catch ( IOException e ) { closeConnection( CloseFrame.ABNROMAL_CLOSE, true ); } } public void closeDirect( int code, String message ) throws IOException { if( !closeHandshakeSent ) { if( handshakeComplete ) { if( code == CloseFrame.ABNROMAL_CLOSE ) { closeConnection( code, true ); closeHandshakeSent = true; return; } flush(); if( draft.hasCloseHandshake() ) { try { sendFrameDirect( new CloseFrameBuilder( code, message ) ); } catch ( InvalidDataException e ) { wsl.onError( this, e ); closeConnection( CloseFrame.ABNROMAL_CLOSE, "generated frame is invalid", false ); } } else { closeConnection( code, false ); } } else if( code == CloseFrame.FLASHPOLICY ) { closeConnection( CloseFrame.FLASHPOLICY, true ); } else { closeConnection( CloseFrame.NEVERCONNECTED, false ); } if( code == CloseFrame.PROTOCOL_ERROR )// this endpoint found a PROTOCOL_ERROR closeConnection( code, false ); closeHandshakeSent = true; return; } } /** * closes the socket no matter if the closing handshake completed. * Does not send any not yet written data before closing. * Calling this method more than once will have no effect. * * @param remote * Indicates who "generated" <code>code</code>.<br> * <code>true</code> means that this endpoint received the <code>code</code> from the other endpoint.<br> * false means this endpoint decided to send the given code,<br> * <code>remote</code> may also be true if this endpoint started the closing handshake since the other endpoint may not simply echo the <code>code</code> but close the connection the same time this endpoint does do but with an other <code>code</code>. <br> **/ public void closeConnection( int code, String message, boolean remote ) { if( connectionClosed ) { return; } connectionClosed = true; try { sockchannel.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { wsl.onError( this, e ); } this.wsl.onClose( this, code, message, remote ); if( draft != null ) draft.reset(); currentframe = null; handshakerequest = null; } public void closeConnection( int code, boolean remote ) { closeConnection( code, "", remote ); } public void close( int code ) { close( code, "" ); } public void close( InvalidDataException e ) { close( e.getCloseCode(), e.getMessage() ); } /** * @return True if all of the text was sent to the client by this thread or the given data is empty * False if some of the text had to be buffered to be sent later. * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public void send( String text ) throws IllegalArgumentException , NotYetConnectedException , InterruptedException { if( text == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot send 'null' data to a WebSocket." ); send( draft.createFrames( text, role == Role.CLIENT ) ); } // TODO there should be a send for bytebuffers public void send( byte[] bytes ) throws IllegalArgumentException , NotYetConnectedException , InterruptedException { if( bytes == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot send 'null' data to a WebSocket." ); send( draft.createFrames( bytes, role == Role.CLIENT ) ); } private void send( Collection<Framedata> frames ) throws InterruptedException { if( !this.handshakeComplete ) throw new NotYetConnectedException(); for( Framedata f : frames ) { sendFrame( f ); } } public void sendFrame( Framedata framedata ) throws InterruptedException { if( DEBUG ) System.out.println( "send frame: " + framedata ); channelWrite( draft.createBinaryFrame( framedata ) ); } private void sendFrameDirect( Framedata framedata ) throws IOException { if( DEBUG ) System.out.println( "send frame: " + framedata ); channelWriteDirect( draft.createBinaryFrame( framedata ) ); } boolean hasBufferedData() { return !this.bufferQueue.isEmpty(); } /** * @return True if all data has been sent to the client, false if there * is still some buffered. */ public void flush() throws IOException { ByteBuffer buffer = this.bufferQueue.peek(); while ( buffer != null ) { sockchannel.write( buffer ); if( buffer.remaining() > 0 ) { continue; } else { this.bufferQueue.poll(); // Buffer finished. Remove it. buffer = this.bufferQueue.peek(); } } } public HandshakeState isFlashEdgeCase( ByteBuffer request ) { if( request.limit() > Draft.FLASH_POLICY_REQUEST.length ) return HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED; else if( request.limit() < Draft.FLASH_POLICY_REQUEST.length ) { return HandshakeState.MATCHING; } else { request.mark(); for( int flash_policy_index = 0 ; request.hasRemaining() ; flash_policy_index++ ) { if( Draft.FLASH_POLICY_REQUEST[ flash_policy_index ] != request.get() ) { request.reset(); return HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED; } } return HandshakeState.MATCHED; // return request.remaining() >= Draft.FLASH_POLICY_REQUEST.length ? HandshakeState.MATCHED : HandshakeState.MATCHING; } } public void startHandshake( HandshakeBuilder handshakedata ) throws InvalidHandshakeException , InterruptedException { if( handshakeComplete ) throw new IllegalStateException( "Handshake has allready been sent." ); this.handshakerequest = handshakedata; channelWrite( draft.createHandshake( draft.postProcessHandshakeRequestAsClient( handshakedata ), role ) ); } private void channelWrite( ByteBuffer buf ) throws InterruptedException { if( DEBUG ) System.out.println( "write(" + buf.limit() + "): {" + ( buf.limit() > 1000 ? "too big to display" : new String( buf.array() ) ) + "}" ); buf.rewind(); bufferQueue.put( buf ); wsl.onWriteDemand( this ); } private void channelWrite( List<ByteBuffer> bufs ) throws InterruptedException { for( ByteBuffer b : bufs ) { channelWrite( b ); } } private void channelWriteDirect( ByteBuffer buf ) throws IOException { while ( buf.hasRemaining() ) sockchannel.write( buf ); } private void writeDirect( List<ByteBuffer> bufs ) throws IOException { for( ByteBuffer b : bufs ) { channelWriteDirect( b ); } } private void deliverMessage( Framedata d ) throws InvalidDataException { if( d.getOpcode() == Opcode.TEXT ) { wsl.onMessage( this, Charsetfunctions.stringUtf8( d.getPayloadData() ) ); } else if( d.getOpcode() == Opcode.BINARY ) { wsl.onMessage( this, d.getPayloadData() ); } else { if( DEBUG ) System.out.println( "Ignoring frame:" + d.toString() ); assert ( false ); } } private void open( Handshakedata d ) throws IOException { if( DEBUG ) System.out.println( "open using draft: " + draft.getClass().getSimpleName() ); handshakeComplete = true; wsl.onOpen( this, d ); } public InetSocketAddress getRemoteSocketAddress() { return (InetSocketAddress) sockchannel.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress(); } public InetSocketAddress getLocalSocketAddress() { return (InetSocketAddress) sockchannel.socket().getLocalSocketAddress(); } public boolean isClosed() { return connectionClosed; } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString(); // its nice to be able to set breakpoints here } }